There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem (2001)
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 16M
Wayne breaks down the phrase into its three key words: problem, spiritual, and solution. By taking examples from the lives of St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa—and even finding wisdom in a “simple” nursery rhyme—Wayne clearly illustrates that by changing your perceptions, you can truly find a spiritual way to deal with any problem you encounter!
Julian Michaels ha diseñado el complejo turístico definitivo, Vice, donde todo vale y los clientes pueden hacer realidad sus fantasías más salvajes con los habitantes artificiales que miran, piensan y sienten como los humanos. Cuando una artificial se convierte en auto-consciente y se escapa, se encuentra atrapada en el fuego cruzado entre los mercenarios de Julian y un policía que está empeñado en cerrar Vice, y detener la violencia de una vez por todas.
Willis es un hombre muy ocupado con poco tiempo para los sentimientos que, tras una experiencia sobrenatural, se encuentra con un niño que resulta ser él mismo de chico. Una comedia bondadosa con toques fantásticos para consumo familiar.
El profesor Borg, un eminente físico, debe ir a Estocolmo para recibir un homenaje de su universidad. Sobrecogido, tras un sueño en el que contempla su propio cadáver, decide emprender el viaje en coche con su nuera, que acaba de abandonar su casa, tras una discusión con su marido, que se niega a tener hijos. Durante el viaje se detiene en la casa donde pasaba las vacaciones cuando era niño, un lugar donde crecen las fresas salvajes y donde vivió su primer amor.
El narrador y mago conceptual Derek DelGaudio intenta comprender la naturaleza ilusoria de la identidad y responder a la pregunta engañosamente simple "¿Quién soy yo?"
Los años 80s. Un mediocre crítico de cine que escribe para una revista de horror, de repente se ve envuelto y participando de un grupo de autoayuda para asesinos en serie. Ahora, nuestro protagonista debe mezclarse con ellos para que no lo descubran, o de lo contrario él se volverá en la próxima víctima.
Cuando su gemela más guapa muere, una mujer asume su identidad, entrando en su apartamento y en la gran ciudad.
El cómico Mike Myers interpreta a Pitka, un estadounidense que fue educado por gurús fuera de su país y que ahora vuelve con la misión de reunir a un jugador de hockey con su mujer (Meagan Good), que lo ha dejado por un atleta rival, Jacques Grande, a quien interpreta Justin Timberlake.
Un grupo de amigos se reune con la intención de liberarse de las ataduras morales que la sociedad imprime sobre los individuos. Para ello, se hacen pasar por retardados mentales. El grupo se dedica a enfrentar a la sociedad con sus idioteces.
Ben Bingham (Richard E. Grant) es un padre recién separado que tiene que aprender a salir adelante de nuevo con la ayuda de su hijo adolescente, Justin (Johnny Pacar), el cual quiere conquistar a la chica de sus sueños. Justin está enamorado por primera vez y está muy ilusionado, a diferencia de su escéptico padre, que no levanta cabeza tras el divorcio. Justin le anima a recuperar la fe en el amor y a luchar por reconquistar a su ex mujer Amanda (Carrie-Anne Moss), quién ha empezado a salir con otro hombre. (FILMAFFINITY)
THINK AND GROW RICH: The Legacy será un largometraje docudrama que narra la historia de algunos de los empresarios, iconos culturales y líderes de opinión más reconocidos de la actualidad.Este largometraje contará sus historias inspiradoras y cómo finalmente lograron su éxito. Entrelazada con viñetas dramáticas, la película dará vida a historias inspiradoras clásicas de Think and Grow Rich
This video is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.
