
Came the Dawn (1928)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 17M

Director : Arch Heath


Papa, Mama, Daughter and Son Gimplewort move into their new house. Two movers are talking to each other about the murder of a saxophone player that took place in the house. They say his ghost still roams the house. Night comes and every noise and creak in the house scares the papa, mama and son (the daughter is out on a date). The Mover gives the daughter a parrot saying "It's a religious parrot – I bought it from a sailor". At any rate, the parrot gets into the act by yelling scaring Papa and Son who have come down looking for the source of the noise. Later Daughter and Remover return from a costume party and sneak into the house. The young man is dressed in a skeleton outfit and the fun continues. There has been film reconstruction in a number of places, particularly the last third of the film. In many cases there is a photograph depicting the scene being described.


Max Davidson
Max Davidson
Papa Gimplewort
Gene Morgan
Gene Morgan
The Head Remover
Polly Moran
Polly Moran
Mama Gimplewort
Viola Richard
Viola Richard
The Gimplewort Daughter
Charles Dorety
Charles Dorety
The Gimplewort Son
Edgar Dearing
Edgar Dearing
Big Moving Man (uncredited)
Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
Little Moving Man (uncredited)


Hal Roach
Hal Roach
Hal Roach
Hal Roach
H.M. Walker
H.M. Walker
Richard C. Currier
Richard C. Currier
Arch Heath
Arch Heath

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