
Free Lunch Society: Komm Komm Grundeinkommen (2017)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 34분

연출 : Christian Tod


What would you do if your basic income was taken care of month after month? Would you stop working? Follow your passions? Take more risks? The four-figure sum that all four members of the Wardwell family receive each year from the Alaskan government’s crude oil profits goes towards a college fund for their children, something they would otherwise be unable to afford. Filmmaker Christian Tod, himself a fervent supporter of the idea, explores the model of an unconditional basic income and takes a look at trial systems already underway in the US, Canada and Namibia. Wandering the history of this utopia reminiscent of science fiction he eventually ends up in Switzerland, where the new system was voted on in 2016. In this multifaceted and highly entertaining documentary, Tod broaches life’s existential questions and fuels the debate on one of the most prevalent economic topics of our generation.


Götz Werner
Götz Werner
Daniel Häni
Daniel Häni
Michael Bohmeyer
Michael Bohmeyer
Fran Ulmer
Fran Ulmer
Peter Barnes
Peter Barnes
Evelyn Forget
Evelyn Forget
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
Self (archive footage)


Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Christian Tod
Lars Barthel
Lars Barthel
Camera Operator

비슷한 영화

미국에서 2007년 인터넷에 공개되어 큰 반향을 일으켰던 다큐멘터리. 총 3부로 구성되어 있으며, 미국의 음모론을 다루고 있다. 특정 집단의 이윤을 위해 전세계를 움직이는 집단에 대해 다루고 있는데, 사람들을 쉽게 움직이기 위해 미디어나 종교를 통해 전세계에 걸쳐 만들어놓은 허상을 '시대정신'이라 칭하고 있다.
시대정신: 어덴덤
원초적인 인간존엄성을 위해 우리가 추구해야 할 정신이 ‘이노센스(innocence)’라고 주장한다. 그의 주장에 의하면 이를 가로막는 두 가지가 있다. 하나는 인간에 대한 편견이고, 다른 하나는 시장을 지배하는 화폐경제이다. 이 두 가지가 인간이 추구할 정신의 위대함을 저속한 물질과 편견으로 얽어맨 세상까지 끌어내리는 것이다.
미쓰 루시힐
마이애미 신상녀, 할리우드 스타 뺨치는 생활을 즐기는 루시 힐은 출세욕과 승부욕에 가득 찬 커리어 우먼. 그런 그녀가 출세를 위해 모두가 꺼리는 프로젝트를 접수하는데… 자신과 전~혀 어울리지 않는 깡촌 미네소타로 발령난 루시. 공장 관리자 자격으로 야심차게 구조조정을 감행하려 하지만 깡촌에서 깡만 기른 촌사람들의 텃세를 감당하긴 힘들다. 설상가상 노조대표 테드와는 초장부터 원수 지간이 된다. 사건 사고가 끊이질 않는 그녀, 과연 무사히 업무를 마치고 미네소타에서 벗어나 출세의 반열에 오를 수 있을 것인가?
액스, 취업에 관한 위험한 안내서
한때 잘나가는 제지 회사의 중견 간부였던 브뤼노 다베르는 누구보다 성실한 가장 이였지만 하루 아침에 구조 조정으로 인해 직장을 잃게 된다. 회사를 떠나면서도 자신의 능력을 굳게 믿으며 자신이 일 할 자리가 세상에 널려 있을 거라는 믿음만은 버리지 않았던 그는 재취업이 여의치 않은 현실에 좌절하며 2년이 넘는 세월을 흘려 보낸다. 자신을 대신해 가족의 생계를 책임지는 부인 마를렌과 두 자녀, 대출금 상환이 남아있는 집, 그리고 할부금이 얼마 남지 않는 고물 차 한대만이 퇴직 후 자신에게 남아있는 전부임을 깨달은 브뤼노는 어느 날 새로운 직장을 얻기 위한 최후의 수단을 떠올리게 된다. 그것은 자신의 회사가 존재하는 것처럼 허위로 구인광고를 낸 후, 경쟁자의 이력서를 받아 그들을 제거할 방법을 찾는다는 위험한 계획이었던 것. 결국 자신의 뜻대로 수많은 이력서를 얻게 된 브뤼노는 그 중 몇 명을 골라 취업을 위한 마지막 선택을 하게 되는데…
A narrative constructed in the wishful-filmmaking, or “fanumentary”, genre. Rural women artists unite via CR to support one another’s work and to showcase more women’s art publicly available in their community. A refreshing weave that combines animation, nature shots and live action into a story of actualization.
United We Fall
United We Fall is a documentary about a North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a deeply integrated North American community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides of the issue by interviewing insiders such as members of the ultra-secretive Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council On Foreign Relations and also journalists and activists such as Luke Rudkowski, Alex Jones and producer Dan Dicks who have been at the heart of this heated debate.
Fraude. Por qué la gran recesión
Al-Manakh Knights
