
Weekend (2016)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 23M

Director : Talat Gokdemir


'Haftasonu' tells the story of Hasan, who travels to Cyprus after many years following the death of his father. As he spends a weekend in his childhood village, his sense of belonging and identity will be questioned by all within. Following a festival run in 2016 and 2017, the film is now available for viewing here: https://vimeo.com/161152843


Izel Seylani
Izel Seylani
Oya Gurel
Oya Gurel


Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir
Talat Gokdemir


Perdido pra Cachorro 3
Junte-se a Papi e sua família de duas e quatro patas enquanto eles se instalam em um elegante hotel em Beverly Hills, que oferece um luxuoso SPA para cães. Mas há confusão no paraíso do cãozinho quendo Rosa, a menor integrante da turma sente-se insignificante e menos especial do que nunca. Agora, Papi precisa ajudar Rosa a encontrar – e celebrar – sua força interior, que acaba sendo maior do que ela jamais sonhara. Repleto de gargalhadas, romance e ação eletrizante, esta é uma diversão garantida de cabo a rabo para toda a família.
Giorgio, a young soldier, is in love with the married Clara and becomes her lover. But they are separated when Giorgio is posted far away, where he meets the unhappy, unhealthy, and unattractive Fosca, who develops a passionate love for Giorgio and tries to make him love her. This rendition of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning musical was recorded on the stage with it's original all-star Broadway cast. Originally broadcast as part of "American Playhouse" on PBS (season thirteen, episode six).
Vuelven los García
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A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich
A troubled boy becomes addicted to heroin, and his mother and foster father help him fight it.
Our Homeland
From the late 1950s through the '70s, more than 90,000 of the ethnic Koreans in Japan emigrated to North Korea, a country that promised them affluence, justice, and an end to discrimination. KAZOKU NO KUNI tells the story of one of their number, who returns for just a short period. For the first time in 25 years, Sonho is reunited with his family in Tokyo after being allowed to undergo an operation there. Sonho’s younger sister Rie is at the centre of the film, and is not hard to recognise as the director’s alter-ego. In her documentaries DEAR PYONGYANG and SONA, THE OTHER MYSELF, Yang Yonghi told the story of her own life, and how, at age six, she experienced the departure of her three older brothers, who left their family for Pyongyang.
As the new millenium approaches, Karl & Ulf ('Karl & Co') begin planning a big party, reuniting Karl with some old friends he thought he'd seen the last of.
A Fuga
Em uma região próxima a fronteira com o Canadá, os irmãos Addison (Eric Bana) e Liza (Olivia Wilde) sofrem um acidente durante a fuga de um assalto cometido por eles. Para despistar a polícia, decidem se separar momentaneamente e seguem caminhos distintos. Enquanto isso, o jovem Jay (Charlie Hunnam) acaba de sair da prisão com a intenção de encontrar a mãe (Sissy Spacek) e o pai (Kris Kristofferson) durante o feriado de Ação de Graças. Mas ele acaba conhecendo Liza no meio do caminho e sem saber do passado dela, se deixa seduzir por sua beleza. Só que o tal irmão da garota vinha deixando um rastro de sangue por onde passava e seus destinos podem se cruzar a qualquer momento.
Gods and Monsters: Homer's Odyssey
Virginia Woolf said that Homer's epic poem the Odyssey was 'alive to every tremor and gleam of existence'. Following the magical and strange adventures of warrior king Odysseus, inventor of the idea of the Trojan horse, the poem can claim to be the greatest story ever told. Now British poet Simon Armitage goes on his own Greek adventure, following in the footsteps of one of his own personal heroes. Yet Simon ponders the question of whether he even likes the guy.
Lucky Star
Marina, a woman with a glass eye, has the bad luck to be the victim of an assault witnessed by Rafael, a goodhearted butcher, who rescues her from her attacker, a man named Daniel. Rafael has physical problems of his own, but the two stay together as a couple. A baby not Rafael's, for he lost his testicles in an accident is born. Rafael looks forward to raising the child as his own if Marina will consent.
Um fotógrafo e sua esposa viajam através da Arménia fotografando igrejas para um projeto de calendário. Viajando com eles vai um homem local agindo como seu motorista e guia. à medida que o projeto se aproxima da conclusão, a distância entre marido e mulher cresce.
Hello Smile!
A small European Kingdom wants to make a frowning Princess smile for the upcoming Royal photo to be done. A mischievous Prime Minister goes to Paris to kidnap three famous comics to force them to do an act to make the Princess smile. However, the King is not aware of this scheme... especially that this evil minister has to face a "fasting strike" by the prisoners and force them to surrender by telling a recipe of "Coq au Vin" by the radio...
Apart from You
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Ação de Graças em Família
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Gru - O Maldisposto 2
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Split Decisions
When a boxer is killed because he wouldn't take a dive, his brother tries to find a way to avenge him even if only symbolically.
Our Neighbor, Miss Yae
Keitaro is a law student and Yaeko s a high school girl. They are neighbors, and their friendship is starting to develop into something more romantic. Then, Yaeko's sister Kyouko has a breakup with her husband and returns home. Kyouko is clearly interested in Keitaro and Yae becomes anxious.
Um Verão na Casa do Vovô
Historia do menino Tung-tung e sua irmã caçula Ting-ting que são mandados para o interior, para a casa de seu avô materno, enquanto sua mãe está doente, internada num hospital em Taipei.
O Pássaro Azul
Duas crianças camponesas, Mytyl e seu irmão Tyltyl, embarcam na busca pelo pássaro azul da felicidade da fada Berylune. Em sua jornada, eles têm a companhia da presença humanizada de um Cachorro, um Gato, Luz e Fogo e outras entidades.
Top Secret Rosies: The Female 'Computers' of WWII
In 1942, when computers were human and women were underestimated, a group of female mathematicians helped win a war and usher in the modern computer age. Sixty-five years later their story has finally been told.