Gabrielle has just joined a prestigious news program. With no formal training, she must prove herself and find her place among an experienced team of special correspondents. In the heat of the action, she will learn the language and the code of these reporters, who are always passionate, often funny, and sometimes scarred by life and their profession. And then there’s Vincent, the program’s editor-in-chief, who she can’t help challenging...
In 1887, at a time when duels are in vogue in Paris, Clément Lacaze and Marie-Rose Astié meet. He's a charismatic master of arms; she's a feminist, far ahead of her time. Clément gets caught in a spiral of violence and decides to initiate Marie-Rose in the art of dueling. The two must work together to save face. How far will they go to defend their honor?
Sabri Lahlali
Sabri Lahlali, the assistant principal of a local high school, is ready to do anything to ensure that his son, who is about to take his high school diploma, has the ideal academic record. But he doesn't know how far his enterprise will take him.
Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
Moussa has always been gentle, altruistic and present for his family. This is the opposite of his brother Ryad, a TV presenter of great notoriety who is reproached for his selfishness by his entourage. Only Moussa defends him, who has great admiration for his brother. One day Moussa falls and hits his head violently. He suffers a head injury. Unrecognizable, he now speaks without a filter and tells his relatives the truth. He ends up falling out with everyone except Ryad.
Gad Elmaleh decides to leave New York and move back to Paris, to get baptized and become a Catholic. Despite his attempt to hide the truth from his Jewish family, Gad's parents discover their son's unconditional love for the Virgin Mary – and for them, it’s a nightmare! Determined to bring Gad back to reason and to his Jewishness, they turn his conversion into a battlefield - as Gad tries to make them understand by any means necessary that his sincere beliefs do not change his identity and the love he has for his family.
Cuando Abel descubre que su madre, Sylvie, que ronda los sesenta años, está a punto de casarse con un hombre en la cárcel, entra en pánico. Respaldado por Clémence, su mejor amiga, hará todo lo posible para intentar protegerla. Pero su encuentro con Michel, su nuevo padrastro, podría ofrecer a Abel nuevas perspectivas…
Ali Ben Attia
Rachel tiene 40 años, no tiene hijos. Ella ama su vida: sus estudiantes de secundaria, sus amigos, sus ex, sus lecciones de guitarra. Al enamorarse de Ali, se encariña con Leila, su hija de 4 años. Ella la arropa y la ama como si fuera suya. Pero amar a los hijos de otras personas es un riesgo que vale la pena correr...
Hubert Antoine
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
Jo Attia
París, años 60. La influencia de Madame Claude va más allá de la prostitución... hasta que una joven acomodada amenaza con cambiarlo todo.
Una adolescente se somete a un juicio tras haber asesinado a su mejor amiga. Durante el juicio, sus padres la defienden de manera inquebrantable. Sin embargo, a medida que su vida secreta comienza a desvelarse, la verdad se convierte en algo indiscutible
Es la noche de Navidad en Roubaix. El jefe de policía Daoud realiza la enésima patrulla por la ciudad en la que creció. Coches robados, altercados... En el cuartel, el novato Louis Coterelle trata de reunir información sobre su nuevo trabajo. Cuando se reúne con Daoud, el primer encargo de ambos consiste en investigar el brutal asesinato de una anciana. Sólo tienen a dos sospechosas: Claude y Marie, dos chicas alcohólicas y que parecen mantener una relación romántica entre sí.
José Nunes and Maxime Charasse are friends and minority partners in a struggling construction company. Faced with the need to protect their interests, they make a radical decision and find themselves bound by a dark secret.
José Nunes and Maxime Charasse are friends and minority partners in a struggling construction company. Faced with the need to protect their interests, they make a radical decision and find themselves bound by a dark secret.
Marco, husband of Charlotte
En una cena varias parejas de amigos deciden hacer un “juego”: cada uno debe colocar su teléfono móvil en el centro de la mesa y compartir con los demás el contenido de cada mensaje, llamada telefónica, correo electrónico, conversaciones de Facebook, etc. No pasará mucho tiempo antes de que este “juego” se convierta en una pesadilla.
A comedian's relationship with his family crumbles when his career begins to take off.
