
Democrats (2014)

Be seen as a man of peace. Even if you are not.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Camilla Nielsson


An intriguing look at an authoritarian state on the verge of democratization: how Zimbabwe got a new constitution. Two political enemies are forced on a joint mission to write Zimbabwe's new constitution. The ultimate test that will either take the country a decisive step closer to democracy and away from President Mugabe's dictatorship, or toward renewed repression. In a country with little respect for human rights, impeded by economic sanctions and hyperinflation running rampant, failure is not an option.


Paul Mangwana
Paul Mangwana


Camilla Nielsson
Camilla Nielsson
Jeppe Bødskov
Jeppe Bødskov
Henrik Ipsen
Henrik Ipsen
Director of Photography
Henrik Veileborg
Henrik Veileborg
Kristian Eidnes Andersen
Kristian Eidnes Andersen
Original Music Composer

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