When you watch Choice Point, you'll finally get the answers that'll make all the difference - and what you're going to discover may well surprise you! Imagine how much faster your own journey to success would be if you could tap into the thinking and experiences of some of the world's leading visionaries, scientists and spiritual leaders, and receive life-directing guidance from billionaire Richard Branson, visionary Desmond Tutu, author Jack Canfield and more! And best of all, it's not just big names who are featured in this groundbreaking feature-length documentary. You'll also hear about regular people who massively changed their lives around following the three key Choice Point pillars of: 1. Understand your world 2. Align with your purpose 3. Be the change
The Abundance Factor Takes You On An Unprecedented Journey into The Minds of The Worlds Most Knowledgeable Experts on the Subject of Abundance and Prosperity.
Una mujer burguesa está casada con un hombre respetable y además, tiene un amante español que es jugador de polo. Sin embargo, su vida le parece tediosa. De repente, un día, volviendo desde París a su casa de campo, se le estropea el coche, pero consigue llegar a su casa gracias a la ayuda de una joven. Este breve encuentro la hará recapacitar y plantearse la posibilidad de comenzar una nueva vida.
El productor de televisión Rainer es un hombre de éxito que lo tiene todo: un sueldo estupendo, un lujoso ático, un coche espectacular y una novia más espectacular todavía. A sus treinta y tantos años ha llegado a la cima de su profesión creando unos programas de televisión de lo más vulgar y estúpido. Su último triunfo ha sido un concurso en el que un hombre podía conseguir el premio de ser padre de un niño, si su espermatozoide ganaba una carrera microscópica para fecundar un óvulo.Un día, Pegah, una misteriosa mujer, embiste a toda velocidad el coche de Rainer. Tras sufrir una experiencia cercana a la muerte, en Rainer se opera un gran cambio y decide producir un sesudo magazín de actualidad para la franja horaria estelar de su emisora. Hundido por los bajos índices de audiencia obtenidos, deja su trabajo y decide investigar el sistema de medición de audiencia que mantiene en los más altos puestos a programas que son un insulto para la inteligencia.
A Course In Miracles The Movie, is a new feature length film that blends interviews with Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, Gary Renard, Nouk Sanchez, iKE ALLEN, Tomas Vieira and others, with the story of Kate, a woman learning to use A Course In Miracles to understand what special relationships are truly for. The teachings of A Course in Miracles have been supported by such mainstream commentators as Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer & Marianne Williamson, and are additionally supported by countless “New Thought” churches, such as Centers for Spiritual Living & the Association of Unity Churches.
Spiritual Revolution examines Eastern Spirituality in the West: its origins, forms, and the many ways it has evolved and been embraced in the United States as a philosophy and an ethical approach to life. The film explores various forms of Hinduism and Buddhism through interviews with a Whos Who of spiritual leaders, swamis, gurus, Zen Masters and Tibetan Lamas as well as scientists, psychotherapists and scholars.
When Zhang Hui is told by long-time best friend Xiao Gong that he has a new girlfriend, she is determined to learn new tricks to gain him back. Based on the novel written by Luo Fuman, Everyone Loves Tender Women.
Eu Maior (Higher Self) is a Brazilian feature-length documentary presenting a fresh look at self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. The filmmakers interviewed thirty individuals with distinct backgrounds, including spiritual leaders, intellectuals, artists and professional athletes. Their touching personal stories, combined with the film's beautiful images and music, are certain to appeal to any audience's intelligence and artistic sensibility. - Anonymous
Un joven indígena imagina un futuro mientras escucha los sonidos de una caracola, mientras que un hombre le cuenta su pasado escuchando la misma concha.
Geoff Lawton takes you into the world of Permaculture and explains the basic concepts for beginners.
Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source for everything that ails us. That’s the world we live in. Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart the perfect creation that’s inside each of us. Imagine a world where abundance, inner peace, longevity and loving relationships abound. Imagine emotion experts from around the world sharing their wisdom and negative-emotion clearing techniques to light a new pathway for humanity. Imagine we are sacred, spiritual beings here for a much larger reason, serving a much higher purpose, a divine purpose. That’s where we’re going.
The story of a mom whose son healed from all allergies and asthma after consuming raw milk, and real food from farms. It depicts people all over the country who formed food co-ops and private clubs to get these foods, and how they were raided by state and local governments.