Bénédicte Meursault, una bombera, acaba de ser trasladada a una pequeña brigada del sur de Francia. Al poco tiempo tiene que entrar en acción, pero por desgracia, no encuentra a una de las víctimas de un accidente de coche. El hombre acaba en el hospital en un coma y quizá muera por culpa de su negligencia.
Saladin (voice)
Cansados de ser el chivo expiatorio de su comunidad, Ajar una serpiente y su amigo Pitt, el escorpión, deciden probar suerte en un cercano oasis habitado por la alta burguesía del desierto del Sahara y volver a encontrar a Eva, una hermosa serpiente de la que se enamoró Ajar locamente. Éste es el comienzo de divertidas aventuras que les conducirán a través del desierto en busca del amor y también a la búsqueda de ellos mismos.
Belle Époque. El payaso Chocolat (Omar Sy), el primer negro que trabajó en un circo francés, tuvo un enorme éxito a finales del siglo XIX. Fue también el primero en hacer publicidad, el que inspiró a otros artistas de la época como Toulouse Lautrec o a los hermanos Lumière participando en varias de sus primeras películas. Él y el payaso Foottit (James Thierrée) fueron pioneros en la creación de un dúo entre un payaso “Carablanca” y un payaso “Augusto” negro. Chocolat, cuyo nombre era Rafael Padilla, nació en Cuba hacia 1865 y, siendo un niño, se trasladó a Europa. En España trabajó como sirviente, limpiabotas y minero. El destino lo llevó a Francia a trabajar en el circo. Pasó de ser esclavo a ser un hombre libre, del circo al teatro, y del anonimato a la fama.
Belle Époque. El payaso Chocolat (Omar Sy), el primer negro que trabajó en un circo francés, tuvo un enorme éxito a finales del siglo XIX. Fue también el primero en hacer publicidad, el que inspiró a otros artistas de la época como Toulouse Lautrec o a los hermanos Lumière participando en varias de sus primeras películas. Él y el payaso Foottit (James Thierrée) fueron pioneros en la creación de un dúo entre un payaso “Carablanca” y un payaso “Augusto” negro. Chocolat, cuyo nombre era Rafael Padilla, nació en Cuba hacia 1865 y, siendo un niño, se trasladó a Europa. En España trabajó como sirviente, limpiabotas y minero. El destino lo llevó a Francia a trabajar en el circo. Pasó de ser esclavo a ser un hombre libre, del circo al teatro, y del anonimato a la fama.
Fausto y Nadine se reúnen por primera vez en los pasillos de un gran hotel en París, descubriéndose frágiles, solos y obsesionados con una idea de la felicidad que parece inalcanzable. Fausto es italiano, pero vive, o más bien sobrevive, en París, con la esperanza de que algún día la vida le ofrecerá algo mejor que trabajar como camarero. Nadine es una joven francesa de conmovedora belleza. Después de reunirse, perderán, se amarán y sufrirán.
Estamos en Vevey, una pequeña ciudad suiza, a finales de los años 70. Eddy Ricaart acaba de salir de prisión y se aloja en casa de su amigo Osman Bricha. Su trato consiste en que Osman acoge a Eddy y, a cambio, este se ocupa de su hija de siete años, Samira, el tiempo que su mujer, Noor, necesite para pasar unas revisiones en el hospital. Sin embargo, la víspera de Navidad, todos notan la falta de dinero. Cuando la televisión anuncia la muerte del riquísimo actor Charlie Chaplin, Eddy tiene súbitamente una idea: sustraer el ataúd del actor y pedir un rescate a su familia.
Scenario Writer
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
Sam Drissi
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
Gary es un norteamericano que llega a París, se registra en un hotel, deja por teléfono su trabajo y a su mujer, apaga su móvil y comienza una nueva vida.
Yohav Alon
Yacine is the veterinarian of the only zoo remaining in the Palestinian West Bank. He lives alone with his 10-year old son, Ziad. The kid has a special bond with the two giraffes in the zoo. He seems to be the only one to communicate with them. After an air raid in the region the male giraffe dies. His mate, Rita, won’t survive unless the veterinarian finds her a new companion. The only zoo that might provide this animal is located in Tel Aviv ...
Una ama de casa de Chicago se escapa a Santa Fe para competir en un concurso de danza del vientre.
