
Fungicide (2002)

You Dont Pick Them, They Pick You!

Жанр : комедия, фантастика, ужасы

Время выполнения : 1Ч 24М

Директор : Dave Wascavage

Краткое содержание

What happens when a crazed scientist gets a forced weekend away at a Bed and Breakfast? Mushrooms and mayhem! Death stalks the shocked guests as mushrooms of all shapes and sizes run rampant through the woods!


Dave Bonavita
Dave Bonavita
Tony "Titus" Ignitus
Wes Miller
Wes Miller
Major Wang
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Jackson P. Jackson
Edward Wascavage
Edward Wascavage
Father Purcell
Loretta Wascavage
Loretta Wascavage
Mother Purcell
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Jade Moon
David Weldon
David Weldon
Silas Purcell


Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Mary Wascavage
Executive Producer
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage
Dave Wascavage


Дикая планета
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The Magic Of Mushrooms
Professor Richard Fortey delves into the fascinating and normally-hidden kingdom of fungi. From their spectacular birth, through their secretive underground life to their final explosive death, Richard reveals a remarkable world that few of us understand or even realise exists - yet all life on Earth depends on it.
Amanita Pestilens
A man obsessed with his award-winning lawn goes to great lengths to keep it looking great when mushrooms suddenly start appearing all over the yard.
Peter is just another "peter", so very ordinary. He works in an office where colleagues make fun of him and the boss makes sexual advances. His sick mother harasses him at home. Bit by bit his life becomes completely unbearable. Once, by chance, Peter happens to try magic mushrooms and this adventure turns into a move towards a different life.
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Ergot: The Story of a Parasitic Fungus
This educational film is an introduction to the ergot fungus, including lifecycle, cultivation, medicinal uses, and toxic effects. The film also summarises methods for the chemical extraction of ergoline compounds.