Elmer - Bartender (uncredited)
El señor McLintock (John Wayne), un gran terrateniente gruñón pero generoso, recibe la visita de su esposa (Maureen O'Hara), una mujer de fuerte temperamento, que se fue a vivir a Nueva York, porque no podía soportar el estilo de vida de su marido.
Miner (uncredited)
Dos antiguos pistoleros se asocian para escoltar un cargamento de oro. Uno intenta hacer un buen trabajo y volver a su casa. Pero la única intención del otro es robar la valiosa carga.
Townsman (uncredited)
En la época de la fiebre del oro, a un poblado minero de Montana llega Joe Frail (Gary Cooper), un extraño y contradictorio médico sobre el que parece pesar un oscuro pasado. Tras el asalto de unos bandoleros a la diligencia, la única superviviente resulta ser una inmigrante suiza (Maria Schell) que, a causa de una insolación, se queda ciega. De cuidarla hasta que recupera la vista se ocupará Frail.
Posse Man (uncredited)
Steve Burden es un agente de la ley famoso por entregar muertos a muchos fugitivos. Cuando acepta la propuesta del sheriff de El Solito de ser su ayudante, corre el peligro de caer en una trampa del cacique local.
El azar obliga a un pobre campesino a sustituir al sheriff para escoltar a Ben (Glenn Ford), un peligroso delincuente, que es, además el jefe de una banda de temibles forajidos. Tras cometer un asesinato, Ben es apresado y escoltado hasta un pueblo, por donde pasa el tren que debe llevarlo a Yuma (Arizona) para ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, su banda prepara su rescate.
Townsman in Contention (uncredited)
El azar obliga a un pobre campesino a sustituir al sheriff para escoltar a Ben (Glenn Ford), un peligroso delincuente, que es, además el jefe de una banda de temibles forajidos. Tras cometer un asesinato, Ben es apresado y escoltado hasta un pueblo, por donde pasa el tren que debe llevarlo a Yuma (Arizona) para ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, su banda prepara su rescate.
Blacksmith (uncredited)
Murphy deserta del ejército de la Unión para avisar a unos tejanos de un inminente ataque indio. Se trata de un grupo de mujeres cuyos maridos están luchando con los confederados. Se refugian en una misión abandonada, dispuestos a matar o morir en el asalto...
Capt. Jeremy Peters - a Zombie
American tycoon George Harrison, his beautiful wife, Mona, and deep-sea diver Jeff Clark are off the coast of Africa hoping to salvage a fortune in diamonds at the bottom of the sea near the voodoo-haunted island of Mora Tau, and are joined by an English girl named Jan. The treasure is reported to be guarded by Zombies, walking dead-men doomed to roam the earth until men stop trying to find the sacred treasure. Here, they are walking the sea-bottom, and there is a large conflict of interest between them and the treasure-seekers.
Referee (uncredited)
Eddie Willis (Humphrey Bogart), un veterano periodista, es contratado como agente de prensa por Nick Benko (Rod Steiger), un hombre sin escrúpulos, para que consiga hacer popular a Toro Moreno, un gigantesco pero torpe aspirante a boxeador, a quien hacen creer que es un gran campeón a base de amañar sus combates.
Dream Jail Guard
An electric shock enables Satch to predict numbers, so the Bowery Boys are off to Las Vegas to win enough money at the roulette wheels to let their landlady buy an apartment building. Witnessing his winning streak, some gangsters decide to move in and find out his "system" for beating the odds.
Dingo Brion (uncredited)
El alguacil Coleen Wave (Randolph Scott) es un abogado que recorre el territorio de Colorado para acabar con los criminales. Su dedicación al trabajo es tan excesiva que su esposa (Angela Lansbury) lo abandona y le asegura que no volverá con él mientras no deje definitivamente las armas. Pero él está decidido a imponer la ley y el orden en una última ciudad, que está dominada por una banda de pistoleros, dispuestos a todo con tal de que el territorio no se convierta en un estado de la Unión.
Dorfman (uncredited)
Wes Steele, un pistolero acusado de varios delitos, logra escapar de un intento de linchamiento. En su huida va a parar a Arizona, región a la que acude todo tipo de gentes atraídas por la "fiebre del oro" que asoló el Oeste americano. Allí se enamora de la hija del sheriff, una joven bastante rebelde. Completamente decidido a cambiar radicalmente de vida, sabe que primero debe arreglar sus cuentas con la ley.
Convict Frank, Lannigan's barber
Slip and Sach (Bowery Boys) go to prison to help a reporter with a story.
Barfly / Lookout (uncredited)
Wyatt Earp, antiguo cazador de búfalos y aventurero, llega a Wichita (Kansas), un pueblo ganadero en el que impera la ley del más fuerte. Su habilidad con el revólver le convierte en el candidato perfecto para el puesto de sheriff, pero rechaza el empleo. Sin embargo, las circunstancias hacen que se sienta moralmente obligado a imponer la ley y el orden en la caótica ciudad. (FILMAFFINITY)
In 1857 Edwin L. Drake is sent to investigate an oil seep in a creek near Titusville, Pennsylvania. Overcoming many other obstacles, Drake's innovation to shield the well from water entry by using a drive pipe finally allows drilling to proceed until striking oil in August, 1859. His perseverance yields many barrels of oil a day, and immediately brings about the start of the oil industry.
