Jean-Pierre Melville: Portrait in 9 Poses (1971)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 52M

Director : André S. Labarthe


Shot while he was preparing Un Flic, Melville carefully leads Labarthe through the trajectory of his career, from his daring debut The Silence of the Sea to his great successes of the 1960s, Le Samourai and Le cercle rouge. Labarthe also details the development of the Melville “myth: the dark glasses, the trenchcoats, the Ford Mustang, and his general tough-guy demeanor. This documentary first appeared as an episode on the French television series "Cinéastes de notres temps".


Jean-Pierre Melville
Jean-Pierre Melville


André S. Labarthe
André S. Labarthe
Janine Bazin
Janine Bazin
André S. Labarthe
André S. Labarthe


The Glass Cell
A man is wrongfully imprisoned for five years. Once out, he hears about his wife's supposed adventures outside of their marriage and becomes increasingly jealous.
If I Should Die Before I Wake
While committing a prank, a child accidentally discovers the identity of the criminal who keeps the whole neighborhood on alert. For fear of being punished, he does not tell what he knows to his father, a police officer.
Monkeys Like Becky
The first part of this documentary deals with the Portuguese neurologist António Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1949, one of the first surgeons to apply the technique called lobotomy for the treatment of schizophrenia. The second part deals with the everyday life of people with schizophrenia today: behavior and relationships, and treatment for the disease.
The Neighbour
Situado num antigo subúrbio de Viena atravessada pela linha ferroviária local e cheio de casas delapidadas. Neste bairro, vive um homem velho e quando a sua vizinha morre e novos inquilinos se mudam para lá, a sua existência transforma-se.
In Cold Blood
Carlos a young man who lives in the suburbs of the big city has ambitions and wants to change his life. Influenced by friends of doubtful moral character, habituated to frequent harmful environments. Little by little, he begins to see himself doomed to crime and one day he abandons his girlfriend, María, for Isabel, an attractive and intelligent woman who plays with him and takes him wherever he wants. When Carlos, once he has committed a robbery, realizes the nature of Isabel and his friends, and that he will never be happy in that environment, he tries to go back, but the violence of the facts will lead him to a bloodthirsty outcome.
Courage for Every Day
A passionate communist worker is discouraged by the changing political climate and the failure of his peers to live up to his ideals.
The Friend
This short features an unnamed boy who works as a shoeblack near a carnival. He befriends a middle-class boy one evening and gets a chance to spend time inside the carnival gate.
Egon Schiele: Excess and Punishment
In 1912, in Austria, the painter Egon Schiele is sent to jail accused of pornography with the nymphet Tatjana in his erotic paints. His mate, the model Vally, gets help from a famous lawyer to release him. Then he leaves Vally, marries with another woman and goes to the war.
God's Country
Em 1979, Louis Malle viajou para o coração de Minnesota para captar o cotidiano dos homens e mulheres de uma próspera comunidade agrícola. Seis anos depois, durante o segundo mandato de Ronald Reagan, ele retorna e encontra um drástico declínio econômico.
Sink or Swim
Uma menina descreve os eventos da infância que moldaram suas ideias sobre paternidade, relações familiares, trabalho e lazer. Enquadram-se dois retratos: o de um pai que abandona sua família, e o de uma filha que foi profundamente afetada por seu comportamento.
Professor Hannibal
A school teacher becomes a momentary hero after having rescued a stuffed-bird from a school incident.