John Forsythe

John Forsythe

Nacimiento : 1918-01-29, Penns Grove, New Jersey, USA

Muerte : 2010-04-01


John Forsythe (born Jacob Lincoln Freund; January 29, 1918 – April 1, 2010) was an American stage, television and film actor. Forsythe starred in three television series, spanning four decades and three genres: as single playboy father Bentley Gregg in the 1950s sitcom Bachelor Father (1957–1962); as the unseen millionaire Charles 'Charlie' Townsend on the 1970s crime drama Charlie's Angels (1976–1981), and as patriarch Blake Carrington on the 1980s soap opera Dynasty (1981–1989). He hosted World of Survival (1971–1977).


John Forsythe
John Forsythe
John Forsythe
John Forsythe
John Forsythe


Los ángeles de Charlie: Al límite
Charles 'Charlie' Townsend (voice)
Las tres agentes están de vuelta; Los ángeles están dispuestas a dar guerra para recuperar una información encriptada en dos anillos, que revela las identidades de todas las personas acogidas al programa de protección de testigos. Cuando éstos empiezan a morir, sólo las intrépidas chicas podrán detener al responsable, usando su experiencia en el camuflaje, espionaje y artes marciales. Además se las tendrán que ver con un ángel caído –Demi Moore–.
'The Trouble with Harry' Isn't Over
This is the featurette on the DVD of The Trouble With Harry. It consists of interviews, clips of the film and stills from the making of it.
Los ángeles de Charlie
Charlie (voice)
Una peculiar agencia de detectives dirigida por el multimillonario Charlie tiene en sus filas a Natalie (Cameron Diaz), Dylan (Drew Barrymore) y Alex (Lucy Liu), tres expertas en artes marciales, en disfraces y en la más avanzada tecnología. Juntas tendrán que ocuparse de un caso muy importante: el secuestro del genio de la informática Eric Knox (Sam Rockwell) por su rival Roger Corwin (Tim Curry). Si no consiguen liberarlo, quedaría destruida la intimidad de todo el mundo, incluido Charlie, su misterioso jefe.
Journey to the center of the earth
Un membre de la société
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Mr. Ryan
In the tiny town of Harmony, the people have been working so hard they've forgotten music even exists! Then, three determined little orphans set out to find a gift they can give the hardworking townsfolk. And with a little night-before-Christmas advice from kindly Mrs. Santa Claus, they give the town the most amazing present anyone could imagine: Christmas caroling!
Shirley Maclaine: Kicking Up Her Heels
Shirley MacLaine was the product of a strict middle-class background from which she and her brother, the future actor Warren Beatty, escaped into the fantasy world of show-biz. Her ballet training and her long-legged pixie charm led to rapid success on Broadway in musical comedy. Inevitably, Hollywood called and by 1955 Shirley was cast in Hitchcocks The Trouble With Harry. It wasn't too long before the fine dramatic roles also came to her opposite the most popular leading men of the time, like Fred MacMurray, Jack Lemmon, Frank Sinatra, Clint Eastwood and Robert Mitchum. It was apparent that this once perky gypsy of Broadway would leave her mark as one of the finest actresses of her day, an Academy-Award winner, who is ready and able to tackle any role that seems equal to her intelligence and talent. Her widely varied interests encompass the political, the literary and the mystical.
Universal Studios Florida: Experience the Magic of Movies
Self - Host
This extraordinary video captures all the highlights of your exciting visit to Universal Studios Florida in the early 1990's. Host John Forsythe brings you classic moments on rides such as Terminator 2 3D, Barney, ET Adventure, Back To The Future- The Ride, Earthquake- The Big One, Jaws- The Great White Terror, and much, much more!
Universal Studios Hollywood: A Universe of Cinemagic
Host John Forsythe tells the story of the variety of areas in the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park at the time.
Opposites Attract
Rex Roper
A mayoral candidate (Barbara Eden) for a California town gets romantically involved with her opponent (John Forsythe), a former cowboy star.