Official (uncredited)
Johnny (Marlon Brando) es el carismático líder de un grupo de motoristas pendencieros que llegan a un pequeño pueblo californiano. En medio del alboroto que montan él y sus colegas, Johnny se sentirá atraído por Kathy (Mary Murphy), la hija del sheriff local.
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
El comandante Matt Stewart y un grupo de soldados confederados roban a los soldados de la Unión un cargamento de oro. Después se enteran de que la guerra ha terminado y deciden llevar el oro hacia el Sur. Pero son capturados, aunque Matt consigue salvarse cuando va a ser ahorcado y escapa con el botín. (FILMAFFINITY)
Glen (uncredited)
California, año 1900. Jim Fallon, un hombre sin escrúpulos que trabaja en una explotación forestal, y su amigo Yukon Baurns llegan a la tierra de las grandes secuoyas. El propósito de Fallon es estafar a los empobrecidos granjeros que acaban de enterarse de que las reclamaciones que han hecho de sus tierras carecen de validez.
Ned Bale (uncredited)
Owen Merritt (Randolph Scoth) es un hombre de pocas palabras, extraordinaria puntería y principios firmes, que ha de tragarse su orgullo cuando la mujer a la que ama se casa con otro por dinero. Pero cuando el marido, celoso, jura destrozar el rancho de Merrit, éste tendrá que defenderse.
Man in a Bar (Uncredited)
The son of the notorious Dr. Henry Jekyll is determined to prove that his father's reputation has been unjustly deserved. He sets out to develop his father's formula in order to prove that he was a brilliant scientist rather than a murderous monster.
Turpin's Hangman
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Floozy's Boyfriend
A man believe to have murdered a woman, escapes from the insane asylum to find if he was the one to actually kill her using the scarf she was wearing.
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Una pareja del mundo del espectáculo, tras varios años sin trabajar juntos, vuelven a reencontrarse y a reanudar una historia de amor abandonada.
Motorcycle Cop
Tras el asesinato de un empleado de Correos, una monja asegura que podría reconocer a uno de los asesinos si lo volviese a ver. Desde ese momento su vida correrá peligro.
Stark Strong-Arm Man (Uncredited)
Willi Stark (Broderick Crawford), un hombre honrado y valiente, sufre una transformación el día que decide entrar en política y descubre que todo es juego sucio. Tras ser elegido gobernador, olvidando sus principios, lo primero que hace es apoderarse de la prensa y la radio. Convertido en un ser corrupto hará cuanto esté en su mano para permanecer en el poder.
Bakery Guard (uncredited)
Revolución francesa, 1794. El marqués de Lafayette pide a Charles D'Aubigny que se infiltre en el Partido Jacobino para derrocar a Maximilian Robespierre, quien, tras obtener el poder supremo y establecer un reino de terror regido por la muerte, pretende ahora convertirse en dictador de Francia.
A film company is shooting a western on location when the star breaks his leg. A local mule herder, who had never acted before, is "shanghaied" into taking over the role. Complications ensue.
Livery Stableman (uncredited)
Esta no es la historia de Jesse James, sino la caída en desgracia de su asesino, el tristemente famoso Bob Ford, que traicionó a su amigo para conseguir el indulto del gobierno y casarse con su novia Cynthy. En lugar de ello, se vió condenado al ostracismo y al desprecio incluso por parte de la mujer amada.
Bob Hope es un nervioso dentista que se convierte en pistolero cuando se casa con Calamity Jane (Jane Russell), una mujer aficionada a crear problemas y que en realidad trabaja para el gobierno. (FILMAFFINITY)
Truckman (uncredited)
La película arranca con el intento de suicidio de una rica heredera. En flash-back vemos cómo alguien que trabaja en un teatro y que posee la asombrosa facultad de adivinar el futuro, se siente cada vez más angustiado porque no puede impedir que se cumplan sus peores premoniciones.
Man Reciting Lord's Prayer (uncredited)
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
A Canadian Mountie investigates the disappearance of a brother officer.
Barfly (uncredited)
Chester Wooley y Duke Egan son unos vendedores ambulantes que realizan una escala en Wagon Gap, Montana, mientras se dirigen a California. Durante la escala, un criminal famoso, Fred Hawkins, es asesinado, y los dos son acusados del crimen. Rápidamente son juzgados, condenados y sentenciados a morir en la horca. El jefe del comité de ciudadanos locales, Jim Simpson, recuerda una ley por la cual el vencedor en un duelo debe asumir la responsabilidad de las deudas y la familia del difunto. La ley impide la ejecución de los dos, pero ahora Chester es responsable de la viuda Hawkins y sus siete hijos...
Potter's Bodyguard
Es la vigilia de Navidad en Bedford falls, NY, y George Bailey está planeando suicidarse. Pero un ángel es enviado para detenerle en su intento. Él le enseñará a George las cosas maravillosas de su juventud, cómo salvó la vida de su hermano y la de otros que, gracias a haber conocido a George, son felices. Así, nuestro amigo descubrirá que... ¡La vida es realmente un tesoro maravilloso que debemos disfrutar!
Stagehand (uncredited)
Dos muchachas de Boston deciden trasladarse a Nueva York. Una de ellas trabaja como cantante en el local de un viejo amigo de la familia, mientras que la otra se enamora del hijo de un importante mecenas de la ópera.
Boss (uncredited)
Un marino mercante que lleva una vida bastante despreocupada se enamora de una dulce y sumisa bibliotecaria, pero muy pronto se da cuenta de que no puede seguir con ella porque su vida es el mar.