This video is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.
The story of the water fluoridation controversy which has arisen from moral, ethical, political and safety concerns regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies. The controversy occurs mainly in English-speaking countries, as Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation. Instead, fluoride is added to most table salt in Europe. Those opposed argue that water fluoridation imposes ethical issues, may cause serious health problems, is not effective enough to justify the costs, and has a dosage that cannot be precisely controlled.
At the focal point of this movement, and of this film, are the farmers and chefs who are creating a truly sustainable food system. Their collaborative work has resulted in great tasting food and an explosion of consumer awareness about the benefits of eating local. Attention being paid to the local food movement comes at a time when the failings of our current industrialized food system are becoming all too clear. For the first time in history, our children's generation is expected to have a shorter lifespan than our own. The quality, taste and nutritional value of the food we eat has dropped sharply over the last fifty years. Shipped from ever-greater distances, we have literally lost sight of where our food comes from and in the process, we've lost a vital connection to our local community and to our health.
We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. At least 40 million people are currently taking cholesterol-lowering medications, known as statins, and millions more people are avoiding foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol. The basic idea is that dietary saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, and these two substances somehow clog-up our arteries, causing a heart attack. This idea is often referred to as the diet-heart hypothesis. However, a number of doctors and researchers have been challenging this hypothesis for decades, and the latest heart disease statistics reveal some alarming facts.
Author/filmmaker Sergei Boutenko enjoys foraging for free food. He believes that wild edibles are extremely nutritious and should be collected and consumed regularly by everyone. To ensure that people collect edible plants in a safe and responsible manner, Boutenko produced this film. Common Weeds And Wild Edibles Of The World is an instructional video on how to safely and sustainably harvest, clean, and prepare the most common wild edibles. In addition to in-depth instruction on how to forage for over a dozen edible plants, this movie also contains many useful tips that will help you reduce your monthly food bill and allow you to enjoy new healthful culinary flavors.
In the summer of 2013 Sergei Boutenko put 10 endurance athletes (five ultra-runners and five CrossFitters) on green smoothies and followed them around with his camera to find out the answer to this question. Starting out as healthy athletes (or so they thought!), 10 individuals embark on a six-week experiment of continuing their typical training and racing regimen, but with one major difference: they are drinking a quart of green smoothies every day. You'll be astonished at the results that begin to emerge. From a decrease in injuries to feeling supercharged to run for hours on end, there might be a bit more to smoothies than just tasting delicious. If you like to exercise, you need to see this film!
Documental en el que se hace un estricto seguimiento de 6 diabéticos al cambiar a una dieta completamente vegana, orgánica y cruda con la intención de revertir su diabetes sin medicación. Los 6 pacientes dejan de comer carne, azúcar, alcohol, tabaco, cafeína, sodas, comida basura, comida procesada y comida preparada por 30 días. Sus luchas y triunfos son tan inspiradores como asombrosos.
A shocking and informative expose of the "Cancer Industry" and the "Western Diet".
Eating, 2nd Edition: Introducing The RAVE Diet presents graphic evidence of how animal foods are not meant for human consumption, and how the suffering and death of the animals "takes revenge" on the humans who eat them by causing most of our chronic diseases, and how the switch to a all whole-food plant based diet can begin to reverse many of these diseases in as little as three weeks.
"This is John Robbins' amazing video documentary Diet for a New America (1992) which explores the causes why Americans eat so much meat and what does this do to their health and the environment. Although it is commonly known today that meat and diary products are one of the primary causes for heart and other deadly diseases, Americans don't seem to care at all and are living (and dying) with them every day. When this award-winning documentary was first aired the US National Cattlemen's Association mounted an aggressive campaign to discredit the program and keep it from being aired. But the attempt to thwart the show failed, and the program went on to be one of public television's all-time most successful documentaries.
