
Khan Asparukh - Part I - Phanagoria (1981)

Género : Drama, Historia, Bélica

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Ludmil Staikov


This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. This is the first part of the film trilogy about the events before the creation of the Bulgarian state in the middle of the VII century. Volga Bulgaria is straining under the attacks of the Khazars. Following the testament of his father, the sons of Khan Kubrat looking for a new home for their tribes. The youngest of them - Asparukh, wander 20 years in search of "land forever" for his people and reaches the mouth of the Danube. The film is narrated by captured Byzantine chronicler Belisarius, which should Asparukh in his journeys. Byzantine witnessed the heroic efforts of the Bulgarians to win the land south of the Danube and to create their new country.


Stoyko Peev
Stoyko Peev
Khan Asparoukh
Antony Genov
Antony Genov
Vassil Mihajlov
Vassil Mihajlov
Khan Kubrat
Vania Tzvetkova
Vania Tzvetkova
Stefan Getsov
Stefan Getsov
The High Priest of Tangra
Georgi Cherkelov
Georgi Cherkelov
Velizariy's father
Iossif Surchadzhiev
Iossif Surchadzhiev
Constantine IV
Mari Szür
Mari Szür
Lora Kremen
Lora Kremen
Velizariy's mother
Đoko Rosić
Đoko Rosić
The Icherguboil
Velko Kanev
Velko Kanev
Anya Pencheva
Anya Pencheva
Bogomil Simeonov
Bogomil Simeonov
Stoycho Mazgalov
Stoycho Mazgalov
Petar Slabakov
Petar Slabakov
Ivan Yanchev
Ivan Yanchev
Ivan Yordanov
Ivan Yordanov
Kina Mutafova
Kina Mutafova
Minka Syulemezova
Minka Syulemezova
Cvetan Vatev
Cvetan Vatev
Boris Arabow
Boris Arabow
Nikola Dadov
Nikola Dadov
Penka Tsitselkova
Penka Tsitselkova
Kliment Mihaylov
Kliment Mihaylov
Plamen Donchev
Plamen Donchev
Kolio Donchev
Kolio Donchev
Nikola Dzhikelov
Nikola Dzhikelov
Peyo Stankov
Peyo Stankov
Nikola Marinov
Nikola Marinov
Dimo Dzhikov
Dimo Dzhikov
Todor Todorov
Todor Todorov
Chavdar Gergov
Chavdar Gergov
Ivan Zapryanov
Ivan Zapryanov
Petar Ralev
Petar Ralev
Vasil Kirkov
Vasil Kirkov
Stancho Stanchev
Stancho Stanchev
Borislav Yakimov
Borislav Yakimov
Simeon Viktorov
Simeon Viktorov
Ivan Pangelov
Ivan Pangelov
Nickolay Hadjiminev
Nickolay Hadjiminev
Alexander Dalov
Alexander Dalov
Marin Yanev
Marin Yanev
Khan Asparoukh (voice)
Hristo Valchanov
Hristo Valchanov


Ludmil Staikov
Ludmil Staikov
Vera Mutafchieva
Vera Mutafchieva
Christo Nenov
Christo Nenov
Simeon Pironkov
Simeon Pironkov
Boris Yanakiev
Boris Yanakiev
Director of Photography
Eleonora Ezra
Eleonora Ezra
Violeta Toshkova
Violeta Toshkova
Bogoya Sapundzhyev
Bogoya Sapundzhyev
Production Design
Tzvetana Yankova
Tzvetana Yankova
Art Direction
Mayski Zhelyazkov
Mayski Zhelyazkov
Art Direction
Georgi Elkin
Georgi Elkin
Set Decoration
Galina Hadzhikoteva
Galina Hadzhikoteva
Set Decoration
Vesela Mihaylova
Vesela Mihaylova
Set Decoration
Krassimir Pashkulev
Krassimir Pashkulev
Set Decoration
Daniela Tzenova
Daniela Tzenova
Set Decoration
Victor Vassilev
Victor Vassilev
Set Decoration
Milka Nacheva
Milka Nacheva
Costume Design
Bogdana Chushkova
Bogdana Chushkova
Script Supervisor
Valeriya Deleva
Valeriya Deleva
Script Supervisor
Zoya Sharlandzhieva
Zoya Sharlandzhieva
Script Supervisor
Mihail Kirkov
Mihail Kirkov
Script Editor
Atanas Samev
Atanas Samev
Stefan Kirilov
Stefan Kirilov
Camera Operator
Mihail Nikolov
Mihail Nikolov
Camera Operator
Georgi Nochev
Georgi Nochev
Camera Operator
Grisha Vagenshtain
Grisha Vagenshtain
Camera Operator
Elena Dimitrova
Elena Dimitrova
Still Photographer
Antim Borisov
Antim Borisov
Rumyan Dimitrov
Rumyan Dimitrov
Property Master
Georgi Stoyanov
Georgi Stoyanov
Property Master
Iliya Peychev
Iliya Peychev
Construction Coordinator
Kliment Avtov
Kliment Avtov
Construction Coordinator
Georgi Vladichki
Georgi Vladichki
Sound Recordist
Ivanka Zlateva
Ivanka Zlateva
Yuliya Sisakova
Yuliya Sisakova
Key Hair Stylist
Tanyu Kukov
Tanyu Kukov
Makeup Artist
Yulia Krasteva
Yulia Krasteva
Makeup Artist

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