Stevedore (uncredited)
Una farsa con cierto estilo según la novela de Rosamund Marshall, que bebe directamente de la idea de Pigmalión. Esta vez se traslada la acción al Londres del siglo XVIII, donde unos conspiradores transforman a una chica de la calle (Paulette Goddard, tan divertida y natural como de costumbre) en una gran dama. Traman un plan consistente en casar a la muchacha con un noble de la Corte para sacarle todo el dinero posible.
Moving Man (uncredited)
Determined to become a radio singer, a young girl runs away from her family. She hooks up with a man who is actually the real voice of a famous radio crooner, who actually can't sing at all.
Cop (uncredited)
A pesar de que en el título aparece la palabra Hollywood, esta comedia no gira en torno al mundo del cine, sino al de la música. Abbott y Costello vuelven a interpretar a dos perdedores que sueñan con convertirse en importantes agentes musicales. Quieren cumplir su sueño, así que empiezan con pequeños clientes con carreras alejadas del estrellato. Por el momento son unos don nadie, habrá que ver si la pareja de cómicos consigue convertirlos en los reyes de la música.
Morell Henchman (uncredited)
Duke Fergus es un cowboy que pierde todo su dinero en la casa de juegos de Tito Morell en San Francisco. Allí, se enamora de Flaxen Tarry, la cantante del local y novia de Tito. Sin dinero, se ve obligado a volver a su tierra, Montana, con la decisión de volver pronto a San Francisco para estar cerca de su amada. En casa, aprende todos los trucos del juego gracias al jugador profesional Wolf Wylie. Cuando vuelve a San Francisco, consigue hacer una gran fortuna. Abre su propio cabaret y consigue que Flaxen sea la estrella del espectáculo. El día de la inauguración, un terremoto destruye la casi totalidad de la ciudad y con ella, el negocio de Duke.
Man Delivering Cake
A woman uses a deck of cards to predict death within 24 hours for a stranger sitting at a bar, then tries to help him remember who he is based on items in his pockets.
A British doctor and painter must kill for the glands he needs to stop the aging process.
Majordomo (uncredited)
Dos torpes magos ayudan a un príncipe del Medio Oriente a recuperar su legítimo trono de su tío despótico.
Cornish Man (uncredited)
Una dama inglesa cae locamente enamorada de un pirata francés, tras ser capturada por éste en su casa ancestral de la costa de Cornualles.
Bag Puncher (uncredited)
Un ambicioso compositor de musicales, dotado de un mal de ojo hipnótico, se ve mezclado en la promoción de un boxeador.
Studio Cop
Ole Olsen and Chic Johnson are Broadway stars who return to Universal Studios to make another movie. The mere mention of Olsen and Johnson's names evacuates the studio and terrorizes the management and personnel. Undaunted, the comedians hire an assistant director and unknown talent, and set out to make their own movie.
Sheriff Ward Tragg
A feud develops between the settlers and the railroad detectives in Red Rock Valley. Clem Barstow sends for Billy the Kid and Fuzzy Jones to help.
Town banker John Martin calls on Billy and Fuzzy for help in capturing the men that robbed his bank.
Despues de las atrocidades cometidas por los nazis en un pueblo checo, Reinhardt Heydrich, un comandante de las SS, es asesinado por unos campesinos.
When territorial governor Steven Nichols (Herbert Heyes) terrorizes the population with violence and heavy taxes, the Culver family stands up to him, but after the family patriarch is murdered, wandering gunslinger Wild Bill Elliott (Wild Bill Elliott) is falsely accused of the crime.
Lieutenant #2
A doctor and his staff in a hospital on the Philippine island of Corregidor shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor try to treat the sick, injured and wounded as American and Filipino troops desperately try to beat back a ferocious Japanese attack.
Mug (uncredited)
Biografía del campeón de boxeo James J. Corbett. Conocido como 'Gentleman Jim', Corbett se convirtió en el primer campeón del mundo de los pesos pesados en 1892, cuando derrotó a John L. Sullivan, tras la entrada en vigor de las llamadas reglas de Queensberry, que exigían la utilización de unos guantes hinchados para proteger los nudillos, un cuadrilátero con unas medidas determinadas y establecían la duración del combate... En Estados Unidos obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Kohler (as Frank S. Hagney)
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
Strongarm Thug Escorting Sloss (uncredited)
Durante la campaña para la reelección, el político corrupto Paul Madvig decide limpiar su pasado, rechazando el apoyo del gángster Nick Varna y asociándose con el respetable político reformista Ralph Henry. Cuando el hijo de Ralph, Taylor Henry, un jugador y el amante de la hermana de Pablo Opal, es asesinado, el brazo derecho de Paul, Ed Beaumont, encuentra su cuerpo en la calle. Nick utiliza la situación financiera de The Observer para forzar al editor Clyde Matthews a utilizar el periódico para sembrar la sospecha de que Paul Madvig podría haber matado a Taylor
In this western, guns blaze, fists fly, horses run, and justice prevails in the end.
Kelly's Patron
Justo antes de embarcarse en su luna de miel, el soldado Kay Kyser recibe la orden de presentarse en el cuartel general para una peligrosa misión: actuar como espía en un club nocturno donde parece ser se ha localizado a un grupo de nazis. Su esposa Terry no parece conformarse con la soledad, así que parte en busca de su nuevo marido. Esto, unido a la torpeza de Kyser y la intervención de una rubia agente secreta dará lugar a todo tipo de situaciones cómicas.
