
Belgrade 011 (2003)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 23M

Director : Michael Pfeifenberger
Escritor : Wolfgang Schmid


The film follows three young people from Belgrade, a city that offers nothing but pragmatism and not many life opportunities.


Mihailo Lađevac
Mihailo Lađevac
Vanja Ejdus
Vanja Ejdus
Ana Stefanović
Ana Stefanović
Radivoje Bukvić
Radivoje Bukvić
Boris Komnenić
Boris Komnenić
Goran Sultanović
Goran Sultanović
Aleksandar Gligorić
Aleksandar Gligorić
Russian man, Fyodor
Ljubinka Klarić
Ljubinka Klarić
Russian woman, Karina
Erol Kadić
Erol Kadić
Lena Bogdanović
Lena Bogdanović
Nenad Ćirić
Nenad Ćirić


Michael Pfeifenberger
Michael Pfeifenberger
Wolfgang Schmid
Wolfgang Schmid

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