Una pareja se encuentra de vacaciones en Marruecos, cuando de repente tienen un accidente en mitad del desierto. De esta forma se encontrarán heridos y sin ningún lugar donde hospedarse en busca de alguien que les ayude. Pronto descubrirán que lo que les está sucediendo no es casualidad y se unirán a un grupo de supervivientes.
Lucas Skali
Lucas and his team are after a gang of Serbian criminals using NATO-issued weapons. As the investigation leads him to Paris, Lucas attempts to reconnect with his estranged daughter, a young narc officer.
“La fría luz del día” nos cuenta la historia de Will Shaw, un joven norteamericano cuya familia es secuestrada cuando se encuentran en plenas vacaciones por España. Shaw dispone de pocas horas para encontrarlos, poner al descubierto una conspiración del gobierno y además encontrar la conexión existente entre la desaparición de su familia y los secretos de su padre.
Simon Weiss
Police commander Simon Weiss, head of the division that supervises Paris’s demi-monde, starts out on his nightly tour of bars, discos and strip clubs, making sure once again that the owners don’t bend the rules too far. Weiss knows he’s between a rock and hard place: it’s obvious that criminal gangs run rampant in his special domain, and even more obvious that they’re protected by higher-ups in the department.
In the summer of 1991 an elderly woman Ghislaine Marchal is found murdered in the basement of her home with the message "Omar M'a Tuer" (Omar has kill me) written beside in her own blood. Despite a lack of forensic or DNA evidence, her Moroccan gardener Omar Raddad is found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in a French prison. Shocked by the case, and convinced of his innocence, journalist Pierre-Emmanuel Vaugrenard moves to Nice to investigate, and uncover the truth...
Hugo Sartet
Samuel y Nadia son una pareja que vive feliz en París. Él trabaja como enfermero y juntos esperan su primer hijo. Pero todo cambia cuando Nadia es secuestrada bajo la mirada impotente de su marido. Para salvar a su esposa, Samuel deberá ayudar a escapar del hospital a un paciente que se encuentra bajo vigilancia policial. Y a partir de ese momento, empezará su particular cuenta atrás.
Después de perder su casa familiar en Argelia, tres hermanos y su madre se encuentran dispersos por el mundo. Messaoud se une al ejército francés en Indochina; Abdelkader se convierte en un líder del movimiento de independencia de Argelia, y Saïd se muda a París para hacer su fortuna en cabarets y salas de boxeo. Poco a poco, sus destinos se reunen en la capital francesa, donde la libertad es una batalla que se luchó y ganó. Secuela "espiritual" del aclamado film "Indigènes", del propio Rachid Bouchareb.
Cuando Rachel conoce a Vincent en el trabajo, decide invitarlo a una cena que comparten con sus respectivas parejas: Frank y Tery. Los cuatro tardan poco en hacerse amigos y en enamorarse locamente. Pasan el día juntos, duermen juntos y viven sin reglas ni remordimientos. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, el peso de la culpa y una sensación de confusión van ganando terreno en su conciencia. Los sentimientos se van haciendo oscuros y crueles. Ha llegado el momento de cortar por lo sano, de buscar nuevos horizontes, pero no es tan fácil.
A 14 year old boy, an ER doctor, a cop looking for revenge, a mother fighting for her children and a man distraught by the death of his wife see their destinies come together. As the doctor spends several days in a coma, events keep on happening and all will be swept by the shock wave.
Antoine Lahoud
Le Boucher
Una tradicional mujer inglesa y un africano musulmán buscan desesperadamente a sus respectivos hijos, desaparecidos en los atentados terroristas cometidos en Londres el 7 de julio del 2005.
Four friends - an oyster-farmer, an accountant's assistant, a restaurateur and a blue-collar worker - decide to take on a multi-national agro-chemical company with a turnover of EUR9bn and which has been polluting their region on a large scale. Having been awarded a paltry amount of compensation, they decide to seek true justice. They have however just 30 days to uncover vital new evidence.
