
Mole Man (2017)

He built a way forward from what others left behind.

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 25M

Director : Guy Fiorita
Escritor : Guy Fiorita


MOLE MAN follows RON, a 66-year-old autistic man who has spent the last five decades building a 50-room structure in his parents' backyard. Using no nails or mortar, Ron instead creates perfectly balanced structures from scavenged materials he finds in the woods outside his Western Pennsylvania home. When Ron's father passes away, leaving him living alone with his 90-year-old mother, Ron's siblings are left to figure out what's best for Ron - who has never been officially diagnosed with autism - when his mother can no longer care for him. In an effort to find the money to keep Ron in his home, his friends team up in search of a mythical mansion Ron insists lays abandoned in the forest. But will they be able to find it? And, more importantly, does it even exist? This is the story of an extraordinary life, a family, and the beauty of thinking differently.



Guy Fiorita
Guy Fiorita
Guy Fiorita
Guy Fiorita
Robert A. Martinez
Robert A. Martinez

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