Guy Thauvette

Guy Thauvette

Nacimiento : 1944-03-19, Pointe-des-Cascades, Quebec, Canada


Guy Thauvette


Elderly inmates are dying mysteriously one after another in their prison cells.
La naturaleza del amor
La cómoda vida de Sophia da un vuelco el día que conoce a Sylvain. Ella lo deja todo para vivir esta ardiente pasión, diciéndose que tal vez sea la última de su vida. Pero son muy diferentes. Sophia proviene de una rica formación intelectual en Montreal, mientras que la familia de Sylvain es de clase trabajadora. Sophia se cuestiona sus propios valores y aspiraciones después de haberse abandonado a sus impulsos románticos.
El escándalo Norbourg
Paul-Émile Trudel
El filme sigue el ascenso y la brutal caída de la empresa financiera Norbourg. En ella, el inspector y auditor Éric Asselin tiene el mandato de supervisar las actividades de la empresa. Fascinado por la audacia de Vincent Lacroix, el presidente de la compañía, Asselin deja su puesto y se convierte en la mano derecha de este. Ambos cómplices en uno de los mayores escándalos financieros nunca antes vivido.
The Vinland Club
Frère Rosea
1949. Brother Jean, a progressive teacher and passionate amateur archaeologist, plans to conduct excavations with his students in order to prove the presence of a Viking settlement along the shores of the St-Lawrence River.
Mafia Inc.
Le juge
Los Gamache, sastres de generación en generación, han estado vistiendo a la mafia en Paterno durante tres generaciones. Vincent "Vince" Gamache trabaja a cuenta de Frank, el padrino, con su hijo mayor Gianco, a quien trata de impresionar a toda costa para subir de rango en la organización. Sin que la gente de Palermo lo sepa, organiza una gran operación y logra su tan deseado ascenso. Giaco, cegado por la envidia, descubre que Vince ha cometido una serie de horribles monstruosidades para alcanzar su objetivo. Los Gamache deciden desheredar a Vince, dando así comienzo una terrible guerra entre bandos.
I'll End Up in Jail
A bored stay-at-home mom gets into trouble after speeding away from her small-town life.
Ca$h Nexu$
Jimmy is trapped in a spiral of street drug addiction and withdrawal. One day, Jimmy is forced to get back in contact with his family. The pariah’s return to the pack reawakens old demons in his elder brother Nathan.
8328 is about an unexpected encounter between young Hugo and Raymond, to whom life has given few gifts… except a few wooden carvings.
The Devil's Share
Quebec, on the cusp of the 1960s. The province is on the brink of momentous change. Deftly selecting clips from nearly 200 films from the National Film Board of Canada archives, director Luc Bourdon reinterprets the historical record, offering us a new and distinctive perspective on the Quiet Revolution.
Barefoot at Dawn
Uncle Richard
1927: Felix' last year with his family before attending a private college in the fall. Accompanied by Fidor, his faithful friend, he will face adversity, love, death, and will embark on the path of adulthood.
A well-respected plastic surgeon dedicated to helping patients with severe burns questions his career, his family…his perfect life and ultimately, his sanity when an encounter with a disgruntled patient triggers a psychological spiral no one can control.
Mr. Porter
Cuenta la historia de tres personajes con una sola conexión entre sí, a primera vista: las tres mujeres se llaman Simone. La primera es una niña de doce años que debe aprender a controlar sus sentimientos después de sufrir un shock traumático. La segunda es una joven de 25 años que vive sola y trata de lidiar con sus repentinos ataques de pánico. La tercera es una médico de prestigio que da conferencias sobre la naturaleza del tiempo. Todas se comienzan a comunicar de manera misteriosa a través de sueños. Del director de Zigrail o Un crabe dans la tête, André Turpin dirige este thriller protagonizado por Sophie Nélisse, Mylène Mackaélisse y Lise Roy.
The Outlaw League
Nicolas loves baseball. Every day during vacation he and his friends meet at the town’s old baseball field to play their favourite game... Until one infamous day at the start of summer when Nicolas discovers that the gates to the field have been locked and that old boards and assorted junk are strewn across what used to be the baseball diamond. It seems the town council has decided to use the grounds as a dump. The kids are outraged.They decide to contest this decision, to defend their territory.