Marek / Slimane
Marek, un agente de la policía judicial, pierde a su compañero y mejor amigo en el transcurso de una operación contra una red de narcotraficantes. Le trasladan entonces a un nuevo servicio, encargado de llevar a cabo infiltraciones. Tras recibir formación para trabajar de incógnito, Marek tendrá que infiltrarse en una banda de narcotraficantes que importa resina de cannabis en grandes cantidades desde España. El método de transporte empleado es el del "Go Fast", en el que coches cargados de droga atraviesan España desde el sur para dirigirse a ciudades francesas.
Christophe Abadi
A brilliant and neurotic attorney goes to Monaco to defend a famous criminal. But, instead of focusing on the case, he falls for a beautiful she-devil, who turns him into a complete wreck... Hopefully, his zealous bodyguard will step in and put everything back in order... Or will he ?
When a man & woman discover their spouses are having an affair with each other, they secretly plot to break them up and win them back
Messaoud Souni
Año 1943. Jamás han pisado suelo francés, pero ahora, por causa de la guerra, Saïd, Abdelkader, Messaoud y Yassir, cuatro argelinos musulmanes, se presentan voluntarios al ejército francés: van a alistarse para liberar a la madre patria del enemigo nazi: lo mismo que otros 130.000 "oriundos". Además de enfrentarse a los nazis, deberán sufrir la intolerancia y el racismo de sus compañeros, sus superiores y sus supuestos aliados. Olvidados por la Historia, estos héroes saldrán victoriosos en Italia, en Provenza y en los Vosgos antes de quedarse solos en la defensa de una aldea alsaciana frente a un batallón alemán...
Mirko and Stefan, Serbian refugees, move to the French Riviera. There they meet Maguy who lives in a luxurious mansion up the hill above Cannes with an odd group of friends.
A rookie policeman from provincial Le Havre volunteers for the high pressure Parisian homicide bureau and is assigned to a middle-aged woman detective.
Seis jóvenes problemáticos de las afueras de París llegan al lugar más recóndito de la campiña francesa, bajo la vigilancia de sus educadores. El juez decide darles una segunda oportunidad, por lo que tienen que demostrar su buena voluntad realizando trabajos de interés general. Pero entre que uno no para de hablar por el móvil, el pitt bull del otro, las plegarias de un chico musulman,... los adolescentes revolverán la vida apacible del pequeño pueblo.
Yoram Harrari
En 1984, miles de africanos procedentes de 26 países afectados por el hambre terminan en campamentos en Sudán. En una iniciativa de Israel y los Estados Unidos, se realiza una misión para llevar a miles de Judios de Etiopía a Israel. Una madre cristiana obliga a su hijo de nueve años a declararse un Judio para salvarle de la hambruna y la muerte. El niño llega a la Tierra Santa, dice que es huérfano, y es adoptado por una familia francesa sefardí de Tel Aviv, aunque crece con el temor de que se descubra su doble secreto: ni es Judio ni es huérfano, sólo es negro. Descubrirá el amor, la cultura occidental, el judaísmo, pero también el racismo y la guerra en los territorios ocupados.
Hugo Silien
En París hace varios meses que una banda de atracadores actúa con total impunidad, haciendo gala de una violencia poco habitual. El director de la Policía Judicial, Robert Mancini, les plantea la cuestión con claridad meridiana a dos comisarios: Léo Vrinks, jefe de la Brigada de Investigación e Intervención, y Denis Klein, jefe de la Brigada de la Represión de la Delincuencia: el que consiga atrapar a la banda le sustituirá y se convertirá en el gran jefe del 36, Quai des Orfèvres, sede de la Policía Judicial. Esto significa la guerra entre los dos policías, otrora amigos.
Ordo Tupikos
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
A young man has to return in Morocco to bury his father.
Artist/writer/director/producer Siegfried follows a street hustler/artist Sansa who makes his way from Paris to Russia using his street smarts. Sansa is charming and careless, living the bohemian life. His encounters are numerous, mostly with feminine characters, until he gets attached to an old and eccentric orchestra conductor who becomes a kind of father figure.
After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell Tina that her elease was only a clerical error. The two find they share things in common other than the judicial system, like a mutual interest in shoes. Carole allows Tina to crash on her chesterfield... Carole spots a pimp trolling for young girls at a café. Carole failed to put him away the last time, but now, with Tina agreeing to be the bait, she has a chance for better luck... The two find they complement one another well, like champagne and cassis. Carole needs to go to Annecy to crack a crooked casino case. Annecy happens to be Tina's home town... Written by David Carless
Frère Jean
Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets Stanislas.
