Alain Cavalier

Alain Cavalier

Nacimiento : 1931-09-14, Vendôme, Centre-Val de Loire, France


Director de cine francés. Tras estudiar Historia, ingresó en el Instituto de Altos Estudios Cinematográficos de París (IDHEC), colaborando con Louis Malle en Ascensor para el cadalso y Los amantes. Los primeros largometrajes de Cavalier fueron, Le combat dans l'île (1962) y La muerte no deserta (1964). Ambos tratan más o menos directamente sobre la Guerra de Independencia de Argelia. A pesar de contar con estrellas de la interpretación en alguna de sus comedias, Romy Schneider, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Alain Delon, estas películas fueron fracasos comerciales. Sus primeros éxitos vinieron con la película policiaca Mise à sac (1967, basada en una novela de Donald E. Westlake y, sobre todo, con el drama burgués El amor es un extraño juego (1968), adaptación del libro La chamade de Françoise Sagan. Ocho años más tarde, regresó al cine con Le plein de super (1976), una road movie coescrita con los propios actores a partir de experiencias personales. Después rodó Martin et Léa (1979). Alain Cavalier va afinando progresivamente su nueva manera de hacer cine, utilizando un tono casi documental, con actores no profesionales o poco conocidos, reduciendo sus equipos técnicos. En 1979 rodó Ce répondeur ne prend pas de messages, en la que reflejó su propia intimidad sentimental. En Un étrange voyage (1981) su hija cuenta su propia vida. Con Thérèse (1986) consiguió el mayor éxito de su carrera. Inspirado en la vida de la joven carmelita Thérèse de Lisieux, ganó el Premio del Jurado del Festival de Cannes de 1986 y obtuvo seis Premios César en 1987, entre otros el de mejor película y mejor guión original. La depuración y originalidad de su estilo cinematográfico llegó aún más lejos con Libera me (1993), película sin diálogos donde recoge con fuerza los temas de sus primeras obras, como son la opresión o la tortura.


Alain Cavalier
Alain Cavalier


“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
Camera Operator
“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
Director of Photography
“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
“I have on occasion experienced filmmaking as an intensely shared activity. Lively friendships result and remain. Filming that affection today is no act of nostalgia. Paths once crossed make things simple. People who have been behind the camera, or in front of it, giving the movie their all, are without illusion.” (Alain Cavalier)
Living and Knowing You Are Alive
Documentary about Emmanuèle Bernheim's autobiography "Tout s’est bien passé" who provided euthanasia to her dying father, but later died by herself from cancer before filming began. Alain Cavalier works with the images of his video diary.
Living and Knowing You Are Alive
Documentary about Emmanuèle Bernheim's autobiography "Tout s’est bien passé" who provided euthanasia to her dying father, but later died by herself from cancer before filming began. Alain Cavalier works with the images of his video diary.
Living and Knowing You Are Alive
Documentary about Emmanuèle Bernheim's autobiography "Tout s’est bien passé" who provided euthanasia to her dying father, but later died by herself from cancer before filming began. Alain Cavalier works with the images of his video diary.
Six portraits XL : 3 Philippe et Bernard
Philippe : An actress, a member of the Académie française, a boxer, an actor... Philippe, an all-round athlete of the televised interview, prepares to interview them one after the other. Half an hour each, without deletions, in a single afternoon. He takes some pills to calm himself down. He expects the marathon to be tough. Bernard : With improvised lighting on the stage of a small theater in Beauvais, Bernard, an actor, performs for the first time a play that he wrote and in which he's the only actor. He moves the spectators, but can't yet imagine where this performance will lead.
Six portraits XL : 2 Jacquotte et Daniel
Jacquotte : Once a year, in July, on the way to vacation, Jacquotte relives her childhood for a few hours in her beloved parents' home, which has remained intact. They died long ago, but nothing has been touched in the house. One day, it may be necessary to sell it. Daniel : Before leaving his apartment, Daniel checks ten times that he's closed the windows and turned off the taps properly. Obsessed by cleanliness, washing his hands is a whole ritual. He goes down to the café to try his luck with scratch cards. In the past, he was a very talented filmmaker, before giving it up. Why does he never want to talk about it ? He jokes and moves on to another subject.
Six portraits XL : 1 Léon et Guillaume
Léon : This morning, Léon the shoe-repairer puts up a sign in his store that he's managed for forty-six years : "Closing down in two months." Panic sets in among the neighborhood inhabitants, who adore this big-hearted Armenian with an amazing face. Is there some way to make stay longer ? Guillaume : Four o'clock in the morning, Guillaume arrives at work first, ahead of his team. At the end of the day, he will have sold all his cakes and bread, that's how good they are. In the evening, he and his wife Jasmine dream of buying a bigger and better located pastry store.
