Aleksandar Gligorić


South Wind
A story about Petar Maraš, a Belgrade criminal in his late twenties, whose one reckless move causes an avalanche of events that will greatly affect the lives of those around him.
Jana says goodbye to her band members, friends, ex-girlfriend and her family. They all share a feeling of regret saying goodbye to her, but also joy for her bright future in Michigan, where she's going on post graduate studies. Only her sister knows a secret, that Jana is not going away to study, Jana is going away to have her sex change. These are her two days to say goodbye to her life.
Parka Man
When a rookie operative's mistake costs the lives of his entire team, he's forced on the run and must piece together the truth by re-creating the events of the ill-fated mission with only the audio recording to guide him.
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.
The Life and Death of a Porno Gang
Marko es un joven director de 30 años de Belgrado. Tras no conseguir financiación para su primera película, conoce de casualidad a Cane, un director porno y empieza a hacer películas con él. Entonces se le ocurre la idea de mezclar porno y teatro, creando el primer cabaret porno. Pero a las autoridades no les gusta un pelo, y con el resto de la compañía deciden hacer una gira por la Serbia rural. Allí seguirán con las aventuras y descubrirán el mundo del snuff.
Kosovar Diary
Himself, the ex-soldier
Three ordinary people from Serbia go on a journey to Kosovo. A student, an actor and a journalist decide to explore this troubled place for themselves. The camera follows them during their journey and discovers the reality of Kosovo through their eyes. Each of them has different motivations: the journalist writes an article, the photographer takes pictures for an exhibition and the actor records his video diary.
Belgrade 011
Russian man, Fyodor
The film follows three young people from Belgrade, a city that offers nothing but pragmatism and not many life opportunities.