Marshal Bertrand
Terminado el Imperio de los Cien Días (1815) y restablecidos los Borbones en el trono de Francia, Napoleón Bonaparte fue desterrado a la isla de Santa Elena, en medio del Atlántico. En ese remoto e inhóspito lugar, Napoleón librará una misteriosa e importante batalla que la historia no ha contado jamás. Alabado biopic con toques de intriga sobre la época del exilio de Napoleón (Philippe Torreton). Richard E. Grant interpreta a Sir Hudson Lowe, el encargado de la vigilancia del estadista durante su exilio
In 17th century France, cardinal Mazarin's death squad kills young Blanche's parents. She grows up to become a thief and steels a substance called Powder of the Devil and a coded letter that were sent to cardinal Mazarin. He is furious.
Cuatro criminales de poca monta se hacen pasar por deportistas de elite, apuntándose a un Raid que se celebra en Patagonia. Su verdadero objetivo es asesinar, por cuatro millones de dólares, a la capitana de su equipo: Léonore de Segonzac, una joven y rica heredera. La misión parece "pan comido". En plena selva y en una competición de deportes de aventura, cualquiera puede sufrir "un inesperado accidente". Sin embargo, la torpeza de estos cuatro delincuentes parece no tener límite.
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.
Nina is an unemployed actress who has just taken a lethal overdose of tranquilizers. Stumbling though the streets of Paris in a deathly haze, Nina collapses into unconsciousness. Fortunately for Nina, lonely Algerian Sami happened to jog by at just the right time. But as soon as Sami previously appeared, he vanishes back into the blackness of night, leaving the recovered Nina with no one to thank for saving her life. Determined to let her guardian angel know just how thankful she truly is, Nina discovers that Sami was once a promising long-distance runner whose dreams of Olympic stardom had been dashed, and who now scrapes by as a transvestite prostitute. Realizing that they've both hit rock bottom, Nina and Sami make a pledge to support one another to the point where they can both get clean and pursue their dreams before it's too late.
Dr. Jérôme Castang
Grieving after the death of her young son Joseph, novelist Betty Fisher enters a dark depression. Hoping to bring her out of it, her mother Margot arranges to kidnap another child, Jose, to replace the son Betty lost. Although she knows it's wrong, Betty accepts Jose as her new son. Meanwhile, Jose's mother Carole is looking for her son with the help of her boyfriend Francois and some of his criminal cohorts.
A young policeman of Moroccan origin investigates the murder of an informer. His investigations soon lead him to question his own past.
Apasionado por la hisotria de su pueblo ,Alún que trabaja como guia en el museo de los esclavos de Goré decide buscar descendientes suyos en norteamerica.
Samir "Luc Leblanc" (segment "Le Vigneron Français")
Twelve short stories about racism in every day life.
Le mec de la vedette
Yvan es un periodista algo celoso que comparte su vida sin problemas con Charlotte, una actriz. El problema surge cuando ella comienza a rodar una película con un actor famoso por sus dotes de seductor.
Agatha is a beautiful young woman from Romania who had a brief but passionate love affair with a French surgeon when he visited her country as part of a charitable medical team. Agatha has decided to come to France to rekindle their romance, but when she arrives in the city of Roubaix, she discovers he didn't take their relationship nearly as seriously as she did. With nowhere to go, Agatha is befriended by Mehdi, a cab driver who helps her find a place to stay. Mehdi is attracted to Agatha, and she returns his interest, but as it turns out Mehdi is already seeing someone -- Cecile, who is having an affair with Mehdi while involved with his close friend Marc. Hoping to move away from Roubaix with Agatha and start a new life, Mehdi gets a job as a bill collector, while Marc impulsively walks off his job and an angry Cecile gives him his walking papers.
A woman remains in an airport after her husband announces he wants a divorce, just before they are to board a plane for Argentina. Unwilling to turn to her sister and emotionally traumatized she makes the airport her home, making money by working as a prostitute. She strikes up a friendship with a café worker Marco.....
