Katherine Kath

Katherine Kath

Nacimiento : 1920-08-11, Berck, Pas-de-Calais, France

Muerte : 2012-11-17


Katherine Kath


Cruel Passion
Mme Laronde
Luego de ser expulsadas de un convento de monjas, dos hermanas comienzan a trabajar como prostitutas.
María, reina de Escocia
Catherine De Medici
Cuando Isabel I (1558-1603), hija de Enrique VIII y Ana Bolena, se convierte en reina de Inglaterra y cabeza de la Iglesia anglicana, tropieza con la oposición de los católicos, que consideran que la legítima heredera del trono inglés es su prima María Estuardo (Vanessa Redgrave), la católica reina de Escocia. Tras el triunfo de los protestantes escoceses, María se ve obligada a abdicar en favor de su hijo Jacobo, pero, poco después, comete el error de huir a Inglaterra, donde es encarcelada y procesada por orden de su prima Isabel (Glenda Jackson), que nunca dejó de considerarla una amenaza.
El club de los asesinos
Mme. Lucoville
Principios del siglo XX. Una intrépida periodista se propone desmantelar una organización internacional de criminales. Aunque su propósito parece descabellado y muy peligroso, la situación cambia cuando el jefe de la banda se enamora de ella.
El fabuloso mundo del circo
Matt Masters, un excepcional jinete, muy certero en el tiro con rifle, es el propietario de un circo que lleva su nombre. Desde hace años es el padre adoptivo de Toni, hija de un trapecista que murió mientras actuaba. Aunque Toni trabaja en un número del Oeste, su verdadera vocación es el trapecio. Durante una gira por Europa, el circo está a punto de quebrar, y Matt ha de buscar una solución para evitarlo.
Aliki My Love
Barry, a wretched playboy, expects to get rich from the legacy of an uncle of his, the king of roast meat sauce, but his lawyer informs him that the secret of the sauce recipe has been lost along with his uncle, and there is nothing to inherit except for a small island in the Aegean - called Eftychia - where his uncle came from. A hotel keeper, Richard, is interested in the island and plans to create a tourist resort on it, so the two men come hastily to Greece to arrange the sale. On the island of Eftychia they meet a beautiful young teacher, Aliki, and her mother Anna, who are determined to stop foreigners and tourist development from coming to the island. Aliki's beauty and charm seduce Barry, while Richard is enslaved by the wonderful cooking of Anna. One day while they are tasting her food, Richard discovers that Anna possesses the secret of the famous sauce, by which Barry can really become rich. Thus the island is saved, and everyone celebrates their unexpected good fortune.
A poignant comedy about a mute who befriends Nicole, the little daughter of a prostitute. Gleason shows his considerable talents as an actor without uttering a sound as he plays the bumbling, kind-hearted janitor, Gigot. Gleason wrote the original story and music for this film.
The Flamboyant Sex
24 hours in the life of three Swedish girls in Paris. Seduced by the excitement but short of money they earn a few francs as nude models in an art school.
Subway in the Sky
Anna Grant
Berlin provides the backdrop for this crime drama that centers on a military doctor falsely accused of dealing illegal drugs. Determined to prove his innocence, he escapes from the MPs and ends up holing up in the apartment his wife rented. He doesn't know that she has sublet the flat to a nightclub singer. When he finds out, he begs the singer to assist him. She is attracted to him and agrees. The doctor believes that his wife is behind the black-market dealings, but in the end, they find the real culprit.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
Yvonne Delbeau
American scientist Dr. Frank Smith is brought to Britain to help the C.I.A. There is a defecting East block scientist they want him to debrief. The commies are less than amused and set Dr. Smith up for a murder.
Seven Thunders
Mme. Parfait
Escaping British prisoners of war hide out in German occupied France.
These Dangerous Years
Mrs. Ruth Wyman
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Soñar no cuesta nada
Mrs. Fielding
Una chica pobre de Vermont recibe una herencia de su abuelo y se dispone a cumplir el sueño de su vida, viajar a Escocia. Conoce a un inventor, que la ayuda a encontrar alojamiento en Edimburgo, y a un noble local, que la confunde con una millonaria norteamericana...
París, 1928. Tras la Revolución Rusa de 1917 y, después de varios años de exilio, un grupo de súbditos leales al zarismo sigue buscando el rastro de la Gran Duquesa Anastasia, la única superviviente de la matanza de Ekaterimburgo (1918), ciudad donde los bolcheviques de Lenin acabaron con la dinastía de los Romanov.
A Touch of the Sun
A hotel porter is left a fortune but after living it up for a while he returns to his old place of work which is in financial difficulties.
Peril for the Guy
Anita Fox
Story of a group of children's successful efforts to bring to book a gang of oil men intent on stealing valuable invention.
Mademoiselle Nitouche
