Good Night, Little Friend (1962)
Género : Familia
Tiempo de ejecución : 10M
Director : Elvi Koppel
Escritor : Elvi Koppel
Rosalba se há quedado olvidada por parte de su marido y sus hijos en la cafetería de la autopista.
Ella tratará de volver a casa por su cuenta, pero el destino hace que se detenga en Venecia...
y decide quedarse unos días para ver la ciudad.
La familia Solomon abandona Chicago y se establece en una apartada granja de girasoles en Dakota del Norte. La armonía se ve interrumpida cuando Jess, la hija mayor, y su hermano Ben, de 3 años, comienzan a ver siniestras apariciones, invisibles para todos los demás. Cuando Jess intente advertir a sus padres de la terrible amenaza que les rodea, su credibilidad será puesta en duda. Pero los espectros, que parecen venir de otra dimensión, se vuelven cada vez más violentos, y quizá ya sea demasiado tarde.
Mumble, un joven pingüino emperador, vive en la Antártida. Como otros animales de su especie, él necesita saber cantar para atraer a una pareja, pero tiene una voz horrible. En su lugar, Mumble debe expresarse, y atraer a las hembras a través de su increíble talento para bailar claqué.
Jim, un surfista solar, se enfrenta a una cacería intergaláctica de tesoros cuando cae en sus manos un legendario mapa que le llevará a buscar la fortuna más grande del Universo. A bordo de un espectacular 'galeón solar', Jim se convierte en el ayudante del cocinero del barco, John Silver -mitad hombre, mitad máquina-, que le enseña a ser un buen explorador del espacio.
A none-too-popular (nor good) radio singer, Rita Wilson is murdered while singing on the air in a radio studio. Radio page boy, Frankie Ryan, and his janitor pal, Jeff, solve the mystery for the none-too-sharp police.
A group of ghetto kids try to find out who killed a popular police officer.
To save her father, a girl who always puts others before herself promises to live her life in a lavish castle with a strange beast.
An ordinary LDS family has a teenager named Jimmy and he wonders about life and what is coming. Jimmy's sister Julie has a boyfriend on a mission who she plans to marry when he gets home. Jimmy's twin sister Pam is handicapped and is confined to a wheelchair and wants to make things good for Jimmy. Jimmy doesn't seem to care about his large family and wants to do his own things. When Jimmy hears his mother is going to have another child, Jimmy is filled with anger and leaves. His family wants Jimmy to return and love him, but Jimmy does not want their love.
Un niño austríaco de familia humilde ingresa en el Coro de Niños Cantores de Viena y muestra su gran talento.
A young boy accidentally falls into a deep hole and finds himself face-to-face with the Greek god Atlas.
Christmas Eve. A poor orphan boy trudges through the snow, pathetically. He finally arrives at his miserable cabin. While he is crying, Santa arrives and, singing the title song, offers to take the boy to his workshop. They arrive, and the toys go wild (in the full version, they sing the title song, but this has been censored in some versions due to outdated stereotypes). He plays with a few toys. A candle falls off the tree and starts a fire. The toys try in vain to fight the fire; the boy hooks up a hose to a set of bagpipes and takes care of it.
A guy who is into ska music, finds himself fascinated by Thai traditional music after meeting a great Thai traditional music songwriter and getting involved in a Thai traditional music rivalry.
Con la ayuda de un amigo (Freddie Bartholomew), una chica (Judy Garland) hace todo lo posible para evitar que su madre viuda se case con una persona que no le conviene.
A pesar de su soledad y del distanciamiento de su marido, Kaja es un ama de casa optimista y muy abierta. Elizabeth y Sigve, unos vecinos que acaban de instalarse y que parecen el paradigma del matrimonio perfecto, la tienen fascinada: son guapos, sofisticados, tienen un hijo adoptivo negro y cantan en un coro.
Wyne Dobie, un fotógrafo de la policía, salva la vida del jefe de la mafia, Frank Milo. Éste, en agradecimiento, le ofrece la compañía de Gloria, una de sus empleadas. Pero Wyne no quiere aceptar los favores de Frank y, además, no está seguro de cómo debe actuar con la chica
Tras acabar sus estudios universitarios, Annie Braddock (Scarlett Johansson) se traslada de Nueva Jersey a Nueva York para trabajar en un banco. Pero, como el mundo financiero no es lo que ella esperaba, acaba siendo la niñera del malcriado hijo de una acomodada familia. Mientras se adapta a un ambiente cuyas normas le resultan completamente desconocidas e intenta enseñarle al niño que el dinero no puede comprarlo todo, se enamora de un joven rico.
This somber story of love lost forever is set against the backdrop of the changes that Communism brought to the state of Georgia in the former USSR after the 1917 Revolution. Eva and Archil are deeply in love and they pledge to be with each other always. After they marry, Archil dies suddenly and Eva is left alone and childless. Along comes the ruthless Spiridon who romances Eva and marries her - though his cold and cruel spirit break Eva's naturally buoyant self, until she sullenly eats alone, and avoids intimacy with her husband as much as possible. They adopt a daughter, who does not take sides between her glum mother and silent father. When the Communist cadres enter their village to promote the ideals of the October revolution, Eva starts to warm to her husband a little because he joins in that movement. Then her husband commits the fatal error of revealing a previous crime - an error that will later cause their grown daughter to question her parents' strange behavior.
Dorothy, and her big city lawyer boyfriend, return to the Lazy 'B' ranch to read her late father's will. For Dorothy to inherit everything, she must stay on the ranch for 5 years. If she does not, everything goes to Buck, who is the manager. She does not like Buck, so she makes a deal with the wrong people for cattle and then the outlaws go to the ranch to get the $10,000 from her. But Buck is on the job.
A biopic of Egyptian singer Abdel-Halim Hafez.
Based on the autobiography of Sonny Bono, this film focuses on the volatile relationship between Sonny (Jay Underwood) and Cher (Renee Faia) during the early 60's to their divorce in the late 70's.