Conte de la frustration (2010)
Género : Música, Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 0M
Director : Akhenaton, Didier D. Daarwin
The moment a teenage girl begins to “spread her wings” coincides with a global health crisis. Locked indoors, she experiences life in a state of limbo. In between reveries and video chats with her friends, she follows an influencer named Patricia Coma. A device she buys from her, called a “revelator”, leads her to question how much free will she actually has.
Barbie cambia las soleadas costas de Malibú por las brillantes luces de Broadway para ir a un curso de verano exclusivo y allí conoce a... Barbie.
Ikki, Touma, and their allies fight against a Devil with ties to Shocker while attempting to help a Kamen Rider from the future reconcile with his now elderly son.
El director convierte el diario de sus aventuras sexuales en una narración al estilo de “Las mil y una noches”. Este musical queer de mentalidad poliamorosa aplica el mismo enfoque lúdico a los cuentos populares que a la música pop egipcia.
Bridgeport, January 17, 2008. A teenage girl is found hanged in her room. While everything points to suicide, the autopsy report reveals something else. Ten years later, the director and cousin of the teenager examine the past causes and future consequences of this unsolved crime. Like an imagined biography, the film will explore the relationship between the security of the living space and the violence that can jeopardize it.
Judge Praetorius-Camusot’s legal routines are interrupted when the ghost of a member of the Paris Commune turns up at an event celebrating German-French relations. An anarchic comedy about the origins of German criminal law and much, much more.
Cuando las fotos de ella en una fiesta le hacen perder una beca, un estudiante investiga si le pasó algo devastador esa noche.
La Polla Records, una de las bandas más legendarias del punk, regresa para decir adiós. Con motivo de la gira definitiva del grupo, su vocalista, Evaristo Páramos, revive 40 años de historia desde su pueblo en Euskadi. Esta es la rocambolesca historia de unos aldeanos que revolucionaron la música enrabietada con unas canciones convertidas en himnos por sus miles de seguidores.
The orchestra concert of the TV Anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is a live performance on the various music used in the anime. Clips from the anime will be shown on a screen, allowing one to enjoy the world of the work.
Después de que su intercambio de parejas da un giro, cuatro amigos llegan a una playa remota para afrontar las repercusiones y dejar salir las verdades más profundas.
Ambientada en la década de 1980, Tolani Ajao es una secretaria de banco en Lagos, que se ve persuadida por su amiga Rose Adamson para ingresar al mundo del narcotráfico.
En la República Dominicana, el endurecido policía Manolo intenta acabar con un infame cartel de la droga; mientras tanto, su hija se ha enamorado de Lorenzo, un trabajador de la construcción que, sin saberlo, se ha visto envuelto en los tratos del cartel de la droga.
La famosa novelista Junhee se reúne con dos amigas y la velada parece estar cargada de cierta amargura. Una de ellas dejó la escritura para abrir una librería y todavía no le ha dicho a Junhee qué opina de su último libro. La segunda es cineasta y nunca adaptó el libro de Junhee, algo que tenían planeado. Aunque lo más desconcertante es que Junhee no ha publicado nada en un tiempo. En lugar de eso, ha empezado a cuestionar su enfoque literario y tiene dudas sobre la sensibilidad que ha forjado su estilo y su personalidad.
Julius, an eloquent young museum attendant loved by the people around him, invites his colleagues on a sailing trip on his aristocratic family's boat, but something goes wrong. Julius is not who he seems to be.
Three family stories intersect in present-day Rwanda: a mother tries to cope with the loss of her son, a young woman takes care of the ailing father she never truly loved, and a small-time criminal prepares his son for a life of living by his wits.
Six chapters describe the lives and perils of Thessaloniki’s Jewish community which was almost entirely exterminated by the Nazis in 1943. Past and present become an echo chamber in which the viewer experiences, aghast, the madness of humanity.
A hearing-impaired woman with dreams of becoming a professional boxer due to the pandemic is threatened closure of her boxing club and the illness of its ageing president, who has been her biggest supporter, push her to the limit.
A suicidal teen develops a candid rapport with the student from Shanghai assigned to watch her in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions quickly expands the boundaries of their relationship and alters their inner chemistry.
Young women, Austrian style. Yesmin is Kurdish and wears a headscarf. She shoots a cheeky burqa video with Bella and Nati which makes the trio famous in the Muslim community. Controversy and alienation ensue. Immediate, exuberantly introverted cinema.
Kerstin is in great pain. Her daughter Juliane wants to help her die, but the law forbids it. Jessica Krummacher’s second feature describes the most important of events via tiny details that stay with us and get under our skin.