
Sanam (2001)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 28M

Director : Rafi Pitts


In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.


Ghorban Ahmadi Galdi
Ghorban Ahmadi Galdi
Ismaïl Amani
Ismaïl Amani
Ali Reza Amini
Ali Reza Amini
Horseman 1
Gholam Ali Amini
Gholam Ali Amini
Man on motorcycle
Hassan Amini
Hassan Amini
Young boy
Leila Amini
Leila Amini
Woman on motorcycle
Reza Amiri
Reza Amiri
Horseman 3
Mohammad Reza Fadai
Mohammad Reza Fadai
Old man traveler
Rajab Ali Gharaie
Rajab Ali Gharaie
Gol Mohammad Golmohammadi
Gol Mohammad Golmohammadi
Gholamreza Hassanzadeh
Gholamreza Hassanzadeh
Hassan Khaleghi
Hassan Khaleghi
Police Officer 2
Khadijeh Khaleghi
Khadijeh Khaleghi
Young woman traveler
Maryam Khansavari
Maryam Khansavari
Fatemeh Moussavi
Fatemeh Moussavi
Ismail Nadjafi
Ismail Nadjafi
House guard
Farrokh Nemati
Farrokh Nemati
Land Owner
Roya Nownahali
Roya Nownahali
Ali Akbar Pakizeh
Ali Akbar Pakizeh
Young man traveler
Mohammad Reza Sanei
Mohammad Reza Sanei
Shop Owner
Sardari Setar
Sardari Setar
Horseman 2
Mohammad Soleimani
Mohammad Soleimani
Horseman 4
Shahbanoo Soltani
Shahbanoo Soltani
Woman traveler


Rafi Pitts
Rafi Pitts
Rafi Pitts
Rafi Pitts

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