Angry Citizen in Lynch Mob
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
Former silent screen comic Harry Langdon earned above-title billing for the final time in his long career in this roughhewn but amusing World War II farce released by Poverty Row company PRC. Langdon and Charles "Buddy" Rogers are newspaper messengers helping reporter Ray Walker obtain an interview with journalist-hating inventor Richard Kipling. But before they know it, Harry and Buddy become unwittingly involved in plans to steal the professor's newest invention: a machine gun.
Los cayos de Florida en 1840, donde gritan los implacables huracanes del Caribe, donde los rescatadores de Cayo Hueso, como la intrépida y bella Loxi Claiborne y su tripulación, recogen, a bordo de frágiles goletas, la cosecha del viento salvaje, enfrentándose a los dientes de tiburón de los arrecifes para rescatar a marineros y carga de los naufragios provocados por los carroñeros del mar.
Electrical Lineman
Lee, que acaba de casarse con Katherine, se propone un descanso de sus responsabilidades matrimoniales cuando Katherine se va a la boda de una amiga. Pero pronto se aburre y acaba en casa de los suegros. Lo malo es que también se cansa de las injerencias de su suegro en su vida personal, lo cual le provoca problemas con Katherine.
This drama chronicles the extreme measures taken by a determined young crime reporter to get an interview with a notorious convict. The zealous journalist, also a star quarterback on the town college team, decides to become a convict himself. He gets into the prison, becomes president of the prisoners' union, does his interview, successfully woo's the warden's daughter, and gets out in time to publish his story before anyone else does. His career is off to a tremendous start.
Walter Jensen
It's WW II and German Reuther has organized local gangs to sabotage the beef supply at the source. Marshal Lee Clark arrives to investigate and joins up with local cowboys Art Davis and Bill Boyd. Lee has a typewritten note from the gang and hopes it can be traced to it's source.
George Clarke
Opera star-cum-cowboy hero George Houston stars in PRC's The Lone Rider Fights Back. Appropriately enough, Houston disguises himself as a musician to get the goods on a gang of terrorists. The principal villain hopes to scare the local miners off their land, so he can move in and clean up.
Torture Cell Guard (Uncredited)
El conde Franchi tiene dos hijos gemelos. Cuando el barón Colonna decide exterminar a la familia Franchi, el doctor Paoli escapa con los dos bebés.
A couple attempts to win custody of their orphaned grandson, who's being raised by his veterinarian uncle in a racetrack environment.
Blackie Dawson
The Lone Rider Tom assumes a former outlaw's identity (Keno) to learn where the gold from his last big heist is hidden. He tries to get the info from Blackie Dawson, but Blackie gets suspicious.
Man in Saloon (uncredited)
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
Tom and Fuzzy investigate a ghost town which, in this case, is supposedly haunted by real ghosts. The town is an outlaw gang's hideout, and they scare folks away to protect their mine.
An assistant prosecutor and his spunky friend investigate a suddenly hot case.
One-Punch McGurk (uncredited)
In this comedic short, a reporter wins a boxer's contract and decides to stage an exhibition fight for a society ladies' Milk Fund benefit bazaar.
Henchman Marty
Tom Cameron (George Houston), aka the Lone Rider, and his faithful sidekick, Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John), flee across the Rio Grande to avoid assassination by crooked lawman Deputy Hatfield, only to have the Mexican cops accuse Cameron of being the notorious bandit El Puma. At Hatfield's behest, they are also accused of kidnapping the local mayor's son, and now the pair must prove their innocence and find a way to stop Hatfield's lawless ways.
Frank Mitchell
Tom Cameron (George Houston) is searching for the outlaws who ambushed a wagon train, murdered his parents and stole the deed to their land. Though he was only a child at the time, he vividly remembers the scar on the ringleader's face -- and Tom will stop at nothing until he brings him to justice … and exacts vengeance. Al St. John, Hillary Brooke and Karl Hackett costar in this 1941 oater from director Sam Newfield. - George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John
Warehouse Truck Loader
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Gooch Mulligan
Marital comedy in which a department store mannequin is mistaken for "the other woman".
Card Player Who Doesn't Know French (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
"Junior" (Antros Henchman) (uncredited)
La cantante de cabaret Bijou, expulsada de varias islas del Océano Indico por suscitar peleas, recala en Boni Komba para trabajar en el Café Seven Sinners. Tiene mucho éxito entre los marineros americanos, especialmente con el Teniente Dan Brent. Cuando Dan le propone matrimonio, su carrera y su vida correrán peligro
Dos vaqueros van en ayuda de una ciudad que se encuentra bajo el control de un cacique malvado.
Man Who Asks for Quiet
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
Man Abandoned by Whitey (uncredited)
Dos amigos que pretenden hacerse ricos con el negocio del petróleo en los campos de Oklahoma, comienzan a tener problemas cuando se enamoran de la misma mujer.
Tough Yankee #2
John Wayne encarna a Bob Seton, un cowboy de Tejas que llega a un pueblo de Kansas llamado Lawrence en los oscuros días anteriores al estallido de la Guerra Civil Americana.
Vegetable Truck Driver
A runaway boy pretends to be the son of a Navy man, only to turn both their lives upside down.
