Rumyan Dimitrov


La ley de la calle
Set Decoration
Lucas (Elijah Rodriguez) es un adolescente de 14 años al que la vida de pandillero ha seducido en la ciudad de Washington D.C. Pese a ello, tiene claro que hará todo lo posible por evitar que su hermano de 10 años siga sus mismos pasos. Cuando un veterano de la guerra de Afganistán (Jean-Claude Van Damme) llega a su barrio, Lucas encuentra una oportunidad única para que éste se convierta en el tutor de su joven hermano.
The Brave
Production Design
In an Albanian town known for drug production and trafficking an elite group of cops set out to end the war waged against the local police.
Set Decoration
The story follows a young boy's life which started in the Rose Valley. Nowadays - a grown up man, struggling to make his dream come true.
Sharknado 5: Aletamiento global
Art Direction
La quinta entrega de la saga de Syfy presenta nuevas tormentas infestadas de tiburones cuyo tamaño y peligro van en aumento, hasta tal punto que el alcance es a nivel global. En medio de esta realidad caótica, se encuentran Fin Shepard y su esposa April, cuyo hijo queda atrapado en un sharknado y es transportado por todo el mundo.
La aventura de los vikingos
Set Decoration
Erick, un joven guerrero vikingo, une fuerzas con un clan rival con el fin de rescatar a una princesa secuestrada por la gran serpiente de Midgard. Una hazaña peligrosa con un gran riesgo para sus vidas, ya que podrían causar el fin del mundo.
Sniper: El Legado
On Set Dresser
Un francotirador está llevando a cabo el asesinato de varios líderes militares. Uno de ellos es el padre de Brandon. Su objetivo es tratar de encontrar al asesino, pero descubre que en realidad no ha muerto sino que le han utilizado como cebo para capturar al francotirador.
Sniper: El Legado
Set Decoration
Un francotirador está llevando a cabo el asesinato de varios líderes militares. Uno de ellos es el padre de Brandon. Su objetivo es tratar de encontrar al asesino, pero descubre que en realidad no ha muerto sino que le han utilizado como cebo para capturar al francotirador.
Among The Living
Art Direction
Una madre decide quitarse la vida antes que seguir viviendo con su monstruoso hijo. Años más tarde, tres amigos cometerán el error de adentrarse en el estudio de cine abandonado donde vive la bestia, que hará todo menos dejarlos tranquilos.
Victor Young Perez
Assistant Art Director
Victor Perez was a Jewish boxer who became world flyweight champion in 1931 and 1932, but was transported to Auschwitz concentration camp when Paris fell to the Nazi s in 1943. While there he was forced into slave labour and made to participate in violent boxing matches for the amusement of the Nazi guards. Surviving Auschwitz tells Victors astonishing, harrowing, brutal and incredibly moving true story.
Cry for Help
Property Master
20-year-old Georgi was adopted as a child. The family falls apart though and he ends up in a youth detention center. When released, he comes to face people's selfishness and disregard, He begins to steal things. The investigator working on his case talks to his adopted parents, his girlfriend and friends. Hiding from the police, Georgi ends up in a small town at the Black sea coast. He falls in love with his friend's sister Yana. Yet again, he finds no sympathy and understanding. He steals again. The investigator wants to help him but Georgi has given up all hope. He wants to commit suicide. Yana is the last spark of hope to bring him back to life.
Khan Asparukh - Part I - Phanagoria
Property Master
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. This is the first part of the film trilogy about the events before the creation of the Bulgarian state in the middle of the VII century. Volga Bulgaria is straining under the attacks of the Khazars. Following the testament of his father, the sons of Khan Kubrat looking for a new home for their tribes. The youngest of them - Asparukh, wander 20 years in search of "land forever" for his people and reaches the mouth of the Danube. The film is narrated by captured Byzantine chronicler Belisarius, which should Asparukh in his journeys. Byzantine witnessed the heroic efforts of the Bulgarians to win the land south of the Danube and to create their new country.