Celestin works as an organist at a girl's school. By day, Celestin is the meek and mild target of the girls' incessant practical jokes. By night, however, he is the celebrated composer of popular operas -- and the romantic vis-à-vis of a celebrated stage star. When schoolgirl Denise stumbles onto Celestin's secret, she threatens to tell all -- but only if Celestin refuses to escort her to the opening night of his latest opera. As a result, Denise falls in love with a handsome young soldier, while Celestin is accidentally shipped off to an army camp. A series of silly coincidences brings happiness to all concerned by fade-out time.
Tres destinos de mujer
La ribaude (segment "Jeanne")
Tres episodios: un hombre al que nunca vemos presenta a las tres protagonistas del film. Elizabeth, una víctima de la II Guerra Mundial; Juana, que hizo la guerra, y Lisístrata, que luchó contra la guerra.
Inside a Girls' Dormitory
Mlle Claude Persal
In a little town with a renowned college a female student is found after she was hogtied and strangled to death. Inspector Marco is assigned to catch the murderer.
Moulin Rouge
Louise Weber aka La Goulue
París, finales del siglo XIX. El pintor impresionista Toulouse-Lautrec, miembro de una familia aristocrática francesa, se apasiona por la vida de los bajos fondos parisinos y visita con frecuencia los cabarets, el Moulin Rouge, el Lapin Agile, el Chat Noir, etc. Para muchos de ellos pintará carteles; también pintará cuadros con bailarinas de cabaret como modelos.
Crimson Curtain
A witch in Macbeth
Bertal, a despotic and hated theater director, is assassinated before a performance of Macbeth in which he was to play with Aurélia Nobli, his companion and Ludovic Arn, her lover. The police arrive on the scene and the investigation begins. Suspicion first falls on Sigurd, an old actor who had threatened Bertal. But parallels appear between the characters in the play and the actors who play them.
Fugitive from Montreal
Pierre Chambrac, a French industrialist, and Canadian Paul Laforêt, two former brothers in arms, meet again by chance in Paris five years after the end of World War II. Pierre is engaged to a beautiful foreign young lady by the name of Helen Bering. He introduces her to his friend, which seems to trouble him. To his amazement, Helen and Paul disappear without notice. Pierre, who was beginning to feel jealous, sees his suspicion confirmed. He decides to fly to Montreal where he thinks the couple has taken refuge. Once there, he learns that his dear Helen is actually a criminal and that Paul is a policeman whose duty was to arrest her.
Thus Finishes the Night
A traveler
In the train that takes her back home, Catheine Beryl meets concert pianist André Fuger, a childhood friend of her husband's. The musician is both good-looking and seductive and Catherine soon falls for his charms. The two young people spend the evening and the following night together. The next day, a lost powder compact gives the affair away. At a loss, Catherine runs away from her husband but she has an accident. When she regains consciousness in her hospital bed, Catherine finds Georges, her husband, by her side, pretending nothing has happened.
Toute la famille était là!
Rita Barbara
Mr. Catignac, a pork butcher in Perigueux, plans to marry Victor, his son, to the daughter of a magistrate. What he does not know, for his son does it in hiding, is that Victor writes songs and has made his debut as a singer in a cabaret. To make matters worse, the young man has a mistress. When word of it leaks out, the whole family are outraged. One night, as Victor goes back home, they are all here, waiting for him.
The Cupboard Was Bare
The aunt of Alfred Puc, a meek tax-collector in Paris, dies while riding in a moving van. The driver, not wishing to be bothered by a police interrogation, hides her corpse in a cupboard before notifying Alfred. But the van is stolen. Alfred, being the heir of a rich lady, begins a frantic search to locate the missing van and the cupboard because one can't claim an inheritance if there is no 'corpus delecti.' In his search, he gets caught up in an underworld web and finds the body of a murdered gangster in his room. He finally locates the cupboard but promptly loses it again. But, wait, it isn't "finis' time, yet.
Le cavalier de Croix-Mort
Elisabeth D'Anthar cheats on her husband François with Simon De Chabre. François, who suspects something, surprises his rival and wounds him. Elisabeth 's sister, to save the situation, claims that Simon is actually in love with her and came to see her. They have to get engaged and Simon breaks up with his lover. But Elisabeth is not prepared to accept it, and she becomes the head of a gang of "drivers" in order to kidnap her husband. Famous Vidocq intervenes.
Captain Blomet
Returning from the cemetery where he has just buried his wife, Captain Blomet is on the point of committing suicide, when his valet reveals to him that the deceased had 17 lovers. Blomet undertakes to wash his honor in different ways according to his rivals.