Summer 1969 on the Mediterranean coast. Paul and Vincent are childhood buddies. On a beach one day, they meet Alice and her friend Eve. After a series of memorable adventures, couples fall into place but not quite in the right order. Alice blossoms elsewhere, Paul marries Eve and Vincent weds Marie. The 70s are in full swing. Thanks to the pill, women's lives change radically, sexology is in, feminists's voices can be heard loud and clear but unrestricted and free access to abortion has yet to be attained. Against the backtop of a decade marked by sexual liberation, these three girls and two boys will cross each other's paths, love one another, split up and reunite.
A wood worker is trying hard to make his company survive every day... But a fire in his workshop leaves him in a lot of trouble when he realizes his insurer was swindling him - he does not have any insurance... That's when a crazy idea grows in his mind - he will need all his friends and their different talents to make it work...
Ali, an aspiring actor, works in a government-aided butchery, and takes a part in a cheap play, while his father wants him to start working in fruit trade. Ali pursues his long-lived dream of traveling abroad and flies to France with an acting troupe, where he starts living illegally alongside many other Arabs, and starts a life-changing experience that he won't remember fully until he returns to Egypt.
Ali, an aspiring actor, works in a government-aided butchery, and takes a part in a cheap play, while his father wants him to start working in fruit trade. Ali pursues his long-lived dream of traveling abroad and flies to France with an acting troupe, where he starts living illegally alongside many other Arabs, and starts a life-changing experience that he won't remember fully until he returns to Egypt.
Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants trying to find a place in the social system of Western Europe.
The central role of Louise is portrayed by Elodie Bouchez, who won a 1998 Cannes "Best Actress" award for The Dreamlife of Angels. When Louise has an encounter with homeless Remi (Roschdy Zem), they have a magnetic attraction, but she is already attached to illiterate shoplifter and pickpocket punk Yaya (Gerald Thomassin). Although allied with Yaya in petty crimes, Louise lives with her widowed father (Lou Castel), a devoted writer of fiction. After a Metro bum (Bruce Myers) tells her of his desire to see his young son, she plucks the kid, Gaby (Antoine de Merle), right out of school, making him the newest rookie recruited into their subway gang. Shoplifting in a department store, the young toughs escape the store's security guards by hiding in the ballet rehearsal rooms of the nearby opera. But does Louise really belong with the subway toughs, or is she just pretending? When she's arrested, Louise is forced to reexamine her lifestyle.
A los veinte años, Martin abandona su casa y se va a París, donde tiene la suerte de convertirse en modelo. Entre él y Alice, la hermana de un amigo, surge una apasionada relación. Sin embargo, Martin mantiene una actitud de reserva total con respecto a su pasado y a las razones que lo impulsaron a abandonar a su familia. Cuando Alice le comunica su embarazo, el pasado vuelve a dominar y a trastornar su mente.
The banker
A Private detective is hired to trace a woman who ran away and disappeared on her wedding day. The movie follows him and recounts the story of her life through her eyes and the eyes of those interviewed by the detective.
Rolando Colla made his directorial debut with this Swiss-French-Italian period drama about a Breton woman who disguises herself as a man to join a ship's crew during the 18th century. Rebellious 24-year-old Anne Bruneau is abandoned at the altar by her fiancé Yann. Unaware that Yann was drunk and fell down a well, Anne reacts to his absence by cutting her hair, dressing like a man, and signing on with a ship captained by a dwarf. When Yann learns what happened, he begins running south to Marseilles to rejoin her. Aboard the ship, Anne's disguise is discovered by the captain and the ship's doctor. With an Arab, she jumps ship, hiding with hookers in Marseilles while still maintaining her disguise.
Antes de morir, un célebre artista expresa dos deseos: que lo entierren en un famoso cementerio que está en la lejana ciudad de Limoges y que sus parientes cojan el tren para asistir a su funeral. Tras su muerte, su numerosa familia cumple la voluntad del artista. Durante el viaje se desatará un torrente de emociones entre los parientes que no se habían visto desde hacía mucho tiempo.
A group of young unemployed people from Le Mans (France) decide to create a new political party.
Tarek Timzert
This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory in Oran. He travels to Paris for a cataract operation. Marinette, his sister, and Belka, his friend and a recent immigrant, want him to return to France permanently. Friction develops between the two friends as Georges is pressured to sell his factory. Friendship developed between Georges and his surgeon, who as a French Arab has severed ties with his culture and country of origin.