Los fantasmas atacan al jefe
Lew Hayward
La desbordante alegría de las fiestas de Nochebuena va a hacer que Frank Cross sufra unas visiones fantasmagóricas en esta divertida sátira de “Un Cuento de Navidad” de Charles Dickens. Cross, que ha hecho una carrera meteórica desde lo más recóndito del departamento de envíos de una cadena de TV hasta la presidencia, es tacaño, desagradable, ingrato, implacable y con un cruel sentido del humor, cualidades idóneas para un miserable de hoy en día. Antes de que la noche termine, será visitado por un desconcertante taxista neoyorquino del pasado, un hada del presente un tanto estrafalaria y, finalmente, un sádico, enorme y descabezado mensajero del futuro.
Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC
Stars celebrate Bob Hope's 50 years with NBC.
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Disneyland's 30th Anniversary Celebration
Broadcast on NBC February 18, 1985, the Disneyland 30th Anniversary Celebration was hosted by John Forsythe and Drew Barrymore. The special is a look back into the first thirty years of Disneyland's history. Featuring footage from opening day in 1955, including the famous Walt Disney opening day speech.
La pareja misteriosa
En un desierto a las afueras de Santa fe (México) se posa un extraño pentagrama de luz. Cierta gente especial percibe la luz y se dirige al lugar, del pentagrama aparecen un hombre "EL" y una mujer "ELLA" La policía local y el F.B.I. creen que too es una farsa, sin embargo y ante su asombro estas personas desaparecen dejando atrasa turistas y victimas curiosas en una hipnosis de masas.
Night of 100 Stars
The most glittering, expensive, and exhausting videotaping session in television history took place Friday February 19, 1982 at New York's Radio City Music Hall. The event, for which ticket-buyers payed up to $1,000 a seat (tax-deductible as a contribution to the Actors' Fund) was billed as "The Night of 100 Stars" but, actually, around 230 stars took part. And most of the audience of 5,800 had no idea in advance that they were paying to see a TV taping, complete with long waits for set and costume changes, tape rewinding, and the like. Executive producer Alexander Cohen estimated that the 5,800 Radio City Music Hall seats sold out at prices ranging from $25 to $1,000. The show itself cost about $4 million to produce and was expected to yield around $2 million for the new addition to the Actors Fund retirement home in Englewood, N. J. ABC is reputed to have paid more than $5 million for the television rights.
Mike Callahan
A sultry nightclub singer, a small-town girl in the big city, sets out to avenge her boyfriend's murder after he is killed while running illegal booze for the mob.
Tiempo de Milagros
Elizabeth Bayley Seton es una mujer episcopaliana de alta sociedad felizmente casada y madre de cinco. Pero todo cambia abruptamente cuando su esposo, William Seton fallece en Italia después de que su negocio de barcos quebrara. Fallecen también dos de sus hijas. Como viuda con cinco hijos abre un pequeño colegio para financiar a su familia. Decide convertirse al catolicismo, a pesar de las protestas de sus familiares y amigos. La exilian socialmente, se queda sin nada, así que ella y sus hijas se refugian en Baltimore. Bajo el alero de John Carroll, el primer Obispo Católico estadounidense, abre un colegio, establece una rutina religiosa y toma votos religiosos, convirtiéndose en la `Madre Seton.' Fundará un convento y luego a las Hermanas de la Caridad. Fue la fundadora del primer colegio católico de Estados Unidos. Canonizada en 1975. Fuente: peliculasdesantoscatolicos
Justicia para todos
Judge Henry T. Fleming
Un abogado debe defender a un juez corrupto acusado de violación. Se trata de un magistrado con el que tuvo serios problemas profesionales, pues en una ocasión se negó a admitir, por pequeñas formalidades, pruebas irrefutables que demostraban la inocencia de uno de sus clientes.
The Muppets Go Hollywood
Kermit the Frog throws a glamorous party at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub to celebrate the premiere of the Muppets' first feature film, The Muppet Movie. Hosts Dick van Dyke and Rita Moreno interview the wide array of celebrities and Muppets who attend the event. Gary Owens serves as off-camera announcer, and appears on-screen to introduce Miss Piggy.
El laberinto de oro
Reade Jamieson
Randi, gran actor, no consigue un éxito desde el suicidio de su mujer. Será una mujer, Elena, quien consiga para Randi la fama perdida.
With This Ring
Gen. Albert Harris
A romantic comedy about various engaged couples and their families who, as wedding dates rapidly approach, are caught up in a whirlwind of emotional crises, from past loves and parental pressure to social and financial obligations.