The Raw Natural documentary explores professional athletes reaching peak performance and untapped potential through raw food nutrition. The film highlights, Evan Strong, who regains his competitive edge in sports through raw food nutrition after a tragic accident that causes him to lose a leg and end his professional career in skateboarding. Evan's accident becomes the impetus for his change in diet to simple, healthy raw food nutrition. Evan is now the world champion in adaptive Snowboarding (Ranked # 1 at the XGames, World Cup, Nationals, etc) See how raw food nutrition has led to incredible new triumphs in the athletic careers of professional athletes in surfing, MMA fighting, tennis, baseball, snowboarding and more... This film also features renowned raw food chefs and leading health and nutrition experts, as well as top athletes and professional players who are also experiencing the benefits from raw food nutrition. What would you do to stay in the game?
Freedom From Choice explores the endless layers of backroom dealing that is the US lobbying industry. Through a series of thought-provoking interviews, experts from numerous industries explain in simple terms how the political 'revolving door' creates unfair regulations which affect their industry. Supplemented by recent news clips and archival footage, the experts paint a startling picture of the overregulation of modern American life.
The Healing Effect Movie is a documentary about the healing power of food. Featuring best-selling authors and experts from around the world including: John Robbins, Joel Fuhrman, Daphne Miller, David Wolfe, Charlotte Gerson, John McDougall, Philip McCluskey, John Bagnulo and many more. The film follows the story of a police officer in the gritty city of Lowell, Massachusetts who has radically changed his diet and inspired his community. This movie explores the power of prevention, why bad genes are not your destiny, food and lifestyle secrets from the healthiest, longest lived people on the planet, as well as simple steps to get started right now in changing your life, one bite at a time!
Uno de cada tres estadounidenses es prediabético. Un gran porcentaje de ellos no sabe que está enfermo. La diabetes de inicio en la edad adulta ya no es una enfermedad para los obesos y los ancianos. Millones de estadounidenses que hacen ejercicio regularmente y comen una dieta recomendada por el USDA se clasifican como "flacos". La conexión entre la dieta estadounidense estándar y numerosos trastornos metabólicos es ahora un hecho tácito en la mayoría de los círculos médicos.
Unsupersize Me documents the inspiring story of Juan-Carlos Asse, owner of Zen Fitness, a personal training studio in Gainesville, Florida, and his quest to prove that a whole foods, plant-based diet coupled with an exercise regimen is capable of remarkably and rapidly improving the health of any and every individual. Asse takes his lifelong passions of fitness and nutrition setting out to demonstrate what he has witnessed in his training studio time and time again. The plant-based diet with exercise is the most effective and expeditious way to obtain optimal health.
Bethany's Story is a documentary about the healing power of food. Bethany lived the life of a normal teenage girl before she became paralyzed by a bad reaction to medication and was told she would never walk again. The documentary covers her amazing recovery as she makes dramatic lifestyle changes. Featuring interviews with leading nutrition experts and medical doctors, Bethany's Story is a testament to the power of food as medicine, as well as the courage of a young girl to face an immense obstacle, overcome it and in the process help inspire all of us to make forward progress in our lives, whatever our challenge may be.
After quitting her job at the World Trade Center Rhea Zimmerman finds herself 9 months later, in New York City on 9/11, feeling afraid, horrified, lost and wondering what she could do to help create a better story for humanity. She finds her answer and her healing when she fuels herself with purpose by becoming a chiropractor with a passion for unconditional love and international service. 11 years later we join her on a 5-day chiropractic service trip to The Sacred Valley, Peru with her new boyfriend Austin and her friend Alejandra. They are on a mission to serve as many people as possible offering healing, hope, and connection through collaboration with a medical clinic. Watch as the three stretch themselves by surrendering to service, affecting thousands that they touch, and ultimately, transforming as individuals through the power of love and teamwork. Love Bomb is interwoven with expert voices that explore themes of human transformation, love, altruism, and consciousness.