
Free Lunch Society: Komm Komm Grundeinkommen (2017)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M

Director : Christian Tod


What would you do if your basic income was taken care of month after month? Would you stop working? Follow your passions? Take more risks? The four-figure sum that all four members of the Wardwell family receive each year from the Alaskan government’s crude oil profits goes towards a college fund for their children, something they would otherwise be unable to afford. Filmmaker Christian Tod, himself a fervent supporter of the idea, explores the model of an unconditional basic income and takes a look at trial systems already underway in the US, Canada and Namibia. Wandering the history of this utopia reminiscent of science fiction he eventually ends up in Switzerland, where the new system was voted on in 2016. In this multifaceted and highly entertaining documentary, Tod broaches life’s existential questions and fuels the debate on one of the most prevalent economic topics of our generation.


Götz Werner
Götz Werner
Daniel Häni
Daniel Häni
Michael Bohmeyer
Michael Bohmeyer
Fran Ulmer
Fran Ulmer
Peter Barnes
Peter Barnes
Evelyn Forget
Evelyn Forget
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
Self (archive footage)


Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Lars Barthel
Lars Barthel
Camera Operator

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