
Turn On with Kelly Nichols (1984)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Директор : Lawrence Talbot

Краткое содержание

Kelly Nichols hosts this educational outing in which various beautiful women demonstrate assorted ancient practices and techniques pertaining to carnal fulfillment.


Kelly Nichols
Kelly Nichols
Klaus Multia
Klaus Multia
Tim Beckley
Tim Beckley
Jose Duval
Jose Duval
Taija Rae
Taija Rae
Brooke Fields
Brooke Fields
Chelsea Blake
Chelsea Blake
Sharon Kane
Sharon Kane


Lawrence Talbot
Lawrence Talbot
Phil Gries
Phil Gries
Harry Aaron
Harry Aaron
Ron Parkett
Ron Parkett
Executive Producer
Elise Howard
Elise Howard
Executive Producer
Randy Jetson
Randy Jetson
Michael Curtis
Michael Curtis
Associate Producer
Sandy Amsterdam
Sandy Amsterdam
Art Direction
Lawrence Talbot
Lawrence Talbot
Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
Sound Recordist


Да, возможно...
Никогда не поздно вернуться назад… и, возможно, обрести счастье. Уилл Хэйс — нью-йоркский папаша, слегка за тридцать. Его развод в самом разгаре, когда десятилетняя дочь Майя начинает задавать отцу вопросы о его жизни до брака. Уилл рассказывает про свои взлеты и падения: соседка Эмили, лучшая подруга и родственная душа Эйприл, свободолюбивая Саммер… Три романа… три разбитых сердца. Майя складывает кусочки романтической головоломки, и ей открывается, что любовь не бывает простой… а Уилл понимает, что в делах сердечных никогда не поздно рискнуть еще раз.
Сексуальная революция
Фильм рассказывает о двух братьях. Младший - работает в полиции, у старшего - финансовые проблемы. Когда младший брат соглашается помочь снять старшему брату порно фильм, ему приходится совмещать службу добропорядочного полицейского днем с работой режиссером порно фильма ночью. И с каждым днем это становится сложнее и сложнее.
Экстремальное кино
Майк влюблен в лучшую девчонку в классе, однако ищет свою любовь в самых неподходящих местах. Чак потерял девственность со своей подружкой, и потом узнает, что она не прочь разнообразить их сексуальную жизнь разными вещами, включая домашних животных и карликов. Барри увлечен созданием совершенной девушки на своем компьютере а-ля «Невероятная Наука». Фред знакомится в сети с девушкой и идет к ней в гости, чтобы поиграть в ролевые игры, но попадает не к ней домой, а в совершенно другую квартиру. Матеус оказывается лицом к лицу с последствиями безумной вечеринки. Гриффин наполнен светлым чувством любви к электрической вагине. Все это происходит во время того, как ведущие ТВ передач говорят о проблеме подросткового секса.
Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job
Short film depicting a fictional educational film about fork lift truck operational safety. The dangers of unsafe operation are presented in gory details.
The Mystery of Marriage
The courtship rituals of animals and plants are compared to those of contemporary society, with educational and frequently humorous results.
Any Evening After Work
A man contracts a sexually transmitted disease, but is reluctant to seek medical help - until a no-nonsense lecture about the risks he is taking forces him to change his mind.
Don't Be Like Brenda
The brutally entitled Don't Be Like Brenda (1973) is an eight-minute lecture to young women, telling them not to be sexually promiscuous like the film's hapless heroine – although heaven knows, the promiscuity hinted at here is tragically modest. Poor Brenda goes all the way with a boy who does not marry her. The film is stunningly without any useful educational content on contraception and makes it entirely clear that the woman, not the man, is to blame. The film even makes her poor unwanted child suffer from a heart defect, so that no one wants to adopt the poor little thing – just to hammer the point home. (from: http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2009/feb/11/sex-education-films)
'Ave You Got a Male Assistant Please Miss?
A production of Oxford Polytechnic for sponsor the Family Planning Association, this is an unreservedly hairy promotion of the prophylactic in avoiding unwanted pregnancies. A wave of period details situate the film in both time and milieu. The culture of its audience, 1970s students, is evoked and displayed via a mattress on the floor, an ethnic rug, the kilim bedpsread, homebrew jars, denim clothes and by hair: long hair, facial hair - beards. The main actors are dead ringers for the infamous cover stars of Alex Comfort's The Joy of Sex, published the year before.
Two high schoolers are unprepared for the reality of parenthood when the girl becomes pregnant.
Whatsoever a Man Soweth
...made to educate and warn Canadian troops about the dangers of catching venereal disease. As the biblical title suggests, it is essentially a straight sermon, a form that its target audience would have found familiar both from church at home and during their military service. The protagonist is warned, is tempted to ignore the advice, is rescued in the nick of time by a well-wisher and is finally shown the devastating consequences in another that he has so narrowly avoided. (BFI Screenonline)
Trial for Marriage
A man feels so much guilt over being infected by venereal disease that he conjures up a personal trial over his own behaviour.
Vital true sex facts and scenes formerly restricted to medical books, this film was billed as an illustrated lecture on film.
Virgin School
Virgin School follows the emotional and physical journey of 26-year-old virgin James as he embarks on a unique four-month course for sexually inexperienced men in Amsterdam
Love & Sex in an Age of Pornography
Documents the shifts in contemporary mainstream pornography and its influence on the sexual expectations and experiences of Australian young people.
Birth of a Nation
A new teacher at a highly problematic comprehensive school feels that corporal punishment may just be inflaming the problems, and so begins to campaign against it.
Муж и жена: Образовательный фильм для супругов
Hosted by some unnamed escapee from a twelve-step program, Man and Wife, moves from anatomy charts and Asian erotic art into actual footage of two couples demonstrating nearly fifty different sexual positions.
The Right to Love
Priests who call sex education the devil's invention rage against the progressive doctor whose bigoted wife may regret when his teenage daughter comes home and wants an abortion. The subject of Mimi Pollack's only feature film was controversial. The model for Doctor Borg was the well-known Katrineholms lecturer Torsten Wickbom, who advocated modern sexual education in the school and family.
A Test for Love
In this dramatized warning to young women of the risks of venereal disease, Betty, a shop girl, pays a severe price for just one 'slip'.
Language of Love
A panel of real-life doctors discuss sexual hangups, misconceptions, personal prejudices and the ignorance of individuals when it comes to matters sexual. Using on-screen recreations, topics such as petting, contraceptives and sexual anxiety are addressed.
Откуда я взялся?
An animated sex education video for children based on the best-selling book of the same title. It tells the story of conception through birth in a humorous, sensitive way, answering all the awkward questions parents have found difficult to respond to in an informative and entertaining way