Vic + Flo Saw a Bear
Yvon Champagne
Cuenta la historia de Vic, una mujer que acaba de salir de la cárcel y que está en busca de un poco de paz y tranquilidad. Ella se muda a la casa de un familiar en el bosque canadiense y recibe la visita de su amante, Flo. Los dos se toman cada día como viene, explorando el campo en un carrito de golf y disfrutando del paisaje. La vida podría ser maravilloso si no fuera porque el oficial de la libertad convencional de Vic no para de molestarles. Vic también encuentra una escapatoria en los inquietantes bares locales. Una mujer agradable del barrio, jardinera, pronto resulta ser una sombra del pasado, signos de amenaza inminente comienzan a multiplicarse e incluso el bosque parece tener trampas traicioneras.
L'Affaire Dumont
Juge Michel Proulx
Michel Dumont is charged, judged and sentenced for a rape he denies ever having committed. While he serves his time in prison, Solange, who he fell in love with during his trial, embarks on the colossal task of proving his innocence and having the court rehabilitate him.
Mesrine Parte 1. Instinto de muerte
Director of USC
La vida del gángster Jacques Mesrine, conocido como “el hombre de las mil caras”, verídica leyenda de la criminología francesa. Jaques Mesrine es un joven soldado en Argelia que ha ido perdiendo parte de sus escrúpulos tras ser partícipe de los brutales medios que el ejército francés empleaba en los interrogatorios. Al regresar a Francia y a la casa de sus padres, la adaptación a la vida cotidiana se le hace difícil y con la ayuda de un amigo suyo se inicia en pequeños trabajos ilegales.
A No-Hit No-Run Summer
M. Audet
Martin is 12 years old and dreams of playing on the neighbourhood baseball team. When he doesn’t make the cut, his father steps in and organizes a B team. Father and son spend a summer full of hope and disappointment, surprises and foul balls.
The Necessities of Life
Dr. Montpetit
In 1952, an Inuit hunter named Tivii with tuberculosis leaves his northern home and family to go recuperate at a sanatorium in Quebec City. Uprooted, far from his loved ones, unable to speak French and faced with a completely alien world, he becomes despondent. When he refuses to eat and expresses a wish to die, his nurse, Carole, comes to the realization that Tivii's illness is not the most serious threat to his well-being. She arranges to have a young orphan, Kaki, transferred to the institution. The boy is also sick, but has experience with both worlds and speaks both languages. By sharing his culture with Kaki and opening it up to others, Tivii rediscovers his pride and energy. Ultimately he also rediscovers hope through a plan to adopt Kaki, bring him home and make him part of his family
A Family Secret
Jos 49-76 ans
A woman learns secrets about her family while attending the funeral of her father.
A Sunday in Kigali
Général Roméo Dallaire
In April 1994, the middle-aged Canadian journalist Bernard Valcourt is making a documentary in Kigali about AIDS. He secretly falls in love for the Tutsi waitress of his hotel Gentille, who is younger than him, in a period of violent racial conflicts. When the genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda begins, Bernard does not succeed in escaping with Gentille to Canada. When the genocide finishes in July 1994, Bernard returns to the chaotic Kigali seeking out Gentille in the middle of destruction and dead bodies.
The silence will echo us
Claude and Martin, two police inspectors, arrest Philippe, a withdrawn young man, and question him about the murder of his father.
Looking for Alexander
Disturbing and violent memories haunt a man after he emerges from a lengthy coma.
Atrápame si puedes
Warden Garren
Frank Abagnale Jr. trabajó como médico, abogado y copiloto de una de las grandes líneas aéreas, todo ello antes de cumplir los dieciocho años. También fue un genial falsificador y sus habilidades le otorgaron una plaza en la historia. A la edad de 17 años, Frank Abagnale Jr. se convirtió en el ladrón de bancos de más éxito en la historia de Estados Unidos. El agente del FBI Carl Hanratty dedicó la mayor parte de su tiempo a perseguir a Frank para llevarle ante la justicia, pero Frank siempre estaba un paso por delante, retándole a continuar la caza.
Waterfront Dreams
A bittersweet tale about a small group of men and women whose forest adventures trigger memories of childhood and past loves. A harsh fantasy, wherein it is hard to tell whether the characters are living in their dreams, or dreaming away their lives.
