
Turn On with Kelly Nichols (1984)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 18M

Director : Lawrence Talbot


Kelly Nichols hosts this educational outing in which various beautiful women demonstrate assorted ancient practices and techniques pertaining to carnal fulfillment.


Kelly Nichols
Kelly Nichols
Klaus Multia
Klaus Multia
Tim Beckley
Tim Beckley
Jose Duval
Jose Duval
Taija Rae
Taija Rae
Brooke Fields
Brooke Fields
Chelsea Blake
Chelsea Blake
Sharon Kane
Sharon Kane


Lawrence Talbot
Lawrence Talbot
Phil Gries
Phil Gries
Harry Aaron
Harry Aaron
Ron Parkett
Ron Parkett
Executive Producer
Elise Howard
Elise Howard
Executive Producer
Randy Jetson
Randy Jetson
Michael Curtis
Michael Curtis
Associate Producer
Sandy Amsterdam
Sandy Amsterdam
Art Direction
Lawrence Talbot
Lawrence Talbot
Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
Sound Recordist

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