
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner (1913)

Eine Filmbiographie anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags des großen Meisters

Género : Drama, Historia, Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 50M

Director : Carl Froelich, William Wauer


The story of the great German composer, from his childhood through his great triumphs in orchestral and operatic music.


Giuseppe Becce
Giuseppe Becce
Richard Wagner
Olga Engl
Olga Engl
Cosima von Bülow
Manny Ziener
Manny Ziener
Minna Planer
Ernst Reicher
Ernst Reicher
Ludwig II.
Max Maximilian
Max Maximilian
William Wauer
William Wauer
Miriam Horwitz
Miriam Horwitz
Mathilde Wesendonk


Carl Froelich
Carl Froelich
William Wauer
William Wauer
William Wauer
William Wauer

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