Crucero infernal
Charles Mather
Unos pasajeros, que navegan por el Golfo de México en un crucero de placer, encuentran en una cueva submarina un antiguo sarcófago egipcio que contiene nada menos que el cuerpo del hijo de Satanás. Sus maléficos efectos empiezan a causar estragos entre los viajeros.
Agente doble
The American Ambassador
En Roma, un grupo de agentes de la CIA está organizando un inminente ataque contra un país africano. Mientras tanto, alguien está atrincherado en una terraza del Hilton con el embajador de Estados Unidos y un rifle de precisión.
Never Con a Killer
E.J. Valerian
Pilot to the short-lived TV series "The Feather and Father Gang" has Detective Feather Danton and her con-man father Harry teaming up to outwit Runyonesque horseplayer E.J. Valerian.
Tail Gunner Joe
Paul Cunningham
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
Amelia Earhart
G.P. Putnam
Biography follows the life of famed woman pilot Amelia Earhart, including her marriage to a famous publisher and her disappearance during a flight in 1937.
The Deadly Tower
Lt. Elwood Forbes
The real-life story of Charles Whitman's deadly shooting spree at the University of Texas is retold. In August 1966, after killing his wife and mother, Whitman climbed to the top of the school's tower and opened fire on passers-by, killing 13 and wounding many others.
Terror on the 40th Floor
Dan Overland
A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor.
The Healers
Dr. Robert Kier
The director of an urban medical center faces various major problems during the course of running the hospital.
Cry Panic
David Ryder
A man accidentally runs over and kills a pedestrian outside a small town. He begins to suspect that the locals, including the sheriff, are keeping secrets about the victim.
Lisa, Bright and Dark
William Schilling
Three teenage girls try to help their girlfriend, who is having a nervous breakdown that conventional therapy seems to be failing to remedy.
The Letters
Paul Anderson
Story of people whose lives were changed because of a year-long delay in the delivery of some letters.
Murder Once Removed
Dr. Ron Wellesley
Television thriller in which a scheming doctor murders once for love and then has to kill again to cover it up.
Con los ojos cerrados
Fred Wilson
Mary Wilson es una mujer que se refugia en los tranquilizantes y el alcohol para soportar las continuas infidelidades de su marido. Su marido Fred, un prestigioso abogado, prepara una fiesta con motivo de su decimosexto aniversario de boda. Durante la celebración se pondrá de manifiesto que el matrimonio de los Wilson es una farsa.
Michael Nordstrom
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1962. Cuando un alto funcionario soviético decide cambiar de bando, un agente de los servicios de inteligencia franceses se ve envuelto en una fría, silenciosa y sangrienta conspiración en la que su propia familia desempeñará un papel decisivo…
Shadow on the Land
Gen. Wendell Bruce
Patriotic freedom fighters struggle against a fascist dictatorship in a near-future USA.
A sangre fría
Alvin Dewey
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Truman Capote. Un honrado granjero de Kansas lleva una vida tranquila con su esposa y sus dos hijos. No puede sospechar ni remotamente que dos ex-presidiarios, con las facultades mentales perturbadas, planean matarlos.
La mujer X
Clayton Anderson V
Cuando Holly Parker, una modesta dependienta de San Francisco, decide contraer matrimonio con Clyton Anderson no se podía imaginar la vida que le esperaba. Clayton, un magnate de buena familia con aspiraciones políticas, establece el hogar familiar en una mansión de Connecticut donde son recibidos por la madre de Clayton, una mujer dominante que vivirá con ellos incluso después del nacimiento de su hijo Clay. Las imposiciones de la madre, que pretende incluso decidir sobre la educación del pequeño, y las constantes ausencias de su marido hacen que Holly busque refugio a su soledad en el divertido playboy Phil Benton que muere en un extraño accidente en el que Holly se ve involucrada.
Como en una pesadilla
David Stratton
Odisea de un honrado hombre de negocios atrapado por un lío de delincuentes.
See How They Run
Martin Young
Three children are stalked by hired killers after they unknowingly take evidence pointing to the existence of a corrupt international cartel, which has just murdered their father.
What Makes Sammy Run?
Al Manheim
An adaptation of Budd Schulberg's incendiary 1941 novel about the rise of an unscrupulous Hollywood producer. The production was divided into two parts and aired on NBC's Sunday Showcase.
