
Lady in the Corner (1989)

Género : Drama, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Peter Levin


Grace Guthrie tries to stave off the hostile take over of her publishing empire. While fighting off a ruthless British business-mogul, she must also deal with a mole.


Loretta Young
Loretta Young
Grace Guthrie
Brian Keith
Brian Keith
David Henderson
Roscoe Lee Browne
Roscoe Lee Browne
Omar DeLacy
Lindsay Frost
Lindsay Frost
Susan Dawson
Bruce Davison
Bruce Davison
Bill Guthrie
Christopher Neame
Christopher Neame
Charles Patrick
Lois Maxwell
Lois Maxwell
Mary Smith
William Preston
William Preston
E. B. Bennett
Renée Lippin
Renée Lippin
Holly Grebber


Peter Levin
Peter Levin
Allan Leicht
Allan Leicht
David Raksin
David Raksin

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