One More Night (2015)

Every lie hides a truth, just like a cloudy sky hides the rain.

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 16M

Director : Eleutherios Kakathimis
Escritor : Eleutherios Kakathimis


A romantic drama from a decade past, back when love was more than just a word. A man, a woman and the lie that got in the way.


George Christodoulou
George Christodoulou
Fani Sokratous
Fani Sokratous


Eleutherios Kakathimis
Eleutherios Kakathimis
Eleutherios Kakathimis
Eleutherios Kakathimis
Eleutherios Kakathimis
Eleutherios Kakathimis
Theatre Play

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