
Doctor Who: The Time Warrior (1974)

Género : Ciencia ficción, Drama, Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Alan Bromly


When scientists start to go missing in the 20th century, the Doctor is called in by the Brigadier to investigate. His investigations lead him to deduce that they are being kidnapped through time and he sets off in pursuit, unknowingly kidnapping journalist Sarah Jane Smith in the process. Arriving in the middle ages, the Doctor and Sarah find themselves caught up in the machinations of the robber baron Irongron and his man from the stars. The alien, a Sontaran named Linx, is arming him with modern weapons in return for helping him repair his damaged ship, and it's up to the Doctor and Sarah to stop him from ruining the Earth's timeline.


Jon Pertwee
Jon Pertwee
The Doctor
Elisabeth Sladen
Elisabeth Sladen
Sarah Jane Smith
Nicholas Courtney
Nicholas Courtney
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Kevin Lindsay
Kevin Lindsay
David Daker
David Daker
John J. Carney
John J. Carney
Alan Rowe
Alan Rowe
Edward of Wessex
June Brown
June Brown
Lady Eleanor
Jeremy Bulloch
Jeremy Bulloch
Donald Pelmear
Donald Pelmear
Professor Rubeish
Sheila Fay
Sheila Fay
Gordon Pitt
Gordon Pitt
Steve Brunswick
Steve Brunswick


Alan Bromly
Alan Bromly
Robert Holmes
Robert Holmes
Terrance Dicks
Terrance Dicks
Script Editor
Barry Letts
Barry Letts
Dudley Simpson
Dudley Simpson

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