
In the Name of the Father and Son (1999)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 55M

Director : Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić


The story about typical Montenegrin family Miletic in post-war Yugoslavia, which shows personal tragedy of a father, whose only son comes back from the war as a different man.


Danilo "Bata" Stojković
Mrgud Miletić
Branimir Popović
Branimir Popović
Mirko Miletić
Sonja Jauković
Sonja Jauković
Marica Miletić
Petar Božović
Petar Božović
Živko Lakić
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Milutin 'Mima' Karadžić
Varja Đukić
Varja Đukić
Boro Stjepanović
Boro Stjepanović
Ivana Tomičić
Ivana Tomičić
Milo Miranović
Milo Miranović
Brano Vuković
Brano Vuković
Slobodan Marunović
Slobodan Marunović
Neda Arnerić
Neda Arnerić
Branimir Brstina
Branimir Brstina
Branislav 'Ciga' Jerinić
Branislav 'Ciga' Jerinić
Pavle Ilić
Pavle Ilić


Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić
Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić
Željko Mijanović
Željko Mijanović
Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić
Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

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