My Friend Boris Nemtsov (2015)
An intimate documentary portrait of one of Russia's most influential opposition politicians.
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M
Director : Zosya Rodkevich
An intimate portrait of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov — once Deputy Prime Minister and “an heir of President Yeltsin”, later an uncompromising adversary of Putin — that was assassinated near the Kremlin in February 2015. Election campaigns and hotel beds, protest rallies and office routine, train compartments and courtrooms, night walks and police vans – you have never seen any politician so close. This is a story how a journalist assignment turns into a genuine friendship.
Russia is a highly developed, wired, and educated nation, but endures third-world levels of corruption and a repressive, autocratic government. Many Russians explain this paradox by citing the Russian soul, a unique national mindset, born out of their turbulent history that wants dictatorship. Is that possible, or are free speech and democracy universal values?
Vivimos en un mundo donde los poderosos nos engañan. Sabemos que mienten. Ellos saben que sabemos que mienten. No les importa. Decimos que nos importa; pero no hacemos nada, y nada cambia. Es normal. Bienvenidos al mundo de la postverdad. De cómo llegamos adonde estamos ahora…
Narra la tragedia del submarino nuclear ruso 2000 K-141 Kursk ocurrida en agosto del año 2000, y la negligencia gubernamental que le siguió. Mientras los marineros luchan por sobrevivir, sus familias luchan desesperadamente contra los obstáculos políticos y las ínfimas probabilidades de salvarles.
Trump Card is an expose of the socialism, corruption and gangsterization that now define the Democratic Party. Whether it is the creeping socialism of Joe Biden or the overt socialism of Bernie Sanders, the film reveals what is unique about modern socialism, who is behind it, why it’s evil, and how we can work together with President Trump to stop it.
En 1965 hubo un golpe de estado en Indonesia. Miles de comunistas, reales o presuntos, fueron asesinados por escuadrones de la muerte. Unas décadas después, el pasado pervive y un relato se perpetúa. Pero nada será igual después de este filme.
Un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano, el cámara que le acompaña y un nativo georgiano se ven envueltos en el fuego cruzado durante el conflicto bélico entre Rusia y Georgia.
PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE looks at the war on drugs from 1968 until today and looks at trigger points in history that took cannabis from being a somewhat benign criminal activity into a self-perpetuating constantly expanding policy disaster.
Repugnante documental antisemita que alterna imágenes rodadas en la Polonia ocupada con diagramas animados y fotografía de personalidades judías del mundo de los negocios y la cultura, mostrando a los hebreos como una raza degenerada y diabólica, empeñada en dominar el mundo.
Combina imágenes de archivo (foto fija, noticiarios, secuencias de películas de ficción) con tomas realizadas en la Polonia ocupada. En conjunto, se trata de un documento absolutamente revelador sobre el proyecto antisemita nazi, en el que unas espeluznantes imágenes del sacrificio de animales según la ley Kosher (mientras la voz en off denuncia que la crueldad sobre los animales es incompatible con la sensibilidad del pueblo alemán) dan paso a la brutal secuencia final, en la que se anuncia la destrucción de la raza judía en Europa.
The detailed timeline of events surrounding the deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol and violence in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.
Sassnitz is a small coastal town at the Baltic Sea on the Island of Rügen. In its vicinity are the world-famous chalk cliffs, a tourist magnet. The Mukran Port is also part of the municipality. The overseas port is the starting point for the construction of Nord Stream 2, a natural gas pipeline that connects Germany directly with Russia. In 2020, the port town hit the international headlines. Even the New York Times reported and cited Mayor Frank Kracht as a staunch opponent from the northeast German province against the rumbling America of Donald Trump. The reason is the undisguised threat from Washington to ruin the international port economically if the natural gas pipeline continues to be built from there. Many jobs and the region's economic stability are at risk. Reporter Klaus Scherer documents the case, questions experts as well as those affected and looks at the behavior of national politicians towards the USA and how they react to the interference in internal affairs.
A 2017 Russian documentary film about alleged corruption by Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The film claims that Dmitry Medvedev has embezzled an estimated $1.2 billion.
En este especial del 4 de julio, los políticos, las celebridades y los jóvenes prestan su voz a la lectura de la Declaración de la Independencia, la Constitución y la Carta de Derechos.
National Geographic Channel (NGC) journeys back to Nazi Europe to tell the story of Hitler's Hidden Holocaust -- the killing frenzy of Hitler's extermination brigades, known as the Einsatzgruppen or "action groups." Woven together with harrowing testimonials from survivors, witnesses and experts, this one-hour special presents in chilling detail -- with photographic evidence and rare video footage - how Nazi soldiers planned, documented and committed these horrific crimes. It was the same routine: Go into a town, round up Jewish families, take them to a ditch and shoot them, often in front of curious spectators.
Interviews with varied U.S officials and experts offer a deconstruction on the Bush administration's case for war in Iraq in the wake of 9/11.
At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it behind obscure financial structures in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth may be hidden in British offshore jurisdictions and Britain and its offshore jurisdictions are the largest global players in the world of international finance. How did this come about, and what impact does it have on the world today? This is what the Spider's Web sets out to investigate.
In the wake of the high school shootings in Parkland, Florida, concerned citizens travel by bus to the State Capitol to debate legislators about an urgent issue: Gun Reform. One of them, a stay-at-home mom, runs for office to honor her son.
Two journalists born in the mid '80s decide to take a look back at how their country changed in the last 30 years since the fall of communism. The end product is a documentary containing footage of political events and historical milestones significant to Romania accompanied by a narrator's voice walking the viewer through the events, and also interviews with Romanian politicians and other influential public figures sharing their thoughts and their different views on those events.
Estado de Excepção is a documentary about CITAC (Coimbra Theater Initiation Circle), a university theater group, revealing history since it was constituted in 1956 until the aftermath of the 1974 revolution. It is the history of the theater group university and, through it, the history of theater in Portugal, revealing two remarkable decades of the History of Portugal. Through the Academy of Coimbra, the documentary reproduces student life, the position of women in society, and the change in mentalities of being and being in the world. It reproduces the existing censorship and the fight against the dictatorship, the resistance to an exhausted regime, as well as the emerging contradictions of the democratic revolution. CITAC has a heritage of 50 years of experience in Coimbra. It carries with it the possibility of the theatrical and civic formation of thinking bodies, constituting a proper ball of a possible model, generation by generation, between studies, theater, and social drama.
After the anti-corruption protests, Arvind Kejriwal along with his team members forms a new political party to fight the Delhi elections.
Khodorkovsky, the richest Russian, challenges President Putin. A fight of the titans begins. Putin warns him. But Khodorkovsky comes back to Russia knowing that he will be imprisoned, once he returns. When I heard about it, I asked myself: why didn't he stay in exile with a couple of billions? Why did he do that? A personal journey to Khodorkovsky.