Le Caravage
Each morning, Bartabas works with his favorite horse, Caravage. They share a silent conversation in which they guide each other. Will they reach a certain perfection which will allow them to perform before the public ? The filmmaker has been given access to witness this intimate relationship: health hiccups, sessions that don't work out and the questioning they lead to, perfecting the act, tasting the joy of a flawless performance. As the film goes by, a trio comes to life, where hearts beat as one. The spectator will perhaps make the trio a quartet.
"Since childhood, I've had the good fortune of going through two mini depressions of happiness, and I'm serenely awaiting the third. This alone is enough for me to believe in a certain beauty to life and to have the pleasure of attempting to film it in all its forms (trees, animals, gods, humans...) and to do so when love is intense. The filmmaker has lost a part of innocence. It's so difficult to spot it around you, so difficult not to lose it during a film shoot. I'm grateful to those who you look at on screen. To stand up to time, I've a tactic, which is to dig into my stock of emotions and old images. Not so as to find what will never come back, but to discover the signs of spring in winter. This allows me to begin another day with an easy, light step." (Alain Cavalier)
Journal filmé à la Cinémathèque française
Journal filmé à la Cinémathèque française
10 films inédits d'Alain Cavalier
Thibault de Chateauvieux - La Pie Rouge - Pascal Blaise - Marie Bornat - Miles Davis - Clint et Kyle Eastwood - Zoé Chantre - George Bush - Finale
Ma femme vit dans la peur; C'est plein; Le roi des biberons
Alain Cavalier
During a year, they would meet and film each other. The filmmaker and the actor, the President and his prime minister, Alain Cavalier and Vincent Lindon. In Pater, you will see them in real life and in the fiction that they invented together.
During a year, they would meet and film each other. The filmmaker and the actor, the President and his prime minister, Alain Cavalier and Vincent Lindon. In Pater, you will see them in real life and in the fiction that they invented together.
Faire la mort
Elle, seule
In a film as moving as a confession, the filmmaker portrays a veritable journey into the valley of the shadows to find Irène, his Eurydice.
Alain Cavalier's contribution to 2009's Haiku project
Sept gouttes de sommeil
I'd Like to Share Spring with Someone
Joseph Morder begins to film his life with a cell phone and thus begins to realize some life-changing experiences in attempts to discover a new film language
Les Braves
Las tres primeras partes de una serie sobre "los que se niegan a doblegarse ante la injusticia", filmadas de frente, en una sola toma fija, sin ningún documento externo.
Holy Places
Through the public and private toilets that he has enjoyed filming over fifteen years, Alain Cavalier evokes our daily lives which are less trivial than they would appear.
Agonie d'un melon
J’attends Joël
8 récits express d'Alain Cavalier
8 récits express d'Alain Cavalier
Le Filmeur
From his diary, filmed over ten years, filmmaker Alain Cavalier invites us to a meditation on old age, weakness and death. Made of moments of life, fragments of images, this film composes a mosaic where the spectator is invited to also find his place by himself...
Le Filmeur
From his diary, filmed over ten years, filmmaker Alain Cavalier invites us to a meditation on old age, weakness and death. Made of moments of life, fragments of images, this film composes a mosaic where the spectator is invited to also find his place by himself...
Documental sobre el pintor Pierre Bonnard.
René, a children's theater performer, has a problem : he is a hearty eater and he weighs no less than 155 kilos. After being abandoned by his girlfriend, René decides to go on a diet, notably to reconquer her. It is also an opportunity for him to question his former lifestyle and to define new values...
René, a children's theater performer, has a problem : he is a hearty eater and he weighs no less than 155 kilos. After being abandoned by his girlfriend, René decides to go on a diet, notably to reconquer her. It is also an opportunity for him to question his former lifestyle and to define new values...