Detective Joe O'Neill (Uncredited)
The Phantom Robber gets a fortune in jewels and some valuable papers from a robbery on the crack train "The Midnight Limited" and Val Lennon and his pretty assistant, Joan Marshall, are on his trail. But the Phantom strikes three more times and adds murder to his list. Val decides to use himself as bait, although Chief Harrigan and Joan beg him not to risk his life. But Val, disguised as a wealthy Canadian, boards the train for a rendezvous with a killer.
Capt. Grant
Un joven que aspira a convertirse en pintor acaba alistándose en un regimiento del ejército. El mayor Rogers, al mando de la unidad, trata de encontrar un paso que cruce desde el continente americano al noroeste.
Bill (uncredited)
Un hombre que va a ser ejecutado, acusado del asesinato de su hermano, recibe la visita del Dr. Griffin, hermano del científico que años atrás descubrió la fórmula de invisibilidad. El condenado huye gracias a que se hace invisible, y trata de demostrar su inocencia, pero la locura que va unida a los efectos secundarios de la fórmula para ser invisible harán acto de presencia...
Cranston's Kidnapper
La Sombra lucha contra un villano conocido como The Black Tiger, que tiene el poder de hacerse invisible y está tratando de conquistar el mundo con su rayo de la muerte.
En el siglo XV, Ricardo, Duque de Gloucester (Basil Rathbone), ayudado por su patizambo verdugo Mord (Boris Karloff), elimina a todos aquellos que se le enfrentan en la sucesión al trono, entonces ocupado por su hermano el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra. Cada vez que lleva a cabo un asesinato, disfruta eliminado una de las figuritas que tiene colocadas en la sala del trono de su casa de muñecas, cuyo aspecto se asemeja a cada uno de los posibles sucesores al trono, hasta que queda sólo la suya. Después de la muerte de Eduardo se convierte en Ricardo III, Rey de Inglaterra. Sólo le falta derrotar al exiliado enrique Tudor para mantener el poder.
Champ - Henchman
Cattlemen fight corrupt railroad men out to destroy the forest.
An Irish convict sentenced to hard labor in Australia escapes into the outback, and organizes a band of fellow escapees to fight a corrupt landlord.
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Poolroom Owner
Tom Terry (Wallace Beery) es un ex veterinario eternamente ebrio. Un aspirante a jinete, Mickey, (Mickey Rooney) idolatra a Tom, quien se encargará de salvar a su caballo.
A young captain hoping to replace the U.S. Army's horses with mechanized vehicles faces court-martial after his commanding officer, who's opposed to modern changes, is killed.
Egyptologist, Dean Lambert, accused of car-theft, skips bail and begins a cross-country trek to join a group in New York headed for Egypt. With the police close on his trail he gets in and out of scrapes along the way.
Baggage Man
Five closely knit showgirls sign a pact to reunite one year after the closing of their Broadway production, but the lives of all five take many different turns, often for the worse.
Mickey Lofton, young half-brother of famed war-aviator Jerry, fails in his attempt to enter the Canadian Air Corps, because of his fear of thunderstorms developed by an incident in his boyhood days. Jerry, now a Captain in the U.S. Department of Justice, is given an assignment to capture some border oil smugglers. Through his friendship with Raoul McGuire, one of the suspects, Jerry is accepted as a member of the gang. Mickey is in love with Raoul's sister, Molly. Gang leader Moran shoots and wounds Raoul, and is himself shot down by Jerry. Mickey flies Molly and her wounded brother to a hospital. Jerry takes off in another plane to guard Mickey's craft from a pursuing airplane, and crashes his plane into the gangster's plane but parachutes to safety.
An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
The fourth and last of the George A. Hirliman-produced films starring George O'Brien (preceded by "Daniel Boone", "Park Avenue Logger" and "Hollywood Cowboy") that were distributed by RKO Radio. Hirliman sold O'Brien's contract to RKO, which then produced 18 series westerns starring O'Brien that ended when O'Brien went into the Navy at the outbreak of WW II. Long-time (past and future) O'Brien director David Howard served as Hirliman's Associate Producer on this film. "Windjammer" finds O'Brien as a subpoena server ordered to serve a subpoena on Brandon Evans (The Commondore) for a senate inquiry or lose his job. Posing as a playboy, he boards the Commodore's yacht during a yacht race, and the yacht is wrecked by a gun-running windjammer commanded by Captain Morgan (William Hall.) All hands are picked up by the windjammer, including the Commodore's daughter (played by Constance Worth, at her blonde, plumpish best) and put to work as galley slaves.
Henchman Butch
The first of 22 inexpensive Westerns starring Jack Randall (aka Addison Randall and Allan Byron), Riders of the Dawn is yet another in a long series of oaters featuring a lawman masquerading as an outlaw.
Just after Kramer goes to Wyoming to start his protection racket, cowboy actor Jeff Carson finishes a picture and goes camping. Attracted to Joyce Butler, he hires on at her ranch and quickly gets caught up in Butler's conflict with Kramer. When the Butlers refuse to buy his service, he has their cattle stampeded.
Gang Member
A radio reporter sets out to rescue his ex-girlfriend when she is kidnapped by gangsters.
Un delincuente de poca monta (Henry Fonda), condenado ya tres veces, es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido. Aunque consigue escapar de la cárcel, la fatalidad le impide seguir el camino recto, a pesar de contar con el apoyo de una mujer que le ama.
Plainclothesman (uncredited)
Un delincuente de poca monta (Henry Fonda), condenado ya tres veces, es acusado de un asesinato que no ha cometido. Aunque consigue escapar de la cárcel, la fatalidad le impide seguir el camino recto, a pesar de contar con el apoyo de una mujer que le ama.
