Farrokh Nemati

Farrokh Nemati


Farrokh Nemati


The Mayor
It is better to reveal some secrets, some of them never. They should be buried somewhere out of reach, forever.
The Wasteland
A remote brick manufacture factory produces bricks in an ancient way. Many families with different ethnicities work in the factory and the boss seems to hold the key to solving their problems. Forty-year-old Lotfollah, who has been born on-site, is the factory supervisor and acts as go-between for the workers and the boss. Boss has Lotfollah gather all the workers in front of his office. He wants to talk to them about the shutdown of the factory. All matters now to Lotfollah is to keep Sarvar unharmed, the woman he has been in love with for a long time.
Cinema Shahre Gheseh
David, a movie-maker who loves filmmaking, falls in love with a girl whose father is a staunch opponent of cinema.
The Last Fiction
Shahrasb (voice)
Reino de Jamkard, antigua Persia. Después de derrotar a los ejércitos de Ahriman, encarnación del mal, el rey Jamshid, portador de la luz del Poder Divino, abandona a su pueblo cegado por el orgullo, decidido a conquistar nuevas tierras. Así, por casualidad, Zahhaak se convierte en regente y emprende la reconstrucción de la devastada capital. Pero entonces Ahriman, que habita en el corazón de cada ser humano, comienza a envenenar su alma atormentada.
Fairy Out of Wedluck
Parinaaz's mother dies in an accident. The only relative to take care of Parinaaz is an aunt who despises her. Their relationship is to be challenged through different unnatural events.
Gilda, who owns Sepid restaurant, is living the worst night of her life. she must save herself before tomorrow morning...
En 1964, en una parroquia del Bronx, un apasionado y carismático sacerdote, el padre Flynn (Seymour Hoffman) intenta cambiar las rígidas normas del colegio, que durante años han sido celosamente salvaguardadas por la hermana Aloysius Beauvier (Meryl Streep), una estricta directora que cree firmemente en el poder de la disciplina. Soplan vientos de cambio político; prueba de ello es que el colegio ha aceptado al primer alumno negro, Donald Miller. Pero cuando la hermana James (Amy Adams) le cuenta inocentemente a la hermana Aloysius que parece que el padre Flynn presta demasiada atención a Donald, la superiora, sin contar con una sola prueba, comienza una cruzada personal para sacar a la luz la verdad y expulsar a Flynn del colegio por abusar del alumno. Esta batalla amenaza con desgarrar la comunidad de manera irreversible. Basada en una obra ganadora del Premio Pulitzter y de un Premio Toni en su adaptación teatral. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Green Fire
Based on an ancient story Sang-e Sabor it's the story of a girl Nardaneh who one day hears a voice telling her that soon she will marry with a dead man. One day she enters a castle and in one of it's room finds a dead body with a book beside it. She begins to read the book and follows the instructions step by step.
Land Owner
In a small valley, riders pursue and kill a man. A horse thief, so his assassins claim. But for his ten year old son Issa, the disappearance of his father causes an avalanche of problems. With the family name stigmatized, Issa is bullied by the other children in the village. While his mother fights to clear her husbands name, Issa is left to his own devices. But unexpectedly, his solitude gives birth to his freedom, his real passion, horses.