"If I get along well with someone, if I am attracted to what that person does, then I have an annoying tendency to desire to film that person. I get rejected or not. It sometimes happens that ones has a change of heart after saying yes. The shoot can last years or simply an afternoon. So I stock a lot of films that I edit, that I abandon or eventually take up again. And then, simple pleasure in the middle of disorder, four films come together merely to form one. Without any of the persons who make up the ensemble ever meeting." (Alain Cavalier)
Georges de La Tour
"Since a long time I have been linked to the painter Georges de La Tour. His paintings helped me in making my films. Even more, in a precise way they crossed my personal life. The film I shot about La Tour is about that : an intimate emotion followed by the love for the works of La Tour. [...] Georges de La Tour's paintings (it remains 30) are fixed images gifted of a rare radiation and density in the history of human labour. It happens that me, a film-maker, with my movement of twenty four images per second, I am a little jealous of this completion." (Alain Cavalier)
The Encounter
A filmmaker meets a woman. Delicately, he starts videoing moments of their life together. He slowly realises he’s not storing memories, but making a film. He asks her permission to continue. After filming for a year, a 75-minute edit is ready…
Alain Cavalier - Sept chapitres, cinq jours, 2 pièces-cuisine
A “Cinéma, de notre temps” series episode directed by french filmmaker Jean-Pierre Limosin, originally aired 26 January 1996.
Libera me
"In this film you will see a woman's handkerchief tied around a man's wrist, a well-shaven pig's head, some adolescents who are more inventive than their elders in struggling against oppression... You will not, however, hear any dialog. Words do not prepare, do not accompany, do not comment upon the action. This is not a silent film, but a film in which the only moment of life retained for the cinematographic spectacle are those where people do not speak. The spectator will find, perhaps, a greater freedom of interpretation in it and, we hope, a particular pleasure in this." (Alain Cavalier)
Portraits: Deuxième Série
The Illusionist
An enchanting mini-portrait of Antoinette, an 86½-year-old magician. Clad in a dress coat and white satin top hat, the elegant Parisienne performs ostensibly simple tricks with astonishing sleight-of-hand. With no more than a napkin, tissue paper or a rain of plastic flowers, Antoinette conjures up a hopeful universe.
Portraits: Première Série
Primera serie documental de 12 capítulos de 13 minutos cada uno en la que Cavalier filma los trabajos artesanos de distintas mujeres, trabajos que en su mayoría se han perdido hoy en día. Cavalier apuesta por mantener el anonimato de las identidades; lo que en realidad le interesa capturar no es el rostro sino el alma de los personajes.
Portraits: Première Série
Primera serie documental de 12 capítulos de 13 minutos cada uno en la que Cavalier filma los trabajos artesanos de distintas mujeres, trabajos que en su mayoría se han perdido hoy en día. Cavalier apuesta por mantener el anonimato de las identidades; lo que en realidad le interesa capturar no es el rostro sino el alma de los personajes.
A través de la figura de la monja francesa Teresa Martin (1873-1897), se plantea la posibilidad de la santidad en la vida cotidiana, sin necesidad de fenómenos sobrenaturales. Teresa Martin ingresó en la orden de las carmelitas de Lisieux, donde tomó el nombre de Teresa del Niño Jesús. Murió a los veinticuatro años de edad. Fue canonizada en 1925.
A través de la figura de la monja francesa Teresa Martin (1873-1897), se plantea la posibilidad de la santidad en la vida cotidiana, sin necesidad de fenómenos sobrenaturales. Teresa Martin ingresó en la orden de las carmelitas de Lisieux, donde tomó el nombre de Teresa del Niño Jesús. Murió a los veinticuatro años de edad. Fue canonizada en 1925.
Lettre d'un cinéaste
A movie director attemps to film the way he writes a screenplay.
Un étrange voyage
Un hombre divorciado y con una hija espera la habitual visita de su madre, pero inexplicablemente no llega en el tren de siempre.
Un étrange voyage
Un hombre divorciado y con una hija espera la habitual visita de su madre, pero inexplicablemente no llega en el tren de siempre.
This Answering Service Takes No Messages
A man repaints his apartment. Through objects, photos, drawings he plunges back into his past. His future seems so dark that he ends up painting the whole apartment in black, including the windows, to absolute black.
Martin and Lea
A loving couple Martin and Lea have some problems with each other too.
Martin and Lea
A loving couple Martin and Lea have some problems with each other too.
Fill 'er Up with Super
When a young auto salesman is forced to give up a vacation with his wife in order to drive a big American car to its new owner who lives on the Riviera, he makes the best of things. First, he gets and old friend to ride along with him. Then, the two of them are joined by another pair of men who want to ride south.
Fill 'er Up with Super
When a young auto salesman is forced to give up a vacation with his wife in order to drive a big American car to its new owner who lives on the Riviera, he makes the best of things. First, he gets and old friend to ride along with him. Then, the two of them are joined by another pair of men who want to ride south.
El amor es un extraño juego
París. Lucille, una mujer joven y guapa, vive, rodeada de lujo y placeres, con Charles, un viejo millonario que le proporciona todo lo que desea. Pero Lucille no corresponde a los sentimientos de Charles, que está profundamente enamorado de ella. Un día se tropieza con Antoine, un atractivo e impulsivo estudiante que no tiene donde caerse muerto. En su primer encuentro se muestran muy interesados el uno por el otro, en el segundo aumenta la atracción mutua y en el tercero se convierten en amantes.