Henchman Brodie (uncredited)
Rancher entertains girl in Nevada to get a divorce. Then her gangster husband shows up.
Una joven esposa irlandesa intenta vivir tranquilamente alejada del caos político. Pero su marido, miembro del IRA planea un golpe contra la oficina de correos de Dublín. Relata la historia de un matrimonio absolutamente implicado en la lucha por la independencia de Irlanda durante la fallida insurrección de Pascua de 1916.
Mike Malone
Pat destaca como boxeador entre sus compañeros de la mina, lo cual le lleva a enfrentarse a un profesional, Corrigan. Lo que nadie sabe es que el combate está amañado, hasta que conoce a la periodista Maude.
Henchman Steve Clark
Doan is trying to get control of the valley by having his night riders drive the ranchers out. Jack Benson hires on at the Williams ranch, the one ranch Doan must have. When Benson learns that Doan is the boss of the night riders, he joins up with him. He has a plan that both saves Williams' ranch and also brings Doan to justice.
Joe Kamatski
The three Mesquiteers try to recover the gold stolen by a gang in its effort to ruin the banker/mayor who ordered them to leave town.
Jim Foster
A Royal Canadian Mountie is assigned to bring in a criminal called "The Raven." The problem is that no one has ever seen him.
Henry Hess - an FBI Chief
Big city gangster muscle in on ranch territory with a cattle protection racket. Out to stop them is federal agent Jack Perrin.
Lightning Smith
A cowboy G-man joins an outlaw gang out to rob a gold shipment.
Deputy Phil
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Donovan unknowingly becomes tangled up with jewel thieves when Evelyn Howard gives him a cigarette lighter containing some hot rocks.
Johnny Mack Brown goes in search of a treasure map tattooed on the chest of a man who once betrayed his father.
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
Deputy Blackie
A pair of crooked deputies steal a gold shipment, murder a young boy's father and pin the blame on a cowboy. The murdered man's son and his dog set out to prove the cowboy's innocence.
La historia del legendario jugador Diamond Jim Brady y su romance con la actriz y cantante Lillian Russell.
Ken and his sister are separated while young when the Indians attack their wagon train. Ken, now grown, is sent after the outlaw known as the Golden hair Girl only to find that she's his long lost sister.
Dos reporteros planean casarse, pero la novia se queda esperando en el altar porque su novio se ha infiltrado para exponer la actividad de las pandillas.
Irlanda 1922. Traición entre amigos para un conocido filme de Ford. Rodada en apenas 3 semanas. En el agitado Dublín de los años veinte, Gypo Nolan, un tipo sin oficio ni beneficio, expulsado del Ejército de Liberación Irlandés y con tendencia a empinar el codo, sueña con viajar a Estados Unidos en compañía de su novia, Katie, que se gana la vida como prostituta. Animado por la recompensa que ofrecen las autoridades, Gypo delata el paradero del activista Frankie McPhillip, un viejo amigo y compañero.
Mercenary Scout (uncredited)
Marie de Namours de la Bonfain es una atractiva, joven y sofisticada princesa francesa de 23 años, que encuentra más interesante el amor que los títulos aristocráticos.
A diver saves his best friend's life but loses his own arm in doing so. Later, unable to find work because of his missing arm, he is forced to go to work for a criminal searching for lost treasures. Meanwhile his friend, who has since become a policeman, finds himself assigned to break up the crook's operation and bring in his gang--including the man who saved his life.
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
After Sheriff Ken puts money in the safe, his brother Clem gives Rawhide the combination. With the money gone the disgruntled townsmen make Boots Sheriff and lock up Ken. Clem, now a prisoner of Rawhide, has a change of heart and sends Ken a message with the outlaw's location. Ken escapes by impersonating the saloon entertainer and rides for the hangout.
Angry Truck Driver (uncredited)
A stranded actress turned manicurist affects the lives of people in a small American town.
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
First Mate
An ocean liner is found at sea with everyone on board dead. An investigation is begun to find out what happened.
Marine (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
Minor Role (uncredited)
Dos pintores de carteles viajan por Nueva Inglaterra en busca de trabajo. Después de que uno de ellos utiliza a Madge como modelo, la esconde en su carreta. Los pintores están a punto de ser acusados de secuestro, hasta que ella promete casarse con su enamorado...
Lucius - Josephus' Charioteer (uncredited)
Un hombre está convencido de que el emperador romano Valerio es un hombre encorvado como el cacique local. Por esta razón, sueña con que ha regresado a los tiempos del antiguo imperio romano.
Holt's Manager (uncredited)
Two men bear the name Joe Holt. One is a shipping clerk, the other a champion Canadian swimmer. When a socialite gets them confused, thinking the clerk is the inventor of an unsinkable swim suit, she enters him in a 20 mile swim race.
Henry Sims / The Hawk
John Drury salva a un caballo salvaje acusado de asesinato y lo entrena. Cuando descubre que el verdadero culpable, un villano conocido como El Halcón, es un prócer de la ciudad, le detienen bajo falsas acusaciones.
Harry - Daffy Diner
Tom es un joven que tiene una imagen idealizada de su padre, al que considera un héroe de guerra; pero debido a las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio, acaba descubriendo que en realidad su padre fue un desertor.
Fight Manager
Tom es un joven que tiene una imagen idealizada de su padre, al que considera un héroe de guerra; pero debido a las burlas de sus compañeros de colegio, acaba descubriendo que en realidad su padre fue un desertor.
