
The Renegade (1943)

Blazing 45's Sing A Song Of Justice!

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 58M

Director : Sam Newfield
Escritor : Milton Raison, George Wallace Sayre


Town banker John Martin calls on Billy and Fuzzy for help in capturing the men that robbed his bank.


Buster Crabbe
Buster Crabbe
Billy the Kid
Al St. John
Al St. John
Fuzzy Q. Jones
Lois Ranson
Lois Ranson
Julie Martin
Karl Hackett
Karl Hackett
John Martin
Ray Bennett
Ray Bennett
Dave Hill
Frank Hagney
Frank Hagney
Jack Rockwell
Jack Rockwell
Tom London
Tom London
George Chesebro
George Chesebro
Bart Goodwin


Sam Newfield
Sam Newfield
Milton Raison
Milton Raison
George Wallace Sayre
George Wallace Sayre

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