
Fungicide (2002)

You Dont Pick Them, They Pick You!

Género : Comedia, Ciencia ficción, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : Dave Wascavage


What happens when a crazed scientist gets a forced weekend away at a Bed and Breakfast? Mushrooms and mayhem! Death stalks the shocked guests as mushrooms of all shapes and sizes run rampant through the woods!


Dave Bonavita
Dave Bonavita
Tony "Titus" Ignitus
Wes Miller
Wes Miller
Major Wang
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Jackson P. Jackson
Edward Wascavage
Edward Wascavage
Father Purcell
Loretta Wascavage
Loretta Wascavage
Mother Purcell
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Jade Moon
David Weldon
David Weldon
Silas Purcell


Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Executive Producer
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage

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