A pilot and a gold mine owner go up against the evil Black Hawk, who has invented a plane that can take off and land without using a runway.
Big Bill
En un pueblo del Pacífico, Seth, un pescador viudo, se casa con Ruth, una jovencita que podría ser su hija. Poco a poco, la chica comienza a sentirse atraída por Matt, el hijo de Seth.
Mexican Champ Manuel Quiroga (uncredited)
Billy Flynn es un excampeón de boxeo que trabaja como domador de caballos. Gana lo justo para criar a su hijo TJ, que está bajo su custodia desde que su mujer Annie los dejó. Para intentar ofrecerle un mejor futuro, Billy prepara su vuelta al cuadrilátero.
Lane and Diane are a young married couple living in a coastal town whose lives are about to be torn apart by an old book of magic.
Winnie Lightner is the head of a health clinic and has Joe E. Brown as one of her employees. Brown is a wrestler named JoJo and he is forced to enter the ring and face down a musclebound masked opponent (Frank S. Hagney). Making matters worse, the masked marauder is convinced that his wife has been fooling around with JoJo. JoJo is knocked out early in the proceedings, whereupon he dreams he's a sultan surrounded by harem girls. A romantic subplot involves Paul Gregory and Claudia Dell. Gregory works for Dell's father and Dell asks her father to give Gregory a promotion so that she can spend more time with him. When Gregory refuses to be promoted without earning the position, she threatens to have him fired and Gregory quits his job. Gregory attempts to start a new career as a championship wrestler and is trained by Lightner and Brown. When Dell finds out about this, she attempts to stop him and asks for his forgiveness. She pleads with him to not fight but he has already promised...
Battling Hannon
Theater usherette Bunny O'Day (Clara Bow) inadvertently becomes hostess of a private gambling den, and gets involved in a romance with a ne'er-do-well gambler.
Prison Guard in Yard
Bob Graham (Holmes), un joven de apenas veinte años, es encarcelado por matar a un hombre en defensa propia el día de su cumpleaños. Años después, Brady, el fiscal del caso (Walter Huston), llegará a ser el alcaide de la cárcel en la Bob cumple condena y lo hará su chófer.
Sheriff Jim H. Ryan
A young man's father is murdered and the man convicted of the crime escapes prison, leaving a note intimating that seven local men know the real killer's true identity. The murdered man's son sets out to locate the seven men and find his father's slayer.
John Keith está siendo buscado por el asesinato de George Kirkstone en las cataratas del Príncipe Albert en 1918. Después de buscarlo, durante largos y penosos días, por las heladas montañas del Ártico, el sargento Conniston y su asistente Pat O’Toole le dan captura, pero Keith escapa, regresando luego cuando presiente que sus captores están en dificultades para sobrevivir. Las circunstancias hacen que Conni muera y O´Toole motiva a Keith para que se haga pasar por Conni en el pueblo, donde tendrá que sortear su reencuentro con Miriam, la novia de éste, y con sus viejos amigos.
Bert Grant (uncredited)
Después de vengar a su jefe, Billy el niño es perseguido y posteriormente capturado por el sheriff Pat Garret. No obstante, el forajido consigue fugarse para huir en dirección a México, reanudando una vez más la cacería, ¿será la definitiva?.
En esta versión de la leyenda de Billy the Kid, Billy, después de derribar a los secuaces del barón de la tierra William Donovan por matar al jefe de Billy, es perseguido y capturado por su amigo, el sheriff Pat Garrett. Se escapa y se dirige a México cuando Garrett, recapturándolo, debe decidir si lo trae o lo deja ir.
Henchman Hank (uncredited)
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
Hot Foot
A couple of roving vagabonds hitch a freight to the railroad town of Linda, and between bouts with the fright-yard bulls and other drifters, find romance in the persons of two waitresses at the camp restaurant. American-slang rules the dialogue to the point non-USA viewers need a slang-glossary to follow the dialogue.
Bull Hawks
Lash is the head coal stoker on a steam ship whose shipmates have nicknamed "Captain". Lash somehow grabs the attention of society dame passenger Cora Nevins. Nevins is actually a jewel thief who's lifted diamonds from wealthy passenger Arthur Condrax. She needs Lash to aid in sneaking the "ice" ashore at Singapore. Cocky is Lash's concertina-playing buddy and uses it to signal Lash.
Gus Lynch
After a work crew stringing telegraph wires across the Great Plains is slaughtered by Indians, Pat O'Leary, the company superintendent, must take out another supply train to make the dangerous trip across open country. The Indians attack and are driven off. On the day the wires are finally strung, the settlers gather to hear the first message from the East.
Through the Breakers, the 1928 Joseph C. Boyle silent South Seas tropical island seafaring romantic love triangle melodrama about a London socialite who loves a man who is assigned to be a plantation manager on a South Seas island. She agrees to join him after a year, but puts it off, and winds up shipwrecked on the island. An island girl there is in love with him, but when he dumps her for his London sweetheart, she is killed by her native lover, who then commits suicide. This causes the London lady to decide to stay!
The Fight Pest is a silent movie short.
Harris - Childers' Henchman
In Midnight Madness millionaire diamond miner Michael Bream (Clive Brook) discovers that the woman he’s marrying — funfair shooting-gallery hostess Norma Forbes — is a gold digger. So Bream decides to teach her a lesson, and forces her to live with him in the remote African outback where, eventually, she realizes her true affections.