El amor es un extraño juego
París. Lucille, una mujer joven y guapa, vive, rodeada de lujo y placeres, con Charles, un viejo millonario que le proporciona todo lo que desea. Pero Lucille no corresponde a los sentimientos de Charles, que está profundamente enamorado de ella. Un día se tropieza con Antoine, un atractivo e impulsivo estudiante que no tiene donde caerse muerto. En su primer encuentro se muestran muy interesados el uno por el otro, en el segundo aumenta la atracción mutua y en el tercero se convierten en amantes.
Saqueo en la ciudad
Una banda planea minuciosamente hacerse con el control de una pequeña ciudad para poder desvalijar la fábrica principal y a su vez el banco, el supermercado y las demás tiendas.
Saqueo en la ciudad
Una banda planea minuciosamente hacerse con el control de una pequeña ciudad para poder desvalijar la fábrica principal y a su vez el banco, el supermercado y las demás tiendas.
Saqueo en la ciudad
Una banda planea minuciosamente hacerse con el control de una pequeña ciudad para poder desvalijar la fábrica principal y a su vez el banco, el supermercado y las demás tiendas.
Saqueo en la ciudad
Una banda planea minuciosamente hacerse con el control de una pequeña ciudad para poder desvalijar la fábrica principal y a su vez el banco, el supermercado y las demás tiendas.
Esposa ingenua
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Marie (Catherine Deneuve) y su marido Jerôme (Philippe Noiret) viven en un castillo cerca de Normandía. Marie sueña con ir a París, pero Jerôme, intimidado por la guerra y preocupado por la fidelidad de su esposa, prefiere permanecer aislado en el campo. Un paracaidista de la resistencia y un grupo de soldados alemanes ponen fin a la tranquilidad de los habitantes del castillo.
La muerte no deserta
En este drama que alude a la guerra de Argelia con Francia en la década de los 60, Thomas (Alain Delon) es un desertor de la Legión Extranjera francesa, que está huyendo de las autoridades.
La muerte no deserta
Scenario Writer
En este drama que alude a la guerra de Argelia con Francia en la década de los 60, Thomas (Alain Delon) es un desertor de la Legión Extranjera francesa, que está huyendo de las autoridades.
La muerte no deserta
Un passant à Lyon (uncredited)
En este drama que alude a la guerra de Argelia con Francia en la década de los 60, Thomas (Alain Delon) es un desertor de la Legión Extranjera francesa, que está huyendo de las autoridades.
La muerte no deserta
En este drama que alude a la guerra de Argelia con Francia en la década de los 60, Thomas (Alain Delon) es un desertor de la Legión Extranjera francesa, que está huyendo de las autoridades.
Combate en la isla
Clement, un hombre que mantiene una doble vida como miembro de una organización terrorista de ultraderecha, está decidido a extender el caos entre las naciones occidentales a fin de obtener, finalmente, el control político y expandir sus actividades.
Combate en la isla
Clement, un hombre que mantiene una doble vida como miembro de una organización terrorista de ultraderecha, está decidido a extender el caos entre las naciones occidentales a fin de obtener, finalmente, el control político y expandir sus actividades.
Provincial Chronicle
Los amantes
Assistant Director
Una mujer burguesa está casada con un hombre respetable y además, tiene un amante español que es jugador de polo. Sin embargo, su vida le parece tediosa. De repente, un día, volviendo desde París a su casa de campo, se le estropea el coche, pero consigue llegar a su casa gracias a la ayuda de una joven. Este breve encuentro la hará recapacitar y plantearse la posibilidad de comenzar una nueva vida.
Ascensor para el cadalso
Assistant Director
Julien Tavernier, héroe de la guerra de Indochina, trabaja para el industrial Simon Carala, y es el amante de su esposa, Florence. Para poder vivir juntos, los amantes deciden matar al marido de modo que parezca un suicidio, pero ocurre algo que no estaba previsto.
Un américain
An American sculptor, passioned by literature, comes to Paris to perfect his art, but ends up with barely no money, and to survive has to sell The New York Herald Tribune, at night, to his compatriots. A look at the bohemian Parisian life of the fifties.
Un américain
voix du commentaire
An American sculptor, passioned by literature, comes to Paris to perfect his art, but ends up with barely no money, and to survive has to sell The New York Herald Tribune, at night, to his compatriots. A look at the bohemian Parisian life of the fifties.