Giuseppe Becce

Nacimiento : 1877-02-02, Lonigo, Veneto, Italy

Muerte : 1973-10-05


The Power of the Past
Portiere di notte
Von Kastelruth nach Hollywood
Der Edelweißkönig
Original Music Composer
Der Jäger von Fall
Original Music Composer
Das Schweigen im Walde
Hansel and Gretel
Behind Monastery Walls
Thomas Holinka has returned home from war and captivity. In the absence of a suitable home, he finds himself in what seems to be an abandoned monastery. When the nuns return, a conflict is inevitable because Holinka is addicted to alcohol and gambling .
Nacht am Mont-Blanc
Original Music Composer
Gesetz ohne Gnade
Viel Lärm um Nixi
Original Music Composer
The Jester's Supper
In Florence, at the time of Lorenzo de Medici, known also as Lorenzo the Magnificent, the aristocrat brothers Chiaramantesi rule with an iron fist the streets of the city. Ruthless and fierce, the two brothers have chosen as their special victim the innocent and harmless Giannetto. Even though determined to not react to the cruel pranks of the brothers, Giannetto is forced to take a stand when Ginevra, a beautiful girl that works in the Chiaramantesi household, is dragged into the game. To defend his honor and protect the girl, Giannetto works out a fiendish plot that will end in blood and madness.
Amore imperiale
Frau im Strom
Original Music Composer
Alois, Wendelin, Schani and Franz operate an auto repair shop in Vienna. One evening, Alois fishes the suicidal Hannerl out of the Danube and takes her to live with him. The timid and taciturn woman soon disappears however, and with her, a large amount of cash out of the shop's cash register. A disappointed Alois wishes to forget about her, but his three friends look for Hannerl and the money. As it turns out, she's married to the smuggler Kerrylis, who forces her to take part in his business; that's why she tried to kill herself. When Kerrylis is found dead, Alois is suspected of being the murderer.
Le joueur
Giuochi nella schiuma
Henkel ad by Pinschewer.
Madame Bovary
A drama film directed by Gerhard Lamprecht.
The Emperor of California
Original Music Composer
The film follows the life story of Johann Augustus Suter, the owner of Sutter's Mill, famous as the birthplace of the great California Gold Rush of 1848.
Wunder des Fliegens: Der Film eines deutschen Fliegers
Original Music Composer
A young German boy meets his hero, a famous flying ace, and dreams of becoming a pilot. However, his mother--whose husband was a fighter pilot killed in battle during World War I--does not want to lose her son, too, and tries to persuade him to abandon his dreams of flying.
The Prodigal Son
Original Music Composer
Story of the trials and tribulations of a German who emigrates to the US during the Great Depression.
Das Lied der Sonne
Impresario Adler is imprisoned for insulting an official and therefore unable to negotiate an important concert tour with opera singer Lauri Volpi. In his place, he convinces Friedel, a pretty music student, to travel to Venice to meet the famous tenor. In her travels, Friedel sends postcards written by Adler to his wife to prevent her from knowing his real whereabouts. When Friedel meets Volpi’s attorney, she mistakes him for the singer, and they spend days together in a romantic, picturesque Italy without him revealing his true identity. After his release from prison, Adler realizes two things: firstly, Friedel has been negotiating with the wrong man, and secondly, his wife has discovered the trick with the postcards, traveled to Italy, and started a storm of her own. But when the storm has cleared and the confusions are clarified, nothing holds them back from a happy ending.
El abogado
Original Music Composer
George Simon, un exitoso abogado judío de Manhattan, tiene que enfrentarse de repente a la infidelidad de su mujer y a su propio pasado.
Original Music Composer
Eva se acaba de casar con un señor mayor, pero descubre que está obsesionado con el orden en su vida y que no tiene mucho espacio para la pasión. Ella se desanima y lo abandona, volviendo a la casa de su padre. Un día, mientras se baña en el lago, conoce a un joven y se enamoran. El marido se ha afligido por la pérdida de su joven esposa, y el destino lo une al joven amante que le ha arrebatado a Eva.
