
Lisa, Bright and Dark (1973)

A young girl cries for help ...

Género : Película de TV, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Jeannot Szwarc


Three teenage girls try to help their girlfriend, who is having a nervous breakdown that conventional therapy seems to be failing to remedy.


Kay Lenz
Kay Lenz
Lisa Schilling
Anne Baxter
Anne Baxter
Margaret Schilling
John Forsythe
John Forsythe
William Schilling
Anne Lockhart
Anne Lockhart
Debralee Scott
Debralee Scott
Mary Nell Fickett
Jamie Smith-Jackson
Jamie Smith-Jackson
Betsy Goodman
Anson Williams
Anson Williams
Brian Morris
Erin Moran
Erin Moran
Tracy Schilling
Stu Klitsner
Stu Klitsner
Arthur Milne
Richard Stahl
Richard Stahl
John Fickett
Jessica Myerson
Jessica Myerson
Eleanor Fickett
Lawrence P. Casey
Lawrence P. Casey
Buddy King


Jeannot Szwarc
Jeannot Szwarc
Lionel E. Siegel
Lionel E. Siegel
John Neufeld
John Neufeld

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