Gigot (1962)

A new joy has come to the screen... and the world is a happier place to live in!

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 44M

Director : Gene Kelly


A poignant comedy about a mute who befriends Nicole, the little daughter of a prostitute. Gleason shows his considerable talents as an actor without uttering a sound as he plays the bumbling, kind-hearted janitor, Gigot. Gleason wrote the original story and music for this film.


Jackie Gleason
Jackie Gleason
Katherine Kath
Katherine Kath
Gabrielle Dorziat
Gabrielle Dorziat
Madame Brigitte
Jean Lefebvre
Jean Lefebvre
Jacques Marin
Jacques Marin
Albert Rémy
Albert Rémy
Alphonse (as Albert Remy)
Yvonne Constant
Yvonne Constant
Lucille Duval
Germaine Delbat
Germaine Delbat
Madame Greuze


Gene Kelly
Gene Kelly
Jackie Gleason
Jackie Gleason
John Patrick
John Patrick
A.J. Russell
A.J. Russell
Jean Bourgoin
Jean Bourgoin
Director of Photography
Roger Dwyre
Roger Dwyre
Kenneth Hyman
Kenneth Hyman

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