Elam "Burning Daylight" Harnish is a prospector who makes a million dollars in the Dawson, Alaska gold rush and loses the million dollars in Dawson. He journeys to San Francisco, makes three million dollars and loses it in San Francisco. He returns to Alaska and eventually finds his treasure.
Bull Marlow
When his father is falsely convicted and sentenced to die for a murder committed aboard ship, the man's son signs on as a crewman to discover the real killer and clear his father.
J. Francis Jackson
Good cowboy vs. bad cowboy in this romantic adventure.
Silent boxing sports comedy about a boxer whose grandmother wants him to be a ballet dancer, so he has the boxers at his training camp pose as ballet dancers to fool granny, with predictable results
Henchman Cal Barker
The robberies on Jasper Carrol's stages have been so frequent that the stage line plans to hold a stagecoach race with the winner getting the new contract. Tom foils Cal Barker's attempt to kill him and gets a confession from him that Kurt Morley is behind the robberies. But first Tom must win the race for Carrol although Morley's stages have him greatly outnumbered.
Confederate Recruiter (uncredited)
A pesar de querer alistarse, durante la Guerra de Secesión Johnny Gray (Buster Keaton) es destinado a la retaguardia. Todo cambia cuando un comando enemigo le roba las dos cosas que más ama: Anabelle Lee y "La General", una locomotora.
Jack De Quincy, an American graduate of Oxford, is still considered a wastrel playboy by his father, owner of a giant lumber company in the American northwest. To prove he is a man his father sends him there to take charge of a large lumber camp, filled with brawny he-men who spend their time drinking, gambling and brawling when not cutting timber. Once there, Jack establishes himself by winning a fight against "Dum-Dum" Pete, the toughest man in those parts. Along the way he sees to it that a needed operation is performed on the camp's mascot, a crippled young boy, and saves his sweetheart, Marie O'Nei, that daughter of a rival lumber company, from drowning in the river when the spring thaw causes an ice-break flood.
Bowie Bill
Dean Randall is a hero of the Great War who comes home to his horse and his father's ranch. When back he saves a family in a wagon train -- a father, daughter Grace, and three orphan children.
Based on Herman Melville's novel "Moby Dick."
Chief Standing Rock's tribe has a treaty protecting their fishing grounds, but a canning corporation is violating the treaty through intimidation and force. The tribe is divided as to how to handle the threat. Standing Rock's son, Braveheart, is sent to college to study law so that he can protect their rights, but others in the tribe, led by the hot-tempered Ki-Yote, want to provoke a more violent confrontation.
The Battling Savage
Lefty O'Brien, a pugilist, becomes engaged to ex-tomboy Patsy Ryan against the wishes of her father, Michael. They both live in an Irish-Jewish neighborhood on New York's East Side known as "Hogan's Alley." Lefty defeats Battling Savage for the championship, breaking his left hand and leaving his opponent close to death.
A young woman takes refuge in a cabin during a blizzard with a villianous man. Meanwhile, coming to her rescue are the handsome hero and his trusted dog. A sub Rin-Tin-Tin canine named Peter the Great.
'Murdering' Mooney
Dick Covington is a society athlete who is quick with his fists. His fiancée, Jean Manley, hates his fighting and convinces him to stop. But then his rival tricks him into accepting an offer to fight Murdering Mooney at a charity show. At first Jean is chagrined, but when the rival insults her, she is anxious for Covington to beat his opponent.
Arizona Joe
Jack Wade is the son of a wealthy father who runs a successful ship-building company. He uses his athletic prowess to defeat the villainous competitors who are out to financially ruin his father.
Red Burley
A railroad engineer adopts a French orphan while he's fighting in the army in World War I, and takes him back to the US when the war ends. Later the boy needs an eye operation that the engineer can't afford, so he takes the rap for a murder he didn't commit in order to get his son the operation.
Joe Tracey
Nebraska Brent
A disgraced son of a mine owner discovers a plot among the workers to defraud his father.
Joseph Burke
Galloping Gallagher (1924)
The Indian
When Yvonne de Chausson comes home from a trip to France, she is told that her grandfather, lumber magnate Andre de Mersay, has been stricken with an undisclosed illness. He is sequestered in a room and his secretary refuses to allow Yvonne to see him. Her attempts to get to him are constantly thwarted and the plot thickens with the appearance of John Thorne, who purchases part of the family's land holdings without Yvonne's consent.
Al Kennedy (uncredited)
"The Leather Pushers" were a charming series of comedies based upon the story of a prize-fighter from the Colliers articles by H.C. Witwer. Each episode was self-contained and complete in itself. Formerly wealthy Kane Halliday ( Reginald Denny), fighting as the elegant "Masked Mystery", pays more attention to his flirtation with a chorus girl, Estelle, than his boxing career - frustrating his manager at every turn. Estelle, not realizing her new beau is is actually a prize fighter, is under the mistaken impression that he's a rich playboy, a belief that Halliday does nothing to correct. The manager sets out enlighten her in spectacular fashion!This entry from the series includes some terrific night scenes of New York's Times Square as it appeared in 1922. Titles from other Universal productions are prominently displayed on the theater marquees!
Movie serial directed by George B. Seitz.
Ed Brockton
The Brockton clan considers the mountain Little Smoky their own, but then the government comes in and declares it a forest and game preserve. This doesn't stop the family, who swears they will do what they want with the land.