A priceless statuette "Dancing God" is transfered from Africa to France. Scoundrels of all stripes are dreaming of steeling it. The most clever of them are trying to replace the original with the copy. Chases, adventures, breathtaking stunts, shootouts - life is not worth a penny, when the priceless treasure is on stake.
Fred (Vincent Lindon) is a former crane driver who was a victim of the closure of his factory. He takes care of the little boy of his girlfriend (Clotilde Courau), does the housework and sometimes goes to the job center but boredom is inescapable. One day, because he accepted to drive a truck for a friend to a warehouse, he's caught up in a vicious spiral that goes beyond him. It's all the more serious as shady men want to eliminate him an the police is on his back.
In the nightclub where she works, Carole is dreaming. She has always dreamed of leaving her rainy Roubaix, her heavy guys and her lousy prospects. She is dreaming of Goa, India, where she thinks she will soon move with her friend Nora... She is dreaming about this, when Nora wakes her up with a catastrophic face... Nora, her best friend, who also works at the Emergency, and not at the night emergency room as her parents believe... Nora is sure she is pregnant. From Olivier, a rich son of a local family who had promised her marriage and a mansion.... In fact of promises, he is quick to back out, and only Carole's presence of mind allows them to get money from him, price of his cowardice. A little money moreover, that brings closer to Goa...
Ahmed Raouch
Ser profesor en un barrio conflictivo de París puede entrañar ciertos riesgos, cosa que pronto experimentará Laurent, un profesor de Geografía e Historia que siempre estuvo en escuelas de provincia.
Es verano, Lola tiene veinte años. Un día se queda dormida en un autobús, se pierde y aparece en un mundo extraño, invadido por la música. Salas de fiesta gigantes, bullicio, gente que viene y va. Emir vive allí, incapaz de amar, atado a su hermano Ismael, como siempre ha ocurrido desde la infancia. Para retardar la separación, Ismael está dispuesto a inventar juegos peligrosos, la droga, el boxeo. Saida es bailarina. Ama a Emir y vive con él y con su hermano desde el principio. Por generosidad, ella le ha seguido en todos sus avatares. No le tiene más que a él y todo le falta, incluso él. Es la historia de esas soledades que se frotan unas con otras en el placer, el baile, la saturación de la música. Y así hubiera podido continuar. Pero Lola ama a Emir. Debido al deseo que siente por él, ella expone su cuerpo, -y, sin quererlo, el de los demás- a un calor olvidado...
Tras su separación de Anne, con quien comparte dos hijos, el pintor Philippe conoce en la calle a Justine, una mujer más joven que él, con la que inicia una relación. A pesar de que Philippe asegura que Justine ha sido su salvación, ella siente que no puede competir con la nostalgia de su vida anterior, mostrándose cada vez más celosa de su ex mujer y sus hijos.
Frédéric is arrested for illicit use of narcotic drugs. In jail, he meets he get up close with various sorts of people among which he looks for a role model as a 18-year-old boy.
Benoit has planned out his life. Unfortunately he has forgotten the military duty. After he is called to duty he tries everything to get around. He goes to a psychiatrist who gives him medicine against depression. As this doesn't work out he tries suicide. The story gets even worse as he is told by a military doctor that he is HIV positive. Benoit tumbles down into the drug scene. Then he goes to Italy and meets Claudia. Things seem to improve, but only for a short time...
Alice, fired from her job on an assembly line, leaves her boyfriend and provincial home for an uncertain new life in Lyon. There she encounters Bruno, a construction worker who's just been dumped and is severely depressed. Romantic possibilities ensue.
Dos hermanos que no se veían desde hacía muchos años se reúnen para cuidar a su madre, que está perdiendo poco a poco la razón y la vida. Mientras tratan de organizarse para cuidarla, la delicada situación de la madre los anima a hacer balance de sus vidas.
Un joven que sueña con ser actor abandona su pueblo natal en el sur de Francia para irse a París. Como es demasiado ingenuo y tiene poca experiencia, pronto chocará con la dura realidad. Se verá entonces obligado a olvidarse de sus sueños y a prostituirse para poder salir adelante.
Yan Kerrand