Tagir Rakhimov

Tagir Rakhimov


Tagir Rakhimov


A Portrait Of A Stranger
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
Convoy 48: La última resistencia
La colegiala de Leningrado de ayer, Masha Yablochkina, después de un feroz bloqueo de invierno de 1941-1942, llega a las vías del tren con la esperanza de sobrevivir y ganar fuerza. Desde allí, la niña es enviada a la construcción de la carretera Shlisselburg, que conecta la ciudad con el continente y está a la vista de la artillería alemana. Entonces, la heroína ingresa a la columna de locomotoras 48 de la reserva especial NKPS, que, a costa del riesgo mortal, tendrá que entregar el 75% de toda la carga y el equipo militar a Leningrado.
Big Village Lights
Fedya is 20 years old. He works as a projectionist in a provincial cinema called "Rodina" (Motherland), and tries in vain to pull in spectators. When the local authorities decide to transform the "Rodina" into a shop, there is only one way out: to make a successful film and thus rescue the cinema! But what is required to get a good box office? Of course, a star! Desperate times demand desperate measures, so the children kidnap a celebrity from a passing train. And this is not just any star, but Dmitri Diuzhev! Well, maybe he does not exactly burn with the desire to be filmed here, but it doesn't matter as long as they have enough ropes, gags and sleeping tablets. Then here is a desperate producer who has just been demobbed, a philosophizing wedding photographer and the karate-practicing actress Zhenya, with whom Fedya is secretly in love.
The Monk and the Demon
Fantastic story of the first half of the XIX century about a monk named Ivan who must fight the dark forces in his monastery.
Yuri, a 35 year old business man, suddenly one day finds his life is going nowhere and decides to become a professional cosmonaut. But the complexity and length of the training prove frustrating, and Yuri questions if he will ever reach his goal, until the accidental death of a fellow trainee suddenly brings him tantalizingly close to realizing his dream, but also close to losing everything.
El maquinista
Ambientado en la Siberia de 1945, Ignat (Vladimir Mashkov), antiguo héroe soviético, llega a una pequeña y curiosa localidad para trabajar como maquinista, allí descubre la pasión de sus habitantes por las carreras de locomotoras. Para ganarlas (y aconsejado por un amigo) Ignat embarca en la búsqueda de una locomotora abandonada en una isla. Allí conocerá a una joven alemana que se ha pasado toda la Segunda Guerra Mundial viviendo en solitario.
Na Oshchup
Его папа хочет стать президентом США. Дед и бабка — Брэд Питт и Анджелина Джоли. Он был слеп, а когда прозрел, увидел Андрея Малахова. Китайцы украли его отца. Единственный выбор для него — взять в руки арбалет и отомстить обидчикам. Откровенное кино от Юрия Грымова, где любой ценой побеждает любовь.
The Invincible
Yegor is a Russian special agent on a mission to Malta to catch Mikhail Shering fugitive. According to special services, Mikhail was in possession of documents of interest to both the government and the Russian mafia. Therefore, difficulties in bringing Mikhail begin and guns strafed.
The story of a young Chechen and his Russian captor during a war between Russia and Chechnya.
Plus One
After a failed marriage, Masha retreats to the sanctuary of her humble profession as a translator of serious literature. Financial difficulties force her to accept an offer to interpret during a seminar held by an English puppeteer.
Free Floating
Poor man
"Free Floating" is a melodrama with elements of comedy about a young lad from an ordinary provincial town like many in Russia, with just one kindergarten, one school, one factory. As a result, one grows up here never facing the alternative as to what to choose, for everything is preordained. Leonid is an ordinary lad who, like his peers, goes to discos, dances with girls and picks fights with the local riff-raff later. Everything is going well for him, as his life is totally predictable. But one day the factory closes down and he becomes disoriented. For the first time ever, he is to make a choice on his own and think seriously about what he would like to do...
The Stroll
Today’s twenty-something Russians are the first generation in the country’s post-communist history to have grown up free. Their twenties are the age of freedom, of fast-changing events and intense emotions. Perhaps only at this age they can live a whole life in one day. A young girl and her two accident companions walk halfway around St.-Petersburg; they flirt and tease each other, and for ninety minutes they act out a real-time romantic drama. This stroll is full of laughter and tears against a backdrop of the hustle and bustle of the streets.
The Policemen and the Thieves
Afghan Breakdown
During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.