
Free Floating (2006)

Género : Drama, Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 41M

Director : Boris Khlebnikov


"Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an ordinary provincial town like many in Russia, with just one kindergarten, one school, one factory. As a result, one grows up here never facing the alternative as to what to choose, for everything is preordained. Leonid is an ordinary lad who, like his peers, goes to discos, dances with girls and picks fights with the local riff-raff later. Everything is going well for him, as his life is totally predictable. But one day the factory closes down and he becomes disoriented. For the first time ever, he is to make a choice on his own and think seriously about what he would like to do...


Aleksandr Yatsenko
Aleksandr Yatsenko
Yevgeni Syty
Yevgeni Syty
Brigade-leader Roslov
Pyotr Zaychenko
Pyotr Zaychenko
Elderly man from brigade
Boris N. Petrov
Boris N. Petrov
Big man from brigade
Darya Ekamasova
Darya Ekamasova
Nina Semyonova
Nina Semyonova
Lyonya's mother
Tagir Rakhimov
Tagir Rakhimov
Poor man
Sergey Nasedkin
Sergey Nasedkin
Foreman Volodya
Vladimir Tereshchenko
Vladimir Tereshchenko
Vitya from works


Boris Khlebnikov
Boris Khlebnikov
Boris Khlebnikov
Boris Khlebnikov
Alexandr Rodionov
Alexandr Rodionov
Roman Borisevich
Roman Borisevich
Andrey Murtazaliev
Andrey Murtazaliev
Executive Producer
Nataliya Borisevich
Nataliya Borisevich
Line Producer
Shandor Berkeshi
Shandor Berkeshi
Director of Photography
Ivan Lebedev
Ivan Lebedev
Olga Khlebnikova
Olga Khlebnikova
Production Design
Svetlana Mikhaylova
Svetlana Mikhaylova
Costume Design
Nataliya Batova
Nataliya Batova
Makeup Artist
Raisa Molchanova
Raisa Molchanova
Makeup Artist
Maksim Belovolov
Maksim Belovolov

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El zorro Manivald vive en casa con su madre jubilada. El día antes de su 33 cumpleaños, un joven lobo viene a arreglar su lavadora. Un triángulo amoroso se desarrolla entre ellos.
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Kerosene Salesman's Wife
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The Adventures of a Good Citizen
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Engineer Prite's Project
1918 – Lev Kuleshov’s directorial debut. This work is extremely important not only for Russian cinema; it became a landmark in the history of the world’s cinematograph. For the first time a specific method of montage had been used in this film, which came to be known later as “Soviet montage”. Despite the fact that Kuleshov’s films had preceded many discoveries of Vertov and Eisenstein, his works are little known outside Russia. Among his students were Vsevolod Pudovkin and Boris Barnet. In the introduction to Kuleshov’s book The Art of Cinema (1928), his former students wrote: “It was on his shoulders that we crossed into the open sea. We make films – Kuleshov made cinematography…”