
The Necessities of Life (2008)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 42M

Director : Benoît Pilon


In 1952, an Inuit hunter named Tivii with tuberculosis leaves his northern home and family to go recuperate at a sanatorium in Quebec City. Uprooted, far from his loved ones, unable to speak French and faced with a completely alien world, he becomes despondent. When he refuses to eat and expresses a wish to die, his nurse, Carole, comes to the realization that Tivii's illness is not the most serious threat to his well-being. She arranges to have a young orphan, Kaki, transferred to the institution. The boy is also sick, but has experience with both worlds and speaks both languages. By sharing his culture with Kaki and opening it up to others, Tivii rediscovers his pride and energy. Ultimately he also rediscovers hope through a plan to adopt Kaki, bring him home and make him part of his family


Natar Ungalaaq
Natar Ungalaaq
Éveline Gélinas
Éveline Gélinas
Paul-André Brasseur
Paul-André Brasseur
Louise Marleau
Louise Marleau
Soeur Luce
Guy Thauvette
Guy Thauvette
Dr. Montpetit
Antoine Bertrand
Antoine Bertrand
Vincent-Guillaume Otis
Vincent-Guillaume Otis
Denis Bernard
Denis Bernard
Père Millaire
Luc Proulx
Luc Proulx
Miali Buscemi
Miali Buscemi
Ann-Sophie Archer
Ann-Sophie Archer
Infirmière de jour
Alexandre Thériault
Alexandre Thériault
Patient jaloux
Frédérick Bouffard
Frédérick Bouffard
Patient agonisant
Caroline Tanguay
Caroline Tanguay
Infirmière de nuit
Jacques-Henri Gagnon
Jacques-Henri Gagnon
Serge Bonin
Serge Bonin
Guillaume Saladin
Guillaume Saladin
Interprète blanc
Pierre-Antoine Simard-Lafond
Pierre-Antoine Simard-Lafond
Stéphane-Antoine Comtois
Stéphane-Antoine Comtois
Membre d'équipage
Mère inuk malade
Sylvain Brosseau
Sylvain Brosseau
Annie Neevee Pitsiulak
Annie Neevee Pitsiulak
Fille de Tiivii (9 ans)
Annie S. Kootoo
Annie S. Kootoo
Fille de Tiivii (5 ans)
Patrick Brown
Patrick Brown
Patient mourant
Jocelyn Pelletier
Jocelyn Pelletier
Patient salle commune
Nicola-Frank Vachon
Nicola-Frank Vachon
Patient salle commune
Jean-Claude Godbout
Jean-Claude Godbout
Patient salle commune
Jean-Alexandre Létourneau
Jean-Alexandre Létourneau
Patient salle commune
André Duval
André Duval
Christian Morin
Christian Morin
Corinne Germain
Corinne Germain
Religieuse au chevet
Jean-René Moisan
Jean-René Moisan
Martin Perreault
Martin Perreault
Josée-Gabrielle Labar
Josée-Gabrielle Labar
Aline Bouchard
Aline Bouchard
Michael Buscemi
Michael Buscemi
Bébé inuk
Karina Luzia Desmarais
Karina Luzia Desmarais
Amira Cheriet
Amira Cheriet
Suzann Méthot
Suzann Méthot
Jod Léveillé-Bernard
Jod Léveillé-Bernard
Patient voisin
Steeve Gagné
Steeve Gagné
Infirmier costaud
Maxime Allen
Maxime Allen
Jeune prêtre
Serge Thibodeau
Serge Thibodeau
Gilbert Fontaine
Gilbert Fontaine
Technicien radiologiste
Gilbert Marcoux
Gilbert Marcoux
Danielle Martel
Danielle Martel
Pascale Lauzière
Pascale Lauzière
Jeannie Kownirk
Jeannie Kownirk


Bernard Émond
Bernard Émond
Benoît Pilon
Benoît Pilon

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