The first Gulf economic play centered on an issue that affected members of Kuwaiti society, which sparked widespread controversy between Kuwaiti society and the Gulf community in general, and the issue was the "Al Manakh Market" crisis in 1982, which ended in losses exceeding $ 22 billion. Where the story tells about the second oil boom of the Gulf states at the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century AD where the price of oil increased continuously until the Gulf countries recorded large financial surpluses, so the money poured into the stock market significantly until it opened a stock trading office in a semi-parallel office and was named a market "Al Manakh" in which money flowed greatly from almost all segments of Kuwaiti society and even foreign residents and some individuals from the Gulf states and increased frantic speculation and increased buying and selling for the future until it reached astronomical numbers.
서바이빙 프로그레스
세계 최고의 석학들과 떠나는 인류문명 오디세이. 자원고갈과 경제위기라는 위기에 처한 인류는 과연 또 다른 돌파구를 찾을 수 있을까? 그 동안 인류 역사에서 진보라고 규정했던 일들은 때로 역효과를 낳았다. 영화는 세계적으로 유명한 학자들과 활동가들, 금융전문가와 과학자들의 인터뷰를 통해 인류가 진보라는 이름으로 자행한 문명 파괴를 고발하며, 이를 극복하기 위한 노력 역시 함께 비춰준다. 로널드 라이트의 베스트셀러 『진보의 함정』을 원작으로 문명과 진보의 역사를 탐구하는 흥미롭고 지적인 여행. 미국영화의 거장 마틴 스콜세지가 제작에 참여하였다. (2012년 제9회 서울환경영화제)
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Unser Wirtschaftswunder - Die wahre Geschichte
Vers Madrid! (The Burning Bright)
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Let's Not Live Like Slaves
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Roni Beck is a man whose only thought in life is to become a professional comedian, but who due to his lack of success must live hidden in his mother's appartment in an old people's home, continuing to believe firmly that his day in the limelight will come. One day Serge Grätzer, the director of the old people's home, discovers Roni, and makes him help out with the work. Serge then decides to take a hand in Roni's career, embezzling money to launch the budding comedian. Once again however success eludes Roni. In the end Serge decides to fulfil his own secret longings to be on the stage. This leads to a row between the two men. Despite a reconciliation, they never again appear together on the stage. And when Serge's embezzlement is discovered he has to flee with the police at his heels and the home has to be closes. In the end, Roni persuades Mr. Klein, an eccentric old man who likes to play the stock market, to save the home with the millions he has stashed away.
Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve
Nearly 100 years after its creation, the power of the U.S. Federal Reserve has never been greater. Markets and governments around the world hold their breath in anticipation of the Fed Chairman's every word. Yet the average person knows very little about the most powerful - and least understood - financial institution on earth. Narrated by Liev Schreiber, Money For Nothing is the first film to take viewers inside the Fed and reveal the impact of Fed policies - past, present, and future - on our lives. Join current and former Fed officials as they debate the critics, and each other, about the decisions that helped lead the global financial system to the brink of collapse in 2008. And why we might be headed there again.
Goldman Sachs: The Bank That Runs the World
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Filmed before Wall Street's October 1987 crash, this film is a riveting one hour documentary of a fascinating man, Paul Tudor Jones II delivering a rarely seen view of futures trading and an explanation of the workings of this frantic, highly charged marketplace. It also examines Jones' prediction that America is nearing the end of a 200-year bull market.