
Weekend (2016)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 23M

Director : Talat Gokdemir


'Haftasonu' tells the story of Hasan, who travels to Cyprus after many years following the death of his father. As he spends a weekend in his childhood village, his sense of belonging and identity will be questioned by all within. Following a festival run in 2016 and 2017, the film is now available for viewing here: https://vimeo.com/161152843


Izel Seylani
Izel Seylani
Oya Gurel
Oya Gurel


Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir

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