
My Life Without Steve (1986)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 53M

Director : Gillian Leahy


Through the story of one woman’s year in a room with a view, the film catches its audience up in the collective memories of all those who have loved and lost. Through a study of Liz’s obsession and loneliness, the film mixes the particular with the universal to cover the whole gamut of feelings and theories about lost love. Ranging from the popular to the more erudite, snatches of songs, quotes and diary jottings are all stitched together with stories from Liz’s past and descriptions in minutiae of her current existence. The B side of love is richly played out through the words of an A team of interpreters from Split Enz, Laurie Anderson and Bob Dylan to Freud, Marge Piercy, Collete and Roland Barthes.


Jenny Vuletic
Jenny Vuletic


Gillian Leahy
Gillian Leahy
Erica Addis
Erica Addis
Director of Photography
Denise Haslem
Denise Haslem
Jan Mackay
Jan Mackay
Art Direction

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