
Oru Indian Pranayakadha (2013)

Género : Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 30M

Director : Sathyan Anthikad


Oru Indian Pranayakatha is about the life of a young political leader and his association with a woman who comes unexpectedly into his life.


Fahadh Faasil
Fahadh Faasil
Aymanam Sidharth
Amala Paul
Amala Paul
Uthup Vallikkadan
Lakshmi Gopalaswamy
Lakshmi Gopalaswamy
Dr. Thulasi
Prakash Bare
Prakash Bare
Riya Saira
Riya Saira
Kani Kusruti
Kani Kusruti
Police Commissioner
Muthumani Somasundaran
Muthumani Somasundaran
Dr. Vimala Ramanathan
Krishna Prabha
Krishna Prabha
Valsala Menon
Valsala Menon
Sidharth's grandmother
Anjana Appukuttan
Anjana Appukuttan
Irene's neighbour
Mela Raghu
Mela Raghu
Phone booth operator
Babu Annur
Babu Annur
Anu Sithara
Anu Sithara
Young Thulasi


Sathyan Anthikad
Sathyan Anthikad
K. Rajagopal
K. Rajagopal
Ikbal Kuttipuram
Ikbal Kuttipuram

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