
Miraculous Journey (1948)

One Moment of Tragedy Threatens Seven Lives!!

Género : Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 16M

Director : Sam Newfield
Escritor : Fred Myton


The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.


Rory Calhoun
Rory Calhoun
Larry Burke
Audrey Long
Audrey Long
George Cleveland
George Cleveland
The Hermit
Thurston Hall
Thurston Hall
Virginia Grey
Virginia Grey
Jim Bannon
Jim Bannon
Nick Travelli
June Storey
June Storey
Rene La Cour
Carole Donne
Carole Donne
Jane Mason
Tom Lane
Tom Lane
Ray Corrigan
Ray Corrigan
Gorilla (uncredited)


Sam Newfield
Sam Newfield
Ernest Smith
Ernest Smith
Camera Operator
Sigmund Neufeld
Sigmund Neufeld
Jack Greenhalgh
Jack Greenhalgh
Director of Photography
Leo Erdody
Leo Erdody
Holbrook N. Todd
Holbrook N. Todd
Harry Reif
Harry Reif
Set Decoration
Harry Ross
Harry Ross
Makeup Artist
Bert Sternbach
Bert Sternbach
Production Manager
Stanley Neufeld
Stanley Neufeld
Assistant Director
Ben Winkler
Ben Winkler
Henry J. Staudigl
Henry J. Staudigl
Emilie Ehrlich
Emilie Ehrlich
Script Supervisor
Fred Myton
Fred Myton
Fred Myton
Fred Myton

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