Sinfonía en soledad: un retrato de Glenn Gould
Trucker #2
Una investigación en treinta y dos partes sobre la mente y el alma del internacionalmente reconocido virtuoso del piano Glenn Gould (1932-1982), para revelar su complejo y enigmático carácter al tomar la estructura de las Variaciones Goldberg de J.S. Bach. Glenn Gould, canadiense, fue un niño prodigio que componía a los 5 años y a los 15 daba conciertos. El film fue definido por la crítica como una cargante exaltación de la excentricidad.
Montreal Stories
Six stories about Montreal. 1: A young housewife from Toronto samples the nightlife using basic French. 2: The tale of a painting of Montreal's first mayor, Jacques Viger. 3: During a hockey game, Madeleine tries to tell Roger she wants a divorce after forty years of marriage. 4: A visitor to a conference on pictographs arrives at the airport, where the female customs officer steals a momento from each person. 5: As she is being driven to the hospital in an ambulance after an auto accident, Sarah recalls her life. 6: At a diplomatic reception, an older woman reminisces about her grand love in Montreal.
Normand Crépeau
On Christmas eve a journalist witnesses a theft in a mall and then tracks one of the thieves to later be taken as his hostage in the radio station he works for.
And Then You Die
A drug deal must deal with the mafia, Hells Angels, and police who want to arrest him. -- WorldCat
In the Shadow of the Wind
Patrick Atkins
The story is of a young man, Stevens, who returns to his native village after a five year exile caused by a violent quarrel with his father. The story revolves around the women in Stevens life and the affects of his presence.
Anne Trister
After the death of her father, Anne — a brilliant but emotionally unstable painter/sculptor — returns from Switzerland to her home town in Quebec. Setting up a studio, she becomes obsessed with her work, to the extent that she grows farther and farther from her Swiss lover.
A woman deals with her mother, an arts professor, plunging into chaos due to Alzheimer's.
Pale Face
With an unlikely hero who apparently excels at almost anything, this confused saga of survival in the wilderness and accidental murder starts out hard to believe and stays that way. C.H. (Luc Matte) used to be a star player for the Montreal Canadiens and has turned in his puck and hockey stick for the pursuit of women -- as well as a good game of chess (he is a master at that too). He supports himself by waiting tables and one day takes some time off to go on vacation in the Quebec wilderness, where some local thugs give him a hard time. From that point onward, things get worse after one of the hooligans is accidentally killed.
Maria Chapdelaine
A young woman, living with her parents and siblings on a remote farm in harsh, picturesque northern Québec, has three suitors: a steady and unimaginative farmer, Eutrope, the Americanized and wealthy Lorenzo, who has sought his fortune in Boston, and François Paradis, a rough and virile logger who captures her heart despite the warnings of her parents and the village priest. For a year, marked by seasonal change in an atmosphere charged with the strangeness of Indians and the demons of the woods, we see Maria at work and prayer, struggling with decisions, choosing to stay in Canada, in love with François, seeking to change his rough behaviors, and dealing with extraordinary loss.
Lucien Brouillard
The Red Kitchen
Thibault Frenette
On a wedding day, women are confined to the kitchen to prepare the meal while the men wait to be served. While men talk politics and sports, women talk about their condition. A teenager observes the gap between the sexes. Co-directed by two actresses, Paule Baillargeon and Frederique Collin, The Red Kitchen is the birth of the Quebec women's cinema. The birth of the film was difficult, and funding has been largely achieved through donations from friends and a benefit concert. This war of the sexes takes place in a demanding formal research, based on the improvisation of the actors, whose preparation took place over long sessions in the workshop. The end result mixes black humour, horror and a very expressive fantasy that gave rise to heated debates.
L'âge de la machine
A young police officer goes through Abitibi to take a train with a young convict who escaped from her orphanage.
Montréal blues
A group of youths open an organic restaurant.
The Great Ordinary Movie
The Ordinary Grand Film is the result of love at first sight with The Ordinary Grand Circus. With film and equipment borrowed from left and right, with the free complicity of all those who appear in the credits, they went on weekends to film a few moments of their tour.
Le grand Rock
Le grand Rock
In the countryside of Quebec, a new phenomenon has appeared: violence. How does a handsome, tall, free and peaceful village boy let himself be led down the path of crime?