Dubrowsky (Italian: Il vendicatore) is a 1959 Italian- Yugoslav historical period drama film directed by William Dieterle. It is based on the novel Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin.
La casa de té de la luna de agosto
Captain Fisby
Adaptación de una obra de Broadway. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, al capitán Fisby se le encomienda la misión de enseñar los beneficios de la democracia y el comercio en la ciudad de Okinawa.
Everything But the Truth
Ernie Miller
Upset with the prevarications of the adult world, Willie launches a truth-telling campaign at school, with the blessings of his pretty teacher Joan Madison.
La hija del Embajador
Sgt. Danny Sullivan
El Senador Cartwright ha sido enviado a París para llevar a cabo ciertas investigaciones sobre la conducta de los soldados americanos que desempeñan sus funciones en Francia. Ya en el país, solicita la ayuda del embajador americano, cuya hija se encargará de mostrarle la ciudad a la hija del Senador. Durante ese paseo, el descubrimiento del amor puede cambiar substanciamente el futuro de la joven.
Pero... ¿quién mató a Harry?
Sam Marlowe
Durante un hermoso día de otoño, en un idílico rincón campestre de Vermont, se oyen tres disparos, y aparece un cadáver, el de Harry. Un viejo capitán (Edmund Gwenn) que cree que se trata de un accidente de caza del que se siente responsable, entierra, desentierra y transporta varias veces el cadáver sobre cuya identidad se interrogan con perplejidad una solterona, un médico miope y un pintor abstracto (John Forsythe).
Fort Bravo
Captain Marsh
Guerra Civil (1861-1865). En 1863, Fort Bravo se ha convertido en un campo de prisioneros de guerra sudistas, situado en el desierto de Arizona, territorio poblado por los belicosos apaches mescaleros. Con la ayuda de una mujer (Parker), un pequeño grupo de reclusos logra huir, pero el severo Capitán Roper (Holden) sale en su busca.
The Glass Web
Don Newell
The ice-cold diva Paula ruthlessly exploits the guys she dates. While blackmailing the married Don with a recent one-night-stand, she has a secret affair with Henry, who works as researcher for the weekly authentic TV show "Crime of the Week", which Don writes for. When Henry fails to help her to a role, she insults him deadly... and ends up dead herself. Now Don desperately tries to hide his traces, but Henry sabotages his efforts and suggests he write the unsolved murder case for next week's show...
It Happens Every Thursday
Bob MacAvoy
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
La ciudad cautiva
James "Jim" C. Austin
Una pareja recala en una comisaría, y él, periodista, empieza a contar su historia, que destapa la corrupción en la ciudad por los tejemanejes de un magnate local que tiene comprados a los agentes del orden.
Arson, Inc.
Race Track Aannouncer (voice, uncredited)
An arson investigator goes undercover to break up a ring that sets fires in order to collect the insurance.
The Things People Want
Distinctive sales training film on the hierarchy of human needs, starring a young John Forsythe.
Destino Tokio
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a un submarino americano le encargan una misión tan secreta como peligrosa: aventurarse en aguas japonesas y llegar hasta la mismísima bahía de Tokyo.
Persecución en el Norte
Corporal (uncredited)
Un policía canadiense (Errol Flyn) detiene a un espía nazi. Cuando el preso consigue escapar, el policía no se da por vencido y finge ser un desertor para infiltrarse entre los nazis. Thriller de espionaje con grandes dosis de acción y aventuras ambientado en la inmensidad de las blancas montañas canadienses
On Fire
Joe Leary, Sr.
Joe is an arson investigator for the fire department. He has a loving and devoted wife and has two just as loving and devoted sons. Things couldn't be better for him until he learns that the department wants to retire him. He does so reluctantly. He then falls into a deep depression because, while most people look forward to retirement, he doesn't. So, his wife and children do their best to lift his spirits but all he does is push them away.
On Fire
Executive Producer
Joe is an arson investigator for the fire department. He has a loving and devoted wife and has two just as loving and devoted sons. Things couldn't be better for him until he learns that the department wants to retire him. He does so reluctantly. He then falls into a deep depression because, while most people look forward to retirement, he doesn't. So, his wife and children do their best to lift his spirits but all he does is push them away.