
René (2002)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 25M

Director : Alain Cavalier


René, a children's theater performer, has a problem : he is a hearty eater and he weighs no less than 155 kilos. After being abandoned by his girlfriend, René decides to go on a diet, notably to reconquer her. It is also an opportunity for him to question his former lifestyle and to define new values...


Joël Lefrançois
Joël Lefrançois
Nathalie Malbranche
Nathalie Malbranche
Nathalie Grandcamp
Nathalie Grandcamp
Emmanuelle Grandcamp
Emmanuelle Grandcamp


Alain Cavalier
Alain Cavalier
Armand Barbault
Armand Barbault
Production Manager
Alain Cavalier
Alain Cavalier

Recomendar películas

Late summer, a small lake, teenage rascals. Mia, 11 and too wise for her age, asks Hugo, 15 and blasé, to tell her about Chaïnes – a girl he spent evenings with at the lake, trying to seduce her. He felt the fear of declaring his love and the torment provoked by the exuberant but secretive Chaïnes, who never shows her emotions. Mia and her siblings surround them, like a choir. A slow, dark, documentary in which time doesn't seem to exist.
Duelo en el Atlántico
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un destructor estadounidense, al mando de un comandante al que la tripulación creía poco experimentado pero que resulta ser un gran estratega, encuentra un submarino alemán al que persigue por todo el Atlántico.
In Dulce - New Mexico, Leon Reval loses the tribal elections and his position as councilman. The uncertainty of his future echoes with the one of Jicarillas tribe. Today, they try - in vain - to keep on the fight that began with Geronimo against Mexico and United States, in order to preserve the Native American's rights.
Jacob, an elderly man living in a luxurious villa near Geneva called Rosebud, has just changed his name for the third time and become a Swiss citizen. His granddaughter comes to visit to make a portrait of him. As she searches for a way to bring his story to life, Jacob abandons the project…
Un viaje onírico a través de la vida de Alex como un ex guerrillero de las FARC conduce a un juicio con el demonio dentro de él. Alex cuenta su historia de guerra y su legado dentro de un camión transformado en una cámara oscura.
Nails in My Brain
A young man wanders through the ruins of what may or may not be his childhood home, where each crumbling doorway opens up onto the past. Memories accost him-memories of his school days, of loved ones long gone, of wonder, callousness, and defeat. The painful invasion gives rise to a series reflections on the limits of cinema and the poverty, and inescapability, of the life of the mind. No matter how much he has tried to change, the young man-who may or may not be the filmmaker himself-always returns to the same places, same questions, same faces, same recollections-the same nails in his brain.
L'homme qui penche
French poet Thierry Metz killed himself in 1997. He'd moved to the country with his wife and 3 kids but after the youngest is struck dead by a car, the sensitive artist sinks into depression and alcohol, leading to time in a facility.
One image, in particular, is likely to haunt viewers: that of many men huddled together on the back of a truck. The men are headed northward, from Niger to the coast of Algeria. Just how long they will be travelling depends on countless unknowns. And once they’ve reached the African coast of the Mediterranean, they’ll still be far from their goal, for it is only then that their dangerous attempt to cross the sea to Europe begins. Theirs is a journey in hopes of a better life – one that frequently ends in death.
Expedition Content
Constructed from the audio archive of the 1961 Harvard Peabody Expedition to Netherlands New Guinea: In the encounter with the Hubula people, this work reflects a parallaxing image of the histories of field recording, ethnographic film, and colonialism.
This Means More
Images of crowd simulation are faced with testimonies from Liverpool Football Club’s supporters who recall their experience marked by a tragic event: the Hillsborough stadium disaster in 1989, which changed the nature of the game of football.
On the island of Amorgos, during summer. Small monuments were erected at the scene of a fatal accident: a photograph, a few words, flowers, religious or pagan objects. The deceased "stayed there": dead in transit, on a road, frozen forever.
After Two Hours, Ten Minutes Had Passed
Time as punishment — of juvenile inmates and bodies that become heavy in prescribed spaces.
Elvis Sabin’s assured debut follows Albert and André, two Central African Aka Pygmies, as they attempt to establish a new education system in their forest community. The last in their village still attending school, they are determined to pass their knowledge on, holding classes for other Aka children every afternoon. But their project requires funding and they are counting on the year’s caterpillar (known as “Makongo”) harvest to provide much needed income. Evocatively capturing the visual and sonic textures of the forest, Makongo is a layered ethnographic study of two men working to build a sustainable future for their community.
A House
An observational documentary that focuses on the Tentative Association, which helps young people with autism develop independence and socialization skills. Seven autistic people live in a big house and, together with their helpers, they fill their days with household tasks.
The Shadow of the Desert (or the Paradise Regained)
While an exodus of migrants waits to cross the deadly Altar Desert towards the US, the last Natives of the desert survive a diaspora that has them on the verge of vanishing.
El lobo ha dejado de habitar el territorio que una vez formó parte de sus dominios y es solo a través de sus contornos que podemos acercarnos a él; ruinas de trampas para lobos, orina de depredador importada de Estados Unidos, un muladar para alimentar aves carroñeras y arqueros que disparan a réplicas de animales. Reserve construye un relato sobre el frágil equilibrio de un territorio tras la desaparición del depredador, donde la compleja coexistencia entre humanos y no humanos presenta un ecosistema marcadamente antropogénico.
Responsabilidad empresarial
Jonathan Perel vuelve a los años más oscuros de la historia argentina. Ahora, lo hace basándose en Responsabilidad empresarial en delitos de lesa humanidad, el primer informe realizado por el Estado nacional que prueba la participación de ciertos empresarios en la represión durante la última dictadura.
Tape 39
Jangarh Singh Shyam, a famous Indian artist born in an isolated tribal village, committed suicide in a Japanese museum in 2001. I found on an old MiniDV tape the images of a trip I had undertaken in 2008, when I had gone looking for him in his native region.
El año del descubrimiento
En 1992 suceden en España dos eventos fundamentales: los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona y la Exposición Universal de Sevilla, vinculada a la celebración del V Centenario del Descubrimiento de América. Diez años después de la subida al poder del PSOE de Felipe González, España aparece ante la comunidad internacional como un país efervescente, moderno y civilizado. Una futura potencia económica mundial. Sin embargo, en Cartagena, los disturbios y protestas por el cierre de fábricas y el desmantelamiento industrial adquieren una violencia creciente hasta acabar con el incendio del parlamento regional con cócteles molotov.
Cómo ser John Malkovich
La vida de Craig Schwartz está llegando al final de un ciclo. Craig es un marionetista callejero con un gran talento, pero él tiene la impresión de que su vida carece de sentido. Nueva York ha cambiado mucho y la gente no le presta mucha atención. Lleva diez años casado con Lotte, que trabaja en una tienda de animales y está obsesionada con su trabajo. Él consigue encontrar trabajo en la planta 7'5 del edificio Mertin-Flemmer de Manhattan, donde encuentra una pequeña puerta que le permite el acceso a un pasillo secreto que le aspira y que le permite acceder al cerebro de John Malkovich.