Jean-Pierre Melville: Portrait in 9 Poses (1971)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 52M

Director : André S. Labarthe


Shot while he was preparing Un Flic, Melville carefully leads Labarthe through the trajectory of his career, from his daring debut The Silence of the Sea to his great successes of the 1960s, Le Samourai and Le cercle rouge. Labarthe also details the development of the Melville “myth: the dark glasses, the trenchcoats, the Ford Mustang, and his general tough-guy demeanor. This documentary first appeared as an episode on the French television series "Cinéastes de notres temps".


Jean-Pierre Melville
Jean-Pierre Melville


André S. Labarthe
André S. Labarthe
Janine Bazin
Janine Bazin
André S. Labarthe
André S. Labarthe

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