Leo Erdody


Miraculous Journey
The passengers and crew of an airplane are stranded in an unfamiliar jungle. Unknown to most of the survivors is a criminal among them who caused the crash.
Lady at Midnight
A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
The Return of Rin Tin Tin
Original Music Composer
A World War II European orphan, Paul, has lost all faith in humanity. Brought to the United States by Father Mathew, Paul's confidence and faith are gradually restored through his close association with a dog, Rin-Tin-Tin.
Larceny in Her Heart
Music Director
In the second of the PRC "Michael Shayne" series,civic crusader Burton Stallings hires private detective Michael Shayne to locate the former's missing step-daughter Helen. Shayne discovers that Stallings himself has had Helen confined in an asylum in order to obtain her money.
Larceny in Her Heart
In the second of the PRC "Michael Shayne" series,civic crusader Burton Stallings hires private detective Michael Shayne to locate the former's missing step-daughter Helen. Shayne discovers that Stallings himself has had Helen confined in an asylum in order to obtain her money.
Murder Is My Business
Music Director
Michael Shayne is a private detective who is disliked greatly by Pete Rafferty, local chief of police detectives. Rafferty notifies the newspaper press that he is going to close Shayne's agency, just as Michael is about to be hired by the wealthy Eleanor Ramsey, who is being blackmailed. She is the stepmother of what she considers to be two grown-up brats, Dorothy and Ernest, and she considers their father to be of little value to the world himself. They all conspire to get their hands on her money, even to the extent of attempting to hire Shayne to frame an insurance robbery. Mrs. Ramsey is murdered, and Rafferty is trying to pin the killing on Shayne, despite the fact that suspicion points to Buell Renslow, brother of the slain woman. Shayne's secretary, the fetching Phyllis Hamilton, decides to do a little detective work to help her boss.
Murder Is My Business
Original Music Composer
Michael Shayne is a private detective who is disliked greatly by Pete Rafferty, local chief of police detectives. Rafferty notifies the newspaper press that he is going to close Shayne's agency, just as Michael is about to be hired by the wealthy Eleanor Ramsey, who is being blackmailed. She is the stepmother of what she considers to be two grown-up brats, Dorothy and Ernest, and she considers their father to be of little value to the world himself. They all conspire to get their hands on her money, even to the extent of attempting to hire Shayne to frame an insurance robbery. Mrs. Ramsey is murdered, and Rafferty is trying to pin the killing on Shayne, despite the fact that suspicion points to Buell Renslow, brother of the slain woman. Shayne's secretary, the fetching Phyllis Hamilton, decides to do a little detective work to help her boss.
Original Music Composer
La vida de Al Roberts, pianista en un club nocturno de Nueva York, se convierte en una pesadilla cuando decide hacer autostop hasta Los Ángeles para visitar a su novia.
White Pongo
Original Music Composer
Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.
Apology for Murder
Music Director
Head over heels in love with a stern and cold older businessman's young wife, a reporter is seduced into conspiring to murder him so she can inherit his estate, while pinning the murder on another businessman.
Apology for Murder
Original Music Composer
Head over heels in love with a stern and cold older businessman's young wife, a reporter is seduced into conspiring to murder him so she can inherit his estate, while pinning the murder on another businessman.
Extraña ilusión
Original Music Composer
El joven Paul padece una noche un extraño sueño en el que se entremezcla la imagen de su madre enamorándose de un hombre peligroso con la fantasmagórica visión de la muerte de su padre en accidente de coche. Con la ayuda de su tío médico, Paul irá desentrañando el oculto significado de su pesadilla nocturna hasta que descubre el terrible secreto que se esconde tras la muerte de su padre. Lo que en principio había sido tomado como desafortunado accidente se torna en terrible y trágico crimen.
Barba Azul
Un peligroso asesino, apodado Barba Azul, tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de París. A todos menos a Lucille, una modesta costurera que, desoyendo el clamor popular, decide salir a dar un paseo nocturno por la ciudad. Gracias a ello conocerá a Gaston Morrell, un titiritero que le ofrecerá trabajo como modista en su espectáculo de marionetas. La llegada de Lucille a la compañía provocará los inevitables celos de Renee, la amante de Gaston. Lo que ninguna de las dos conoce es que Gaston posee una cara oculta que desearían no conocer jamás.
Barba Azul
Original Music Composer
Un peligroso asesino, apodado Barba Azul, tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de París. A todos menos a Lucille, una modesta costurera que, desoyendo el clamor popular, decide salir a dar un paseo nocturno por la ciudad. Gracias a ello conocerá a Gaston Morrell, un titiritero que le ofrecerá trabajo como modista en su espectáculo de marionetas. La llegada de Lucille a la compañía provocará los inevitables celos de Renee, la amante de Gaston. Lo que ninguna de las dos conoce es que Gaston posee una cara oculta que desearían no conocer jamás.
Jive Junction
Original Music Composer
A young classical musician becomes the conductor a high-school all-girl jive band to entertain the troops.
Girls in Chains
Original Music Composer
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
Dead Men Walk
Original Music Composer
When a small town doctor buries his twin brother, a practitioner of the black arts, he believes him dead; but subsequent events force him to realize that his brother has, in fact, returned from the dead as a vampire and is seeking revenge on the doctor, who had killed him in self-defense.
A doctor and his staff in a hospital on the Philippine island of Corregidor shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor try to treat the sick, injured and wounded as American and Filipino troops desperately try to beat back a ferocious Japanese attack.
Hitler, vivo o muerto
Un grupo de matones es contratado por un millonario para que, nada menos, vayan a Alemania y maten a Hitler.
Tomorrow We Live
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.