
Jake's Road (2014)

Family ties cut deep

Género : Suspense, Acción, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Mike Mayhall


Waking in a hospital, bruised and beaten, a young man struggles to piece together the events of a horrifying weekend. Amid flashes of relaxing with friends, the image of a killer begins to emerge - creeping ever closer. Somewhere within his memories and the madness lies the key to the killer’s identity, which, once discovered, may be more horrific than the murders themselves. Set in rural southern Louisiana Jake’s Road is a tale of family and how one moment can rip loved ones apart or bind them forever. With enough twists and turns to keep viewers guessing until the very end, we discover what drives a man to kill all that he loves and fight for all that he has.


Eric Roberts
Eric Roberts
Garrett Hines
Garrett Hines
Leticia Jimenez
Leticia Jimenez
Tim Bell
Tim Bell
Mike Mayhall
Mike Mayhall
Patrick Flanagan
Patrick Flanagan


Mike Mayhall
Mike Mayhall
Mike Mayhall
Mike Mayhall

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