
Pawnshop (2013)

Género : Crimen, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Liubomyr Levytskyi
Escritor : Liubomyr Levytskyi


The main characters - two brothers, Mark and Yasha, are street-smart and know how to get from life all that is necessary. Mark is referred to as the noble bandit, and Yasha, on the contrary, is all about using his intelligence. Passing difficult twists and turns in their youth, the brothers begin to look for stability. Precisely in one of those days they receive the news about the inheritance. They inherit a well-known pawnshop and the owner is their uncle Felix, who doesn't want to let go of it. Mark and Yasha decide to pick up the inheritance by any means. They part ways, but they are ready for anything...


Denis Nikiforov
Denis Nikiforov
Pavel Piskun
Pavel Piskun
Valerii Lehin
Valerii Lehin
Dmytro Rybalevskyi
Dmytro Rybalevskyi
Serhii Shliakhtiuk
Serhii Shliakhtiuk


Liubomyr Levytskyi
Liubomyr Levytskyi
Yurii Hrom
Yurii Hrom
Original Music Composer
Liubomyr Levytskyi
Liubomyr Levytskyi

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