Eva se acaba de casar con un señor mayor, pero descubre que está obsesionado con el orden en su vida y que no tiene mucho espacio para la pasión. Ella se desanima y lo abandona, volviendo a la casa de su padre. Un día, mientras se baña en el lago, conoce a un joven y se enamoran. El marido se ha afligido por la pérdida de su joven esposa, y el destino lo une al joven amante que le ha arrebatado a Eva.
The Rebel
Original Music Composer
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
L'amour en vitesse
Lilian, a rich young girl, is to marry Baron de Plessis, captain of the bobsleigh team. However, Lilian is interested in Tressac, the captain of the opposing team. When everyone discovers that the baron is a burglar, Lilian can marry her lover.
La luz azul
Original Music Composer
Junta es una chica que vive sola en un monte en cuya cumbre brilla una luz azul por las noches. Los habitantes del pueblo, temerosos de esa luz, rechazan a Junta y la tachan de bruja. Sólo un visitante no hace caso de los supersticiosos y decide acercarse a la joven; los dos se sienten mutuamente atraídos.
Tres caballeros
Tres caballeros van en busca de un terrible dragón que guarda el secreto para aliviar el dolor de cabeza de la princesa.
Mountains on Fire
Original Music Composer
Two of Germany's best and busiest directors collaborated on Berge in Flammen (Mountain in Flames). The storyline should be of interest to pro-ecologists, inasmuch as the directors take to task the warmongers of the world for despoiling the natural beauties of the European mountain ranges with their shell-fire. The final outrage occurs during a battle between the Austrians and the Italians in the Dolomites, culminating with the destruction of an entire mountain (hence the film's title). The harrowing images on screen were complemented perfectly by the musical score of Giuseppe Beece. Also known as The Doomed Batallion, Berge in Flammen was filmed in three different languages -- German, English, French -- for a total cost of $150,000.
Fra Diavolo
Italian-language version of the Germany-made DER TEUFELSBRUDER (FRA DIAVOLO), with different supporting cast and some scenes. Based on the Auber opera, but with generally original music by Dr. Giuseppe Becce.
Two standards
Original Music Composer
Un drama en la nieve
Original Music Composer
El guía de montaña e instructor de esquí Hans Turri ha sido contratado por el turista Gregory Milacz para realizar una ruta en las montañas. Ambos se ven atrapados por una tormenta, por lo que mientras Milacz queda a la espera en la cabaña Concordia, Turri vuelve de nuevo al valle. A la vuelta, Milacz ha desaparecido. Las sospechas se vuelven contra Turri como sospechoso de asesinato por los celos que pudiera tener por la bella Mary Dulac. Para librarse de la acusación de asesinato, Turri se lanza a la búsqueda de Milacs. Versión francesa de la película 'Der sohn der weissen berge', rodada el mismo año por el mismo equipo pero con diferentes actores.
The Son of the White Mountain
La esquiadora francesa Mary Dulac cae frente a los pies de los tres esquiadores alemanes Turri, Koste y Morel durante el entrenamiento para los campeonatos europeos de esquí en Zermatt en el Matterhorn. La hija pasa las vacaciones de invierno en las montañas con su padre adinerado e invita a sus nuevos conocidos a un baile en su elegante hotel por la noche, para disgusto de su admirador Gregor Milacz.
Scandal about Eva
An engaged woman discovers her fiancé has a four year old son. Pretending to take a cure she travels to the boy's foster-parents to make his acquaintance.
Kirmes in Hollywood
Un joven se enfrenta al musculoso Emil en un combate de boxeo por la bolsa, valorada en 1.000 dólares, y la mano de la señorita Arabella.
The Woman Men Yearn For
Original Music Composer
After a chance meeting at a train station, Henry and Stascha, unhappy with their circumstances, are determined to leave and be together.
The Secret Courier
A silent adventure based on the classic novel by Stendhal "The Red and the Black".
Unfug der Liebe
Original Music Composer
Leontines Ehemänner
Original Music Composer
The Masked Mannequin
Because she has fallen in love with an unknown man, young princess Antoinette has fled to Berlin before her planned marriage with a prince. Incognito, she works for the fashion house Pappenheim, where salesman Egon Fürst falls for the young girl. Antoinette′s rigid uncle is sent to bring the royal runaway home, but he mistakes another mannequin for his niece, therefore taking the wrong girl to his castle in Baden-Baden. The whole Pappenheim company, including the princess, also goes to Baden-Baden for a fashion show, which means even more excitement and confusion.
Der Katzensteg
Original Music Composer
La película se centra en una familia dividida por la política. Mientras que el hijo, un prusiano acérrimo, está horrorizado por el traicionero apoyo de su padre a los franceses, también condena el espíritu de venganza sin sentido de los patriotas locales.
Secretos de un alma
Original Music Composer
Un hombre afila su navaja de afeitar, se dirige al tocador donde se encuentra su esposa y, al proceder a afeitarle el pelo de la nuca le hace un corte accidentalmente al escuchar los gritos procedentes del vecindario.
The Last Horse Carriage in Berlin
A taxi driver in Berlin refuses to give up his horse and switch to motor transport.
Tartufo o el Hipócrita
Original Music Composer
Fábula moral basada en la famosa comedia de Moliere sobre la hipocresía de un hombre que quiere adueñarse de una gran fortuna.
Ways to Strength and Beauty
Original Music Composer
The perfect body as an object of cult worship. Based on the mass sports and body worship movement of the 1920s, the film propagates physical training and shows in stylized documentary scenes aspects of physical hygiene, gymnastics, sports and dancing as well as scenes in which supposed sportsmen of antiquity pose naked.
El último
Un portero de un lujoso hotel, es bruscamente degradado a mozo de los lavabos. Privado de su antiguo trabajo y del uniforme que le identifica, intenta ocultar su nueva condición, pero su vida se desintegra lentamente.
Die Andere
Decameron Nights
A Saracen sultan's disguised son loves an amnesiac Moslem princess.
Die Buddenbrooks
Four-generation story-saga dealing with the decline of a middle-class Lübeck family. The first adaptation of a Thomas Mann book was also Gerhard Lamprecht’s first major film.
Variety star Kaja falls in love with fisherman Peter. But he in a unfortunate situation kills a man and is sentenced to ten years imprisonment. Kaja promises to wait for him, but things go badly for her.
Die Geierwally
Original Music Composer
"The Bear Joseph", so named because of a fight with a bear, is rescued by Wally, a farmer's daughter, from a dangerous situation in a vulture's nest. He then calls her "Geierwally". They fall in love. Wally's father disapproves of this romance. He has other plans for Wally.
Original Music Composer
Scherben is about the everyday lives of a railway trackman, his wife and daughter in a remote, isolated house in a winter landscape, Mayer and Pick introduce increasingly stronger disturbances into their daily routines.
Las hijas del cervecero
En algún lugar del sur de Baviera, Xaver quiere casarse con Gretel, pero el padre de ésta, Kohlhiesel, quiere que su hija mayor, Liesel, se case primero, como mandaba la tradición en ese lugar. El problema es que nadie quiere casarse con Liesel, porque es demasiado brusca. Xaver sugiere que primero se casará con Liesel y luego se deshará de ella, para más tarde volver a casarse con Gretel. (Eddie Constanti)
El gabinete del doctor Caligari
Original Music Composer
Sentado en un banco de un parque, Francis anima a su compañero Alan para que vayan a Holstenwall, una ciudad del norte de Alemania, a ver el espectáculo ambulante del doctor Caligari. Un empleado municipal que le niega al doctor el permiso para actuar, aparece asesinado al día siguiente. Francis y Alan acuden a ver al doctor Caligari y a Cesare, su ayudante sonámbulo, que le anuncia a Alan su porvenir: vivirá hasta el amanecer.
Rose Bernd
An adaptation of the Gerhart Hauptmann play of the same name. A young farmer's daughter is used and abused by the men in her life.
The Game of Love and Death
Der Wilderer
Dr. Schotte
A doctor's marriage to a single mother comes unravelled.
Countess Kitchenmaid
Henny Porten plays the dual role of a rather indecorous Countess and her kitchen maid Karoline Blum, an amateur actress.
Gefangene Seele
Original Music Composer
Der Liebesbrief der Königin
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Der standhafte Benjamin
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Lehmann's Honeymoon
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Das wandernde Licht
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Frau Eva
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
The Man in the Mirror
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
The Life and Works of Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner
The story of the great German composer, from his childhood through his great triumphs in orchestral and operatic music.