Patrick Flanagan

Patrick Flanagan


Patrick Flanagan


Love by Drowning
A man reunites with a mysterious woman who has dangerous ties to a boating accident that tore his family apart 17 years ago.
Investigation 13
Jerod Krauss
Un grupo de estudiantes de ciencias sabe explicar científicamente lo paranormal. Su objetivo es presentar sus hallazgos a la junta escolar y presentar una petición para lanzar el primer curso de acreditación parapsicológica en su universidad. Su 13ª y última investigación les sitúa en el asilo psiquiátrico de Black Grove, donde examinarán la leyenda urbana de The Mole Man, un ex paciente del asilo que se cree que vive dentro de sus muros.
Solutrean Hunter #3 (uncredited)
Alpha es una aventura épica ambientada en la última Edad de Hielo. Europa, 20.000 años atrás. En mitad de su primera cacería con el grupo de élite de su tribu, un joven es herido y dado por muerto. Al despertar se encontrará débil y solo, y deberá aprender a sobrevivir y abrirse camino ante la dura y cruel naturaleza. Acompañado a regañadientes de un lobo abandonado por su manada, los dos aprenderán a confiar el uno en el otro, convertirse en aliados y superar los innumerables peligros para, contra toda posibilidad, encontrar el camino a casa antes de que llegue el letal invierno.
Jake's Road
Waking in a hospital, bruised and beaten, a young man struggles to piece together the events of a horrifying weekend. Amid flashes of relaxing with friends, the image of a killer begins to emerge - creeping ever closer. Somewhere within his memories and the madness lies the key to the killer’s identity, which, once discovered, may be more horrific than the murders themselves. Set in rural southern Louisiana Jake’s Road is a tale of family and how one moment can rip loved ones apart or bind them forever. With enough twists and turns to keep viewers guessing until the very end, we discover what drives a man to kill all that he loves and fight for all that he has.
The Unbroken
Sarah Campbell has to start her life over again after a messy divorce leaves her broken, lost, and alone for the first time in years. Having to live in a dumpy apartment complex with some interesting people is the least of her worries when strange things begin to happen in her new home including visions of a little boy in the mirrors. Passing them off as her "crazy imagination", things intensify when Sarah starts to have nightmares about being murdered and tossed into a shallow grave by a "shadowy figure".