
Thilakkam (2003)

Género : Romance, Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 57M

Director : Jayaraj


Padmanabhan master and his wife are waiting for Unni, their only son who is missing for many years. 10 year old Unni got lost in the crowd during a temple festival where he was along with his neighbour Panikkar, popularly known as Poorappanikkar. Panikkar too did not return since he decided to return only after finding Unni. Ammu is Panikkar's daughter who also believes, like master and his wife, that her father will return one day with Unni. The master finds Unni and brings him back to the Village. The villagers realize that Unni is abnormal and is mentally challenged. He behaves like a small boy and creates all sorts of trouble for the villagers and his parents.


Kavya Madhavan
Kavya Madhavan
Nedumudi Venu
Nedumudi Venu
Padmanabhan Master
Harisree Ashokan
Harisree Ashokan
Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
Oduvil Unnikrishnan
Oduvil Unnikrishnan
Salim Kumar
Salim Kumar
Maheswaran Thampi
Nishanth Sagar
Nishanth Sagar
Cochin Haneefa
Cochin Haneefa
Gunda Bhaskaran
Machan Varghese
Machan Varghese
Bindu Panicker
Bindu Panicker
Ammu's grandmother


Playback Singer
Sujatha Mohan
Sujatha Mohan
Playback Singer
Anish Varma
Anish Varma
Alankodu Leelakrishnan
Alankodu Leelakrishnan
Kaithapram Damodaran
Kaithapram Damodaran
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
N.P. Sathish